Re: Linux Linux users are like vegans
When people are so stuck-in-their-ways and resistant to change that even when they know they are suffering and there is a better alternative, they won't try the alternative - It's because of a fear of the unknown, fear of looking stupid, etc. They get very irate when someone tries to convince them about an alternative lifestyle, as if it's an assault on their identity.
I'm like you - I like my red meat, and i'm apparently happy to die at the 'normal' age from heart attack/cancer/stroke, and I fully understand the impact that meat production has on the world, and that farming is unsustainable etc.
And yet, it irks me when some smug vegan comes along and tells me the Error of my Ways. I KNOW all of that, but apparently my brain is preconditioned to think that juicy steaks are tasty. And to agree with the vegan and change my ways is to agree that my pre-conditioned brain is stupid and a parasite on the world.
But, at least I run Linux, and have done so for 20 years (debian sid all the way), so at least i'm not feeding that monster that is microsoft any more.
And secretly I hope that someone could help me improve myself in various ways, without insulting my past self too much.
So there you go. If you did try Linux years ago and found that it wasn't for you: Try it again. Much has changed. KDE is really fucking good these days. Game support is awesome via steam & proton. Wine runs the vast majority of windows apps, those that don't there are workarounds for, especially if you are not afraid to ask.
The best thing about Linux is that the software works for YOU, not for someone else. It isn't spying on you, it isn't trying to monetise you by nudging you towards sponsored thoughts. It doesn't foist things on you that you haven't asked for. It does exactly what you command it to. And there is always a way around any problem.
But if you're a seasoned Active Directory admin, .NET developer or HR exec, then I'm sorry but there's no way to save you. You're going straight to Hell.