back to article South Korean uni installs lavatory that pays out when you spend a penny

A professor at South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), presumably fed up with students at the university flushing their money down the drain, has come up with a system that manages to reverse that action. Cho Jae-weon, UNIST's professor of urban and environmental engineering, has created a …

  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Just don't ask for a refund


  2. Anonymous Coward


    > The eco-friendly convenience [...] uses a vacuum pump to send human waste to an underground tank

    Gravity gets everything to the tank just fine - the vacuum pump is to make the whole experience exertion free.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      Re: Vacuum

      Ooh, that really sucks...

    2. BGatez

      Re: Vacuum

      Yes? See how that works at your home.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How does it verify the "goods"?

    to stop students from only pretending to use the facilities when they don't actually have anything to "deposit"?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: How does it verify the "goods"?

      Smile for the camera !

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How does it verify the "goods"?

      Do they pay extra, or less, for sperm donors?

  4. elsergiovolador Silver badge

    Crapital Gains Tax

    If you stop hodling, you may be eligible to pay the laxman.

  5. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    How weird is that

    Within the last hour and a half, I had my septic tank emptied by a ginormouse tractor towed sucky tanky thing.

    Anyway, the main reason for posting is to observe that, post Brexit, the term "spending a penny" is henceforth to be referred to as "Euronating"

    So there.

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: How weird is that

      I hope they gave you lots of honey.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How weird is that

      "sucky tanky thing" - usually referred to as a "honey sucker" in most english speaking parts of the world (older generation only, perhaps?)

  6. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "Honey men" was one of the euphemisms for those who had the job of emptying the urban closets in the days before Mr Crapper popularised alternatives so Ggool seems appropriate.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just thinkin'...

    If the currency takes off, and considering the limit of 10 a day, you'll probably see the emergence of cooperative "mining", à la Bitcoin...

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Just thinkin'...

      that's a crap idea

  8. Zarno

    I wonder....

    I wonder if I could train the local Canadian Geese to use the loo, and what the payout would be...

    People have done it with cats after all.

  9. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

    QR codes?

    "Users of the toilet scan a QR code on the cubicle wall with their phones, which links to a digital wallet containing their Ggool balance."

    How so last century? Surely they should install Bluetooth beacons for the app. And then the bog could weigh the "product" and recompense accordingly, possibly on a sliding scale such that those taking a dump in the morning that they should have done at home, get paid less than those taking a more unavoidable dump later in the day.

    1. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: QR codes?

      Remember that they want as much crap as possible.

      So the real measurement needed is whether it was a #1 or a #2, as #2s are worth far more.

  10. fpx

    I hope the next version of the toilet will also deduct lots of Ggools if the user leaves it in unsanitary conditions.

  11. Arthur the cat Silver badge


    How long until Alphabet Inc's lawyers hit them with a trademark violation case? There's nothing lawyers can't crap on.

  12. ElReg!comments!Pierre

    Septic tank

    So it's basically a septic tank with a tracking API on top. Manure and methane are not exactly scarce resources, especially in densely-populated areas, but what happens with the water ?

    1. Libertarian

      Re: Septic tank

      Same as usual, You get to drink it once they have strained the lumps out.

    2. Martin an gof Silver badge

      Re: Septic tank

      It's not a septic tank at all.

      Septic tanks are just one step up from a cesspit. While a cesspit makes no effort at all to treat waste, must be emptied on a very regular basis and isn't allowed to discharge at all, a septic tank contains bacteria that performs some minor breakdown of waste so that liquids can be discharged at an agreed rate. Separated solids still need to be emptied, but much less often than with a cesspit.

      The bacterial breakdown does produce - among other things - methane, but no effort is made to capture this and it is usually vented to the atmosphere where it forms quite a potent greenhouse gas.

      What the university seems to be doing is biodigestion, and for somewhere like a university with the potential to capture "outputs" from possibly hundreds of toilets, that seems like a good plan.

      This is now being done at large scale in the UK, with many water companies passing effluient (if that's the right word) through biodigesters before final treatment, but the gasses produced are - of course - dangerous, as was proved at great cost in Avonmouth last year.


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