back to article OK, you're paying data charges in the EU, but you can still roam free in, er, Iceland

In good news for Brits concerned about hitting roaming caps the next time they visit the EU, the UK has sorted out that particular issue in a post-Brexit trade deal with Norway, Iceland, and, er, Liechtenstein. The deal, which was announced in June, is good news for exporters of Scotch whisky and cheesy favourites such as …

  1. Steve 53

    Mobile reception is pretty good actually

    Iceland is surprisingly good coverage. Even in the very underpopulated highlands we rarely lacked LTE

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: Mobile reception is pretty good actually

      Doesn't it all fit in one cell?

      1. Tomato42

        Re: Mobile reception is pretty good actually

        The Icelanding ring road (No 1) is over 1300km long, one cell definitely isn't enough.

        1. MOV r0,r0

          Re: Mobile reception is pretty good actually

          If you miss your exit it can be 2600km long!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Mobile reception is pretty good actually

      I was recently in Iceland, RG5 and as a customer of O2 I most definitely have to disagree. I didn't try climbing the shelves to experience the "highland" experience though

  2. Miss Config

    Roaming Charges ?

    are exactly what everybody who enthusiastically voted for Brexit was specifically looking for.

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Roaming Charges ?

      And "Duty Free" booze and fags

    2. jdiebdhidbsusbvwbsidnsoskebid Silver badge

      Re: Roaming Charges ?

      "it will be possible to cap the charges mobile operators are allowed to charge each other "

      So, only "possible to", not actually happened. And "cap" not abolish. Doesn't sound like anything really.

    3. Dave314159ggggdffsdds Silver badge

      Re: Roaming Charges ?

      Oh, grow up. Isn't it time to start dealing with reality again? People didn't vote 'for brexit', they voted against the EU and the extremely dishonest* campaign to remain.

      Stop blaming the voters, blame the incompetent cretins in charge of the Remain campaign. Even Labour have mostly stopped blaming voters for rejecting Corbyn, so can't Remain campaigners do the same and admit it was _their fault_?

      *More dishonest than leave? Maybe, maybe not. Certainly the two were very close, though.

      1. Miss Config

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        How honoured The Reg is to have Brexiteers flaunting the intelligence for which they are so famous.

        And to think anybody regards them as 'Sore Winners'.

        1. gandalfcn Silver badge

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          It's hilarious watching them try to rationalise the f$ckupfest that is Brexit,especially BoJo and the Wibblers.

          1. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: Roaming Charges ?


            "It's hilarious watching them try to rationalise the f$ckupfest that is Brexit,especially BoJo and the Wibblers."

            Except this doesnt seem to be the case (in my experience anyway). After remains failure to make a half decent case, their doom warnings being exposed as bull and the EU acting like the EU to the pandemic crisis there has been a swift quiet and lack of will to defend the utopia of light and hope.

            As per this thread is the usual crying losers with little to actually say.

            1. gandalfcn Silver badge

              Re: Roaming Charges ?

              Bess. You won, get over it. and now accept that you were lied to, knew nothing about the EU and are very, very gullible.

              Remain didn't make a mess of anything. the problem was the lying media, owned by non-doms and tax exiles but Brexiteers are too dumb to realise why they were fed lies. It was to protect the interests of those who don't pay tax but would have had to had we stayed in the EU. Why don't you tell the truth instead of blaming others?

              And they had the temerity to lie about taxpayers money and the NG]HS. and you swallowed it. Your money, not theirs.

              Your hero BoJo was fully aware of this but doesn't give a rats about you all he wanted was No.10 as was blatantly obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells.

              1. codejunky Silver badge

                Re: Roaming Charges ?


                "Bess. You won, get over it."

                You are aware I am replying to your crying comment. So maybe you need to internalise that 'get over it' bit.

                "Remain didn't make a mess of anything"

                Now thats a dull thud of a dumb comment. From a remain perspective providing the vote itself seems to meet the criteria of a mess. As a brexiter a lack of good reasons to remain and using the weight of government to directly threaten the population seems a bit of a mess.

