Phoning it in
So, UK's had laws and the detailed bashed out in case law by the British courts and judiciary, with the case law being there open and clear and argued over.
Then it went the regulator route, the laws were vague and the details handed over to individual regulator decisions. Now the details are in th regulators head, but at least the regulator is British operating under British jurisdiction. The choices they make, them and their families have to live with.
To this, a New Zealand regulator, who is literally phoning it in from New Zealand, another jurisdiction.
"I look forward to the challenge of steering the organisation and the British economy into a position of international leadership in the safe and trusted use of data for the benefit of all."
So no privacy then.... *your* "data used for the benefit of all". I'm guessing a British privacy commission would be problematic, because he'd look up his own file and see the vaste swath of surveillance data accumulated on him, and might object. He'd also have to live with the consequences, not so a NZ'er, who can return at any time back home.
I'm betting, he will tell MPs that he plans to move to the UK for the role, and then will change his plans and stay in the NZ jurisdiction while making his decisions. Just a guess....