Re: 10 meters?
I have (retrospectively) the same problem.
Logitech Trackballs are the dog's proverbials, and I've been using them since the Trackman Marble in the 1990s.
To be fair, I have never had a problem with the Trackmans or my current Ergo (apart from dying batteries), but the keyboards and repeating keys/missed strokes drive me nuts. It doesn't happen all the time, and since I got totally pissed off with Wi-Fi and wired as much stuff as I could it's been much less of a problem. I presume it's something to do with the Unifying Receiver working on 2.4GHz.
Also to be fair, my MS Sculpt/Surface wireless keyboards on Bluetooth were a pain, too - even more so, because they went into standby at the first opportunity, so when you next use them there is a significant lag in key pickup (i.e. you have to hit a key twice in many cases after a period of inactivity). And they, too, relished in sometimes typing a row of multiple characters for reasons best known to themselves.