Re: only way
Not quite, you would only have to have trained (thats unheard of !!!) and paid (outrageous !!!) personnel to do the now automated or outright outsourced/killed off jobs or even (blasphemy !!!) burn some rainforests worth of silly red tape.
Internet based processes and companies are not automagically better, only faster and in some parts less personnel intensive.
Wherever that speed is not needed (if there is any increase at all that is not already eaten up by mutating procedures, consultants and other forms of ineffectiveness) the traditional 1950ies ways may very well still work.
This might be comparatively work intensive but surely not down to caveman standard.
Decades have seen a technocratic approach, all that could be automated was automated, all that could be connected to the internet was connected and actually all that can be migrated to the big insecure vapourware tends to be moved there by clouded minds.
The question if the "modern" way is also the best or most efficient way is asked too rarely.