"That's our job."
China warns game devs not to mess with history
State-run China National Radio has called for a stronger vetting of online video games and zero tolerance towards those that misrepresent historical events. Citing a game depicting Chinese general and Song Dynasty hero Yue Fei, China National Radio commentator Zhang Keyue lamented that mostly teenage players could easily be …
Monday 16th August 2021 13:28 GMT ThatOne
> "That's our job."
True, but to play the devil's advocate once again, I have yet to see a government not rewriting, or at least reinterpreting History: Bad things are sanded down (or simply forgotten), good things are enhanced and embellished, and one's own political convictions gain a clear and strong historical legitimacy. All this looks and sounds just fine until you check another country's history book and you get that old Twilight Zone feeling: Oops, am I still on the same planet?...
History is the most fan-fiction-polluted science in the world...
Monday 16th August 2021 21:41 GMT very angry man
Re: More whataboutism
Cowards don't carry a lot of weight here, history never lies and the news is a factual account of what is happening out side your door, you can believe factbook in all ways, " don't go the window, don't open the door and go outside, stay at your computer, that's a good subject, stay safe , take your pills" everything IS ok.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 10:29 GMT Denarius
citations please
And there was I having learned it was mostly a revision of a two century old text from a learned dissenter objecting to doing all worship in Latin. See Prof FF Bruce, "The Books and the Parchments". This explains why KJV was old usage when it was newly printed. Also, it is not surprising that cultures use their current understandings of society and experience in their translation of other languages and sometimes unfamiliar concepts. I was around a discussion finding a way to express Good Shepherd to a tribe that only knew of cattle. Good Stockman worked well enough.
Thursday 19th August 2021 01:34 GMT gandalfcn
Re: citations please
The translators didn't even reference original MSS. James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology of, and reflect the episcopal structure of, the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.
The translators made no first-hand study of ancient manuscript sources, even those that, like the Codex Bezae, would have been readily available to them.
“they indicate a difference between the literal original language reading and that in the translators' preferred recent Latin versions”
“For the Old Testament, the translators used a text originating in the editions of the Hebrew Rabbinic Bible by Daniel Bomberg (1524/5), but adjusted this to conform to the Greek LXX or Latin Vulgate”
Monday 16th August 2021 05:44 GMT Anonymous Coward
Winnie the Pooh is historic...
Does that mean we can now show Mr. Pooh once again? Or report the facts about all those "incidents" that you previously swept under the rug to avoid international scrutiny? Or-
*Post goes blank & is replaced by friendly green Chinese characters that read "Nothing to see here. Please move along."*
Tuesday 17th August 2021 05:31 GMT gandalfcn
Re: Winnie the Pooh is historic...
"the Republican National Committee (RNC) removed a page from its website that touted the Trump administration’s peace deal with the Taliban."
"Rudy Giuliani reportedly told the FBI that he was “under no obligation to tell the truth” while campaigning for Donald Trump"
"Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde ... "You know, if you didn't know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.""
Monday 16th August 2021 22:48 GMT John Brown (no body)
"it was just a peaceful protest with nothing to see....."
A BBC reporter recently did a bit on the "Tank Man" photo in China. Almost all the younger people shown it had never seen it before. Older people on the whole also claimed to have never seen it and a few denied seeing it but looked a bit uncomfortable at having said photo thrust into their face.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 16:28 GMT adam 40
Tianenmen Square? When I were a lad....
... we had the 三年大饥荒
Only 55 million dead.
Thanks a bunch, chairman Mao (whose mausoleum borders said square...)
If you want to see some examples of "traditional" censorship, then visit Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum in Nanjing, and have a look at the friezes, and in particular, the blank areas where the faces of the nonconformists used to be.
Monday 16th August 2021 18:46 GMT Draco
Re: Good work for game devs, if they don't vanish
How can someone who never existed vanish?
As an aside: hallucinating game devs who never existed is a sure sign of mental illness. Fortunately, re-education centers have a long, proven, track-record in treating such cases. They are very patient and think nothing of spending 10, 20, or more years in treating your delusions.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 21:53 GMT DiViDeD
Re: Good work for game devs, if they don't vanish
The games will need a software update every time the Chinese Government changes the official record historical events.
Actually, the Chinese government doesn't chop & change history to suit the zeitgeist, 1984 style. They decide on the history and stick to it, come what may.
Now, whether it bears any relation to what actually happened is a whole other question.
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This post has been deleted by its author
This post has been deleted by its author
Monday 16th August 2021 16:00 GMT Cybersaber
Re: Factual Games
The first "anonymous coward" moved the goal posts i.e. gaming -> online gaming, children -> young children in an attempt to score points by first re-construing the OP's words more narrowly, then making a straw man argument.
