back to article Gartner predicts surge in government IT spending in post-pandemic catch-up

Gartner is forecasting that governments the world over will splash more than half a trillion dollars on IT next year, a year-on-year growth in spending of 6.5 per cent. The analyst and research organisation said public sector IT budgets would hit $557.3bn in 2022, 64 per cent of which would go on IT services and software to …

  1. steamnut


    Do companies really need to pay for this latest report when the prediction is bl**ding obvious? This they can have for free: Due to a chip shortage there will be hike in prices as well.

    1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

      Re: Really?

      k i c k b a c k s

  2. Tron Silver badge

    I would question this.

    Since when did moving a service on to wobbly, hackable tech make anything more resilient? It just means Glorious Leaders can spy on us all more easily.

  3. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    Government opened a new tender. They received 3 offers. Two big corporations and one small business.

    Small business offered to do it for £1m, "Big Co A" for £5m and the "Big Co B" for a £16m - which caught an eye, so they got invited for an interview.

    - First of all, why £16m?

    - Well, £5m for us, £5m for you, £5m for "Big Co A" to keep quiet and £1m for the small business to make it.

    1. a_yank_lurker

      Re: BAU

      Boss Tweed would call this amateur hour. They should have paid off the other vendors before bids were tendered and doubled the prices and kickbacks.

  4. Pen-y-gors

    Pretty obvious.

    And we can be sure that many billions will end up with Honest Roderick's Kebab, Pizza and cloud services of Chelmsford

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