fond ftp memories
In the early 90s, I worked at Data General. We engineers had just received Sun workstations, to use for schematic capture. No instruction, just dropped on our desks. We felt our way around SunOS, and discovered all the Unix tools, including nntp and ftp...and, for me, comp.os.minix. Because Unix was so much neater than Windows 3.1.
I spent a good bit of time downloading Linux floppy images of tsx-11.mit.edu and decwrl.dec.com. ftp was the way you did that sort of thing, pre-web. It was also how you got things like image and waveform manipulation tools, which you ftp'd off the author's host and compiled for your machine. No packages back then, and "open source" wasn't really a term people used. They just put the code up on their machines and you ftp'd it.
I used ftp recently to deliver design files to my PCB layout contractor. Still available on the Win10 command line...for that [almost] old-timey Unix feel...