                "Why don't you tell the truth instead of blaming others?"

                Blame who for what? I do blame remain and leave for varying reasons of various things but what specifically do you mean? And also what lies do you think you have spotted me tell? Exactly?

                "Your hero BoJo"

                And so another dull thud as you obviously dont have a clue about me. You might find I wasnt even convinced Boris would pull the trigger until he actually did it. That would be like me calling your hero Mandelson just because he is a remainer. Idjit

                1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  You obviously aren't aware I am replying to your crying reply to my factual piss take.

                  "the vote itself seems to meet the criteria of a mess". No, it was incontrovertible proof that those who voted fro Brexit didn't have a clue, as has since been proved innumerable times and as you are continuing to do.

                  " As a brexiter a lack of good reasons to remain" Thanks for yet again proving your total ignorance. If you so believe then you myst be very, very seriously brainwashed.

                  "and using the weight of government to directly threaten the population seems a bit of a mess." Oooooh. what a load of bollocks. you really are greatly deluded and paraoid.

                  The rest of your post is total bs.

              2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

                Re: Roaming Charges ?

                accept that you were lied to, knew nothing about the EU and are very, very gullible.

                OK, that covers the UK-based remainers. What about those of us who've lived elsewhere in the EU for decades, know exactly what it is like from first hand experience, and were delighted to see the UK make the move to leave? Even if we couldn't vote for it.

                1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  Just because you lived in the EU does not mean knew much about the EU ot that you are not very, very gullible.

                  Having been an expat for many years I have noticed that most expats and others residing abroad tend to know little about the place they are living in, especially the Little Englander and Ugly American types.

            2. gandalfcn Silver badge

              Re: Roaming Charges ?

              "their doom warnings being exposed as bull ".That alone is undeniable proof you don't have a clue, do you. The predictions were if the UK left the EU completely, i.e. a hard Brexit. That didn't happen and never will. Your lords and masters know this and that is why BoJo signed the joke of an exit agreement. The UK has become an international laughing stock, is that why you are so angry? That Brexit has exposed exactly where the UK stands outside the UK? Second in /europe to an also ran. Yell us how many places the UK has dropped in the world league? You can't blame those on Covd, can you? Or Remain. Just on the disaster that was V]Brexit, the les Brexiteers told and still tell, and the facts Remain told.

              1. codejunky Silver badge

                Re: Roaming Charges ?


                "The predictions were if the UK left the EU completely, i.e. a hard Brexit. That didn't happen and never will."

                Gad damn those goal posts run so fast. Come back. First of all we were guaranteed a recession if we voted leave on the day of the result. Didnt happen. Then it was because we needed to hand over Art50. We did that and still nope. So it was pushed to somewhere in the future.

                The punishment budget had no reason to exist other than a direct threat against the population. It was the exact opposite of what a gov should do to the economy especially with their doom predictions. Oops.

                Hell even at the start Cameron promised to demand important changes (damp squib) and he would support leave (he backed remain) if he didnt get them (he didnt).

                "The UK has become an international laughing stock, is that why you are so angry?"

                Pointing out you are wrong and not considering your ramblings to be clever doesnt make me angry, I am amused at what is left of the defence of the EU. There used to be commenters who at least had some clue. And its not laughter but its mostly at watching the EU flail around blaming everyone else for their vaccine screwup.

                "That Brexit has exposed exactly where the UK stands outside the UK?"

                I assume you mean outside the EU. And so far its been praised for being able to do what the EU has not. Deal with a crisis. Like last time!

                "Yell us how many places the UK has dropped in the world league?"

                No idea. Probably less than if it remained.

                "Just on the disaster that was V]Brexit"

                Based on the number of mistakes in your post I am thinking maybe you are the one who is angry. Dunno why, if the EU means so much to you why didnt you move to it? Plenty member countries to choose from.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  >>>Dunno why, if the EU means so much to you why didnt you move to it?