FYI, being nasty as an "anonymous coward" is a good way to get booed via down-votes.
Monday 16th August 2021 08:53 GMT neoaliphant
Re: Factual Games
When with toddlers, use of tablet gamesand technology increases intelligence, coordination and spacial awareness, various studies have proven. Issue comes with balance, as games playing can give a dopamine hit, its very easy for those lacking enough dopamine balance - ADHD to get hooked.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 12:21 GMT Cliffwilliams44
Re: Factual Games
But they also decrease verbal skills as "no one is talking to the child!". This is also been theorized to contribute to certain Autistic syndromes as the child does not learn to properly communicate or socialize.
Using the screen as a baby sitter so you can go vegetate in front of Netflix is not proper parenting!
Monday 16th August 2021 17:37 GMT doublelayer
Re: Factual Games
"I'm quite sure that here in the West, it's strongly advised against letting the youngest of children use screens, let alone play video games, and really sure that is not how we teach them."
Then you're mostly wrong, wrong, and wrong respectively. People are often advised to reduce their children's use of screens, not entirely eliminate it. We're also not talking about the "youngest of children", but rather children of many ages. Videogames are very popular with children and always have been, and as long as their parents maintain restrictions on how much they use them, it isn't automatically harmful.
As for not being a way to teach them, you may be unaware of the many educational games which exist. I've seen plenty of teaching tools redesigned to be more entertaining, trying to get the children to voluntarily learn mental math. In my childhood, I had an electronic dictionary which had several word games on it, which was useful in that it taught proper spelling and grammar and, if the computer opponent used a word you didn't know, you could easily look it up right there. Lots of other games may include less teachable content, but will be a little useful (for example, it should help quite a bit with familiarizing children with computer interfaces which they will use later). This doesn't make all videogames an educational experience, but there are some which are used to that effect.
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Monday 16th August 2021 08:19 GMT Pascal Monett
"eventually misinterpreting the game's historical fiction as true"
It's a game, not a history lesson.
That is a stupid decision. It is also a demonstration that the Chinese governments wants its citizens to only think in the approved way. No leeway for intelligence, your brain will be stamped with the Proper Thinking Protocol.
Human beings do not function like that. We need evasion, fantasy, and alternate realities - especially when our lives are dull and dreary.
Putting the squeeze on gaming is just to give you a generation of alcoholics and drug users.
It's a bonkers decision, and the consequences will not be what you think, Xi.
Monday 16th August 2021 10:43 GMT Alumoi
Re: "eventually misinterpreting the game's historical fiction as true"
That is a stupid decision. It is also a demonstration that the Chinese governments wants its citizens to only think in the approved way. No leeway for intelligence, your brain will be stamped with the Proper Thinking Protocol.
Opposed to that, Western governments want their citizens to only think in the politically correct approved way.
Tuesday 17th August 2021 10:10 GMT gandalfcn
Re: "eventually misinterpreting the game's historical fiction as true"
"We need evasion, fantasy, and alternate realities" The USA has got that in spades. it's called Trump, the GOP and their slavish disciples.
"Putting the squeeze on gaming is just to give you a generation of alcoholics and drug users." you mean like the USA? Have you watched Trump Jr? Giuliano? Trumo oh "medication"? And what MJT is on f. knows.
Monday 16th August 2021 16:04 GMT amanfromMars 1
So what's new? It's a relatively ancient novel art although AI and IT have certainly transformed it
China National Radio commentator Zhang Keyue lamented that mostly teenage players could easily be influenced, eventually misinterpreting the game's historical fiction as true.
Oh? So? The Wacky Wastrel West has been using television and radio/audiovisual telecommunications since it was ever invented for that sort of remote virtual influencing* ...... spinning yarns for folk to believe for real ..... and it is quite effective ...... but far from perfect whenever the scripts don't match the views on the ground and the audience is smarter than the publicised performers/mass multimedia pwnd stars.
Has it done any great harm? :-)
* quite practical brainwashing
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 12:36 GMT steviebuk
Oooo was...
....someone mean to Winnie the Pooh? It appears if you even think of disagreeing with the CCP or tell it like it is, you're censored. Take YouTube for example. Make any comments about the CCP and you'll notice your video being demonetised.
It seems like the likes of YouTube, Hollywood and others are fine with the CCPs genocide of the Uyghur people, just as long as they can keep Winnie the Pooh happy, so keeping the Chinese market so they can continue to make lots of money.
Question is, does The Register censor?