Re: More mediocre software
Funny, but my impression of Slack is quite opposite.
When we started adopting it at $company (software development biz), there was a lot of pushback from the more diehard open source fans, ready to scarifice themselves on the altar of pidgin and other house-managed, libre solutions.
After a couple of months, 99% of the employees had voluntarily switched, and the sysadmins were ordered at gunpoint to shut down the irc server.
No software is perfect, but I personally found the Slack interface to be extremely well done and functional, and the app to be remarkably bug free. Yes, the desktop app is built on Electron, and it is a resource hog, but it is probably the best Electron app I have seen so far.
Sure, the interface has grown fatter over time, being currently cluttered with too many options and functions, but that's basically evolution of every software ever.
For some of my colleagues, the strong selling point were instead the myriad of integrations available.
MS basically store their lunch with a product which is vastly inferior, because of their monopoly position.
Teams interface is an unholy mess, trying too hard to be at the same time email / videoconferencing / calendar / filesharing / project management and failing at all of them.
Don't even get me started on how borked Ms idea of SSO is for anyone working as a conusltant and having to connect Teams to multiple customer's ADs...