Multiple studies show that children learn just as much sitting on fallen logs as in an airconditioned sterile class room. Technology, as in Computers, are tools. They can help you get there like a car or help you smash your fingers like a hammer. It is all in how good the tool is and how it is implemented. I am willing to bet I can get any group of kids from a third world country, that does not remove the need for families, to a higher standard of learning and true knowledge than the best teacher you can find, attempting to teach children that are raised in any of the first world nations that have removed the need for families to get a retirement.
It works like this:
1) give everyone the ability to get a retirement, guaranteed, just work for 20 years.
a) they do not need children to finance their retirement
b) kids are now just status cymbals
2) give everyone the idea that getting that retirement is far more important than the kids you are raising
a) Job first kids second no exceptions
b) Belonging to the worker organizations is second kids third
3) Getting more benefits that other people pay for becomes a priority
a) I am not responsible for me, YOU ARE!!!!
b) sense I am not responsible for me, I am definitely not responsible for the kids
i) this is why we pay teachers, I AM NOT A TEACHER!!! I did not sign up for this!
4) Each generation gets worse
a) We learn what we live, and then we live what we learned. Only we get a little more extreme in our ideas.
5) No one is ultimately responsible
a) eventually we reach a point where we point the finger at everyone else
b) Fare becomes I win you lose.
6) A smaller and smaller portion of the population works
a) As more and more votes are for receiving other peoples money.
b) There is no reason to work, I simply get that check in the mail.
7)The public coffers go dry
a) as more and more are collecting the social safety net and fewer are paying into the Social Safety Net.
8) the public votes for more power for those willing to spend others money
a) again more votes from those that do not want to work, are scared they cannot work, wish to work outside the system and collect system money
9) Those willing to do so become political elites that cannot be voted out of office
10) I believe you will find this is all laid out quite nicely in "The Communist Manifesto". I do believe it is still in print.
You see in every country, though out the history of Earth, that has a social safety net we run into the same issue. But only to those covered by the safety net.
It happened to Egypt, Greece, Rome, Europe, Middle East, Russia, US, Mayans, etc.
First the government supports the elderly that did not have children (generalization only), children become status symbols. Those status symbols do not know how or cannot work. Then we support those unable to support themselves. Children grow up without an understanding of what a job can and/or will do for you, above a paycheck. These same children do not get the attention that a full time parent can give. Because again, I do not need them to retire. The group unable to support themselves grows tot he point that it is over 30% of the society. We have entered the me me society. Parents do not care what the kids do so long as the do not embarrass me. The problem is not mine, I am not responsible you are, there for it is your fault for making me look bad. There for my kids are perfect it is you and your kids that are causing the problem. At this point kids do not care because MOM and DAD do not care.