Re: Trust? It Ain't Even Funny.
> I'd love a world where all peoples are trustworthy, selfless and competent. But it ain't the case and it never will be. Not everyone has the same agenda, and some people are just self-serving bastards.
> So, no thank you very much - your track record is appalling and you garner no confidence.
All this fuss over what NHS England/NHS Digital is *intending* to do.
I've been trying to get something done about HSCNI's (aka "NHS Northern Ireland") unlawful data sharing of patient data that has been occurring over the past 10 years. They picked "Consent" as the lawful basis and (ignoring ICO advice that "Consent" meant explicit consent) sent out leaflets to houses giving an opt-out deadline (I never received the letter). They have a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) governing all the participant organisations that all participating orgs are required to sign yet no GP Practice ever signed it (so GPs then sharing data daily without a valid lawful basis). They decided to change lawful basis from "Consent" to "Public Task" in 2019 but never finished the DPIA allegedly intended to cover this change (its still draft and they have "promised" me it will be completed by Dec 2021) and can't have made that change as there is no completed/agreed/signed DSA version for "Public Task". The most recent DSA version is from 2016 so isn't GDPR/UK DPA 2018 compliant. They added new participants to the data sharing but never revised the DSA to include them nor get new and old participants to agree to the (non-existant) revised DSA. They finally published a (still draft) Privacy Notice for the data-sharing a little over 2 years after GDPR *required* them to do so (and only at my insistance). That's only the half of it.
Trust? What trust? In this case pretty much all the Health Service orgs here, as part of this, have consistently been breaking data protection law daily for the last 10 years and are continuing to do so - all the Trusts, all the GP Practices, Dentists, Pharmacists, Optometrists, etc.
Lindsay@TheRegister has had the relevant info to write about this for the past 2 months but no sign of an article appearing so far...