Re: Return to Office
"...I imagine that if your role is task based then WFH is fine but when you're driving change in a business you really need to be with people..."
Nice ego you have there. Reads more as "when you need to intimidate someone to get your own way"
I've done many a project where driving change through is a requirement - by which I mean, driving change where it's generally opposed for various reasons. I've also found it is actually quite rare to have to force someone as opposed to explaining the situation/drivers/bigger picture, though yes, it isn't unheard of to have to say what amounts to "suck it up, buttercup - this is happening with or without you".
Of course, sometimes face-to-face over a coffee with C level bods can be the best way forwards as well but again that tends to be rare.
Teams works just as well (your choice of platform may vary) for those ad-hoc calls to replace the tap on the shoulder chats. I also find that meetings tend to run better over these as there tends to be:
- Much less time wasted at the start of a meeting waiting for the multimedia screens to be connected to
- Ditto waiting for people to dial in over the phone
- It's far easier to mute people when they refuse to stay on track
- Much easier to minute meetings as it can effectively be done in the chat or simply record the meeting if required.
See my post last week about the kinds of boss - treat the people under you well, with respect and enable them to get on with their jobs and worry less about where/how/when they do it as opposed to their results and amazing things tend to come from it.