                  Even after "winning", the flag botherers are still trotting out this old chestnut? No wonder we're in such a pickle after all these years of empty promises and gammon appeasing. Besmirching our flag and nation with rampant bile as seen after last night's match. Disheartening in the extreme. Where is the promised path to our sunlit uplands, I wonder?

                  1. codejunky Silver badge

                    Re: Roaming Charges ?


                    "Even after "winning", the flag botherers are still trotting out this old chestnut?"

                    If its such an old chestnut then you surely can answer then? If the EU is such a wonderful land of light and utopia while the UK is some doomed hell hole due to brexit then surely the moaners like gandalfcn would move to the EU.

                    That you cant answer it and spout crap is probably why you posted AC.

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      >>That you cant answer it

                      It isn't even a question. Just another hoary old chestnut: Is that all Brexit types think about? Throwing everyone who disagrees with them/isn't like them out of our country? Can Brexit backers think of any new/real ideas to get the UK out of this mess? No they cant. (sic) It's just finger pointing and deflection. And will be for another 5 years. And 5 more after that. And so on. I predict another 15 more years of the same rubbish and it will still all be the fault of foreigners/The EU/Labour/BLM/The BBC. I will be long gone by then. I sincerely hope they enjoy their winnings somehow. For most people it will forever be, "Jam Tomorrow."

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?


                        "It isn't even a question"

                        Sorry if English isnt your first language. The question mark at the end of the bit you quoted is due to it being a question- if the EU means so much to you why didnt you move to it?

                        "Throwing everyone who disagrees with them/isn't like them out of our country?"

                        Who is throwing anyone anywhere? It is a very legitimate question for staunch remainers who believe the EU to be the land of hope and light while the UK is a doomed hell hole.

                        "Can Brexit backers think of any new/real ideas to get the UK out of this mess?"

                        We did get out of the mess. We left the EU. And just in time as its in another crisis.

                        1. Anonymous Coward
                          Anonymous Coward

                          Re: Roaming Charges ?

                          >>>Sorry if English isnt your first language

                          It's, "Isn't." And also, "Can't." And "It's."

                          1. codejunky Silver badge

                            Re: Roaming Charges ?


                            So if you do understand then you know it was a question and your comment was for stupidity? Assuming your the same coward who seriously misread my comment and claimed I said different things.

                            1. Anonymous Coward
                              Anonymous Coward

                              Re: Roaming Charges ?

                              Are you pointing at other's language skills when one's own are so demonstrably poor?

                    2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      So you have no answer, because you know you are a liar.

                      "surely the moaners like gandalfcn would move to the EU."

                      Firstly, stating facts and taking the piss out of lying Brexiteers is not moaning it is the antithesis. The ones moaning are you lot because you won but actually lost and can't cope with the reality.

                      As you know so much about me, pray tell us all from your lofty perch exactly where I reside? You don't have a clue, do you, but then your idiotic comment has been standard, pathetic drivel from Brexiteers for years

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?


                        "So you have no answer, because you know you are a liar."

                        The answer is we left the EU. You just dont like the answer.

                        "Firstly, stating facts and taking the piss out of lying Brexiteers is not moaning it is the antithesis"

                        To you it might seem like your taking the piss, and I would agree if you are a parody account (kinda like Titania McGrath taking the piss out of woke stupidity). But if you actually believe what you are posting I can only feel sorry for you.

                        "because you won but actually lost"

                        Lost what? The thing we actively didnt want? That does sound like a win.

                        "As you know so much about me"

                        I dont know anything about you except your a parody account or fanatical about the EU. Which is why I keep pointing out your assumptions about me are wrong because you really dont know me.

                2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  Bless. You are not only a bigoted ignoramus by also a Grammar Nazi to boot. Seems the three very often go together. If you care to read your posts you made quite a few mistakes but nobody commented on then, speaks volumes as to your insecurity and belligerence.

                  ""Tell us how many places the UK has dropped in the world league?"

                  "No idea." Given you are claiming the UK is now better off outside the EU that comment proves indisputably you are a blatant liar, doesn't it. Congratulations on being a typical lying Brexiteer.

