Re: Lets do the maths
Can you launch and install a payload like that with $3500? No, it wouldn't even pay for a tiny part of the fuel used to launch it.
So there is zero chance that such a system could ever be competitive.
They're not really meant to be. Don't confuse science/engineering with marketing. So there's been a lot of lobbying around 'Nett Zero', decarbonisation, subsidy farming and virtue signalling.
Sadly for most of humanity, there's been a lot of traction. So we're going to ban fossil fuels, gas heating and cooking and everyone will go all-electric! Which of course means either massively reducing the amount of energy we use, or increasing the amount we generate.
Politicians are kinda, sorta, slowly stumbling towards the realisation that this could be a problem. See also the UK's Ofgem announcing £150+ electricity bill rises blamed on everything but the true cause, ie 'renewables'.
So to support Nut Zero, taxpayers will need to give generously. Very generously. There's only so much money governments can print without rampant inflation, and energy costs are a fairly key component to inflation given it's an input cost to pretty much every economic activity.
So politicians, most of all probably have no idea how to change a lightbulb think 'renewables' are the solution. Done lots of those, energy bills keep rising. But no matter, throw some more money at the problem and it'll be find. 5MW windmill isn't exciting, 150GW solar panels in space, well, now we're cooking on photons.
And if say, you just happen to own a company that makes solar panels, satellites and launches stuff. Well, hand over the money, and Elon will save the world! Possibly after he's figured out just why suggesting an air hockey table in a vacuum would never work. Ah, Hypeloop..
But back to the article-
Heat, now that's a problem. 150GW deliverable power is a beast. Do the sums on conversion efficiency for gathering solar electricity and turning it into radio waves,
Actually, heat's a potential solution. Just need enough earthstations and the receivers would become the world's largest communal microwaves. Just the thing when your gas cooker's been made illegal. And like (or unlike) other large solar projects, there'd be less problems with 'streamers', and having to collect cooked birds. They'd probably just explode instead.
But.. slight snag with RF heating outside a vacuum.. Like it heating the atmosphere. Rather hard to avoid at those power levels, eg microwaves meeting atmospheric water. Which may have some positive advantages, like becoming a collosal ozone generator. Or the heating acting as a vortex or storm generator so 'extreme' weather events can be created on demand. Would also be rather handy for making reality match other climate model predictions, like ocean heating, arctic & glacier melting etc etc
But such is politics. TL;DR, it's just another part of the scam. Hand over a few hundred million (or billion in the case of carbon capture & storage) and keep taking the money for as long as clueless poltiicians hand it out.