back to article Apple to let reader apps steer users towards out-of-App-Store purchasing following Japanese watchdog probe

Apple has said it will make a small but important change to its App Store worldwide after Japan's Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) stuck a probe into the US giant's treatment of so-called reader apps. Specifically, the iPhone goliath will, from early next year, allow these applications to "include an in-app link to their web site …

  1. Mark #255

    My first thought, on reading the involvement of the JFTC, was that this must be about Rakuten/Kobo.

    1. big_D

      This is about the likes of Kindle, Audible, Tolino, Storytel, Nextory, BookBeat etc.

      If I want to read a new book on my iPad Kindle app, I have to put the iPad to one side, get out my Android phone, buy the book, switch back to the iPad, wait for it to sync, then download the book. Very seamless, Apple, very seamless /s

      1. Mark #255

        This is about the likes of Kindle, Audible, Tolino, Storytel, Nextory, BookBeat etc.

        Maybe even Kobo, purveyors of eReaders and eBooks?

        Owned by Japanese company Rakuten, who also offer a streaming video service.

        One wonders why the JFTC would be getting involved...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Indeed, unlike the FTC, who famously regulates American companies fairly to prevent them from abusing their market position to eradicate competition.

          Or not.

      2. Roland6 Silver badge

        > I have to put the iPad to one side, get out my Android phone

        I switch to using Safari on the iPad, am I missing something?

        1. big_D

          The app is already installed and logged in on the Android phone, so I don't have to faff around with entering username and password.

      3. John70

        I do the same thing. So nice that apps can sync between devices.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We'll have to wait for a while to see the effects but I think it is a major change. The bulk of generated revenue comes from just a few app makers, and the difference in bypassing Apple's paywall will be worth it for those few and their customers. For the rest, it is not so clear.

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