                  "Probably less than if it remained."" Falls of chair in hysterics. One of the UK's big money earners was the City but because of Brexit Amsterdam took rather a lot of business away from the UK, as predicted. That loss alone proves you are a lying idiot. Haven't you noticed that commerce and industry in the EU and the rest of the world is leaving the UK behind?

                  An example is Stellantis. It invested 117 million euros in Vauxhall and the Tory press and the BoJo Mob were ecstatic, but didn't tell us what they had bunged and promised Stellantis for some reason. Meanwhile the same company is investing $35.5 billion in the EU and the USA. Note $35.5 billion vs. 117 million euros. There is a similar pattern wherever one looks.

                  "Dunno why, if the EU means so much to you why didnt you move to it?" Bless! Maybe I did you fucking idiot and I just like to prove what lying idiots you Brexiteers are.

                  Why don't you move to Russia?

                  1. codejunky Silver badge

                    Re: Roaming Charges ?


                    "also a Grammar Nazi to boot."

                    I have never ever been called that before, thank you. I am dyslexic and often cop remarks against my comments for my mistakes. If you consider me a grammar nazi you really must have difficulty. I dont knock people for having difficulty writing but I assume you are referring to your other comment (not this thread) where you tell me "Try learning English." while your comments are full of mistakes.

                    Its less of me being a grammar nazi as you acting like a child.

                    "Given you are claiming the UK is now better off outside the EU that comment proves indisputably you are a blatant liar, doesn't it"

                    Not at all. Its your unsubstantiated claim so I am still waiting for you to back it up. I did notice you posted such a response to Phil O'Sophical where you demonstrate how disingenuous your question was. Hence I didnt answer it.

                    "Haven't you noticed that commerce and industry in the EU and the rest of the world is leaving the UK behind?"

                    No. In fact it seems the UK is so far ahead in its pandemic response to now have downgraded the situation to epidemic and opening up vaccinated while the EU members have a variety of conflicting approaches (particularly those trying to attract UK and US tourists).

                    "Maybe I did you fucking idiot and I just like to prove what lying idiots you Brexiteers are."

                    Why would it make me an idiot to suggest you move to where you claim to want to be? And if you are there then why are your panties in such a knot?

                    "Why don't you move to Russia?"

                    Because I dont want to...

                    1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      A lying Grammar Nazi to boot.

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?


                        "A lying Grammar Nazi to boot."

                        I am guessing you realised how wrong your comment was. Or your remaining braincells just crashed.

                    2. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      "I am dyslexic and often cop remarks against my comments for my mistakes."

                      'Dyslexia is NOT a disease. It is an excuse for bad teachers'

                      It is in a national newspaper written by an Hitchens, so must be true. Something about "pseudo-science and quackery".

                3. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  codejunky "Dunno why, if the EU means so much to you why didnt you move to it?"


                  1. codejunky Silver badge

                    Re: Roaming Charges ?



                    And how does that apply? Seriously. Based on your link-

                    There is nothing disingenuous about my question as he is stating his preference for the EU and not only that but actively complaining about Britain after brexit. Now he states he is an expat which makes this conversation moot as it seems he has gone to where he would prefer to be (and so theoretically should be happier).

                    Assuming you are the same AC of accusing me of saying "Throwing everyone who disagrees with them/isn't like them out of our country?" then I have already explained how you are wrong and that I am not talking about throwing anyone out (appeal to force), only on acting out their preference so this example doesnt apply.

                    Sometimes a question is really a question. Often an answer can lead to further discussion. However if you read his comments that isnt his forte

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      Well, if you do not like such comments and down voting, you can always chose to remove yourself from The Register's comments section and go over to the Daily Express where you would find like-minded souls.

                      From the above similar example comment can you more easily understand what the problem is with such arguments? argumentum ergo decedo.

                    2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      T"There is nothing disingenuous about my question as he is stating his preference for the EU " There you go again. Lying. Stating facts may be construed by moronic Brexiteers as such but in the real world it is simply stating facts. That you refuse to accept such facts does not mean I have a preference for anything, it means you refuse to accept facts.

