back to article US officials, experts fear China ransacked Exchange servers for data to train AI systems

The massive attack on Microsoft Exchange servers in March may have been China harvesting information to train AI systems, according to US government officials and computer-security experts who talked to NPR. The plundering of these Exchange systems was attributed to Chinese government cyber-spies known as Hafnium; Beijing …

  1. skeptical i
    Thumb Down

    default setting is "share with world+dog"?

    "the default setting is to permit access to the data to other FBI personnel otherwise authorized to access the platform"

    So not quite your uncle and my neighbor, but given what is being accessed -- people's data, often procured without so much as a by-your-leave from those being searched and/or matched -- should not the default settings be the most restrictive, requiring one to consciously select to open the access a little wider? This seems to be a problem beyond Palantir, btw, as the rush to monetize any stray factoid on any interweb surfer continues and protections drop in the name of "ease of access", "keeping costs down", or "enabling innovation". A pox on all their houses.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother

    Another week, another leak

    I have come to dread the Security 'In Brief' posts that each week show up in ElReg's RSS feed.

    I've gone from an 'oh, no' attitude to a 'not again' attitude and I'm approaching a 'whatever' bottom.

  3. elsergiovolador Silver badge

    Blind spot

    though the Feds eased up just a little on that one.

    “Basically, if you haven’t smoked marijuana in the past three years then it won’t be an issue,” an FBI agent told The Register. “Any use of certain other hard drugs will bar you from joining; the three-year rule does apply to marijuana.”

    That's interesting. So they hire people with certain ways of thinking ("I'll never do drugs!", "I tried it and I didn't like it", "Drugs are bad m'kay", "I didn't inhale", "Drugs are for junkies and I am better than that") and closed or never exposed to some thought processes, which means they are unable to plan for variety of scenarios that people living "outside of their box" could come up with. Probably that's way drugs are winning the war...

    1. Blazde Silver badge

      Re: Blind spot

      You certainly can take drugs and work for the FBI though, you just need to apply through the CI programme.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Blind spot

      "Take only those drugs prescribed by your boss or supervisor."

      From one of Jello Biafra's spoken word pieces, I think, sorry I can not recall which one.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Exchange in the Cloud...

    Other peoples computers you have no control or security over

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