Are THZ frequencies for use by Wi-fi or 6g or 7g cellular phones safe?
As we march steadily upward, and move higher and higher with the frequencies that are used for wi-fi and 6g or 7g cellular
phone systems, are those THZ frequencies we are moving to safe? While issues were raised with the 860 mhz frequencies used in
the original analog cell phones, I do think that the analog cell phones were safe. But the move to THZ frequencies could be very unsafe because:
- we are getting closer and closer to microwave or even x-ray frequencies
- we are sending larger and larger amounts of data to devices. And safety can relate to the dosage of these
frequencies we are being exposed to
I think that there should be massive testing done to find out how high wi-fi and cell phone frequencies can go
before they become unsafe. Testing should include dosage as well as frequency. When the maximum
frequencies that can be used safely are determined, then product development doesn't need to stop.
New products just need to use safe lower frequencies in different ways to achieve new goals.
Additionally, testing should include testing with birds and other creatures to make sure the use of THZ frequency bands doesn't
cause more creatures to go extinct.