                      If Brexiteers stopped lying about how superior and world beating the UK is in every respect, honest people would have no need to tell you the facts, would we.

                      The problem is that you have a preference - to believe lies.

                      I would have preferred it if the UK had stayed in the UK, yes, but my stating facts is separate from that, it is just that I do not like liars.

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?


                        "I would have preferred it if the UK had stayed in the UK, yes, but my stating facts is separate from that, it is just that I do not like liars."

                        Step 1, present some facts. Hell you even call my simple question lying. How the hell am I lying asking you such a simple question? I dont even know how you could interpret the question, which isnt a statement, as a lie.

                        "If Brexiteers stopped lying about how superior and world beating the UK is in every respect, honest people would have no need to tell you the facts, would we."

                        Except I havnt been saying that and you havnt been telling us facts. You have been complaining lying and insulting but bereft of fact.

              2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

                Re: Roaming Charges ?

                Yell us how many places the UK has dropped in the world league?

                None. It's still in 5th place by GDP, Germany is the only EU country ahead of it. It's been in 5th place since 2014 when it was briefly in 6th place when France rose to 5th, then fell back.

                In fact it was consistently in 3rd place until around 1999 when Germany pulled ahead. No significant Brexit effect at all.

                1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  There are a number of indicators of which GDP is one. WELT says anything from 5th to 8th.

                  This House of Commons Library blog says 5th to 9th.

                  Other indicators out the UK as low as 10th.

                  In the 2013 Centre for Economic and Business Research predicted that Germany will fall behind UK and China will overtake US by 2028. The British economy grew at its fastest pace for nine years in 2014, but then fell die to the uncertainties arounf =d the referendum and then Brexit.

                  The UK was 5th in most indicators but has fallen in all of them due to Brexit.

                  The UK was and possibly still is 2nd in/against the EU.countroes..

                  The reason /i posed the question is that the vast majority of Brexiteers ( and that includes their leaders) have no idea of what they are talking about. You will note you responded sensiblu=y whereas the typical Brexiteers

                2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  Have you noticed that when you post facts you get downvoted, By the same two people. Rather teling.

        2. Dave314159ggggdffsdds Silver badge

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          If you have to call remainers brexiters, it suggests you're not dealing with reality. Like the leave and remain campaigns...

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        Well said mate, too many brainless remainers on here who think all out troubles are down to Brexit and nothing to do with shutting the whole country down for 18 months + !

        1. gandalfcn Silver badge

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          If your comment had any merit whatsoever then a;; other countries would be having exactly the same economic problems as the UK. They aren't.

          So thanks for once again for proving Brexiteers are as thick as pig shi1te and dishonest to b0oot.

          1. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: Roaming Charges ?


            "If your comment had any merit whatsoever then a;; other countries would be having exactly the same economic problems as the UK. They aren't."

            Damn! What universe are you in? Except the EU has vaccinated and looking to come out of lockdown (about bloody time) while EU members are very mixed in their opinions (depending if they rely on tourism).

            1. gandalfcn Silver badge

              Re: Roaming Charges ?

              Erm, The UK has dropped as an economic force both within Europe and globally you numpty. Damn! What universe are you in?

              "EU members are very mixed in their opinions " Same old same old. Your needle is stuck. Do you actually understand English? Probably not along with most other Brexiteers.

              Covid. Covid. Covid. That is all you have. What about all those who died because of BoJo?

              Yes, the EU has had problems but is rapidly catching up, but the Mail doesn't tell you that, does it.

              If,as you believe, the UK is doing so well why has it's economic position fallen so dramatically?

              If,as you believe, the UK is doing so well why has boJo signed such pathetic trade deals that have disadvantaged the UK. Remember, he said about the crap Aus deal something along the lines that it was just political posturing to fool the voters back home. Worked on you, didn't it.

              Damn! What universe are you in?

              If your comment had any merit whatsoever then all other countries would be having exactly the same economic problems as the UK. They aren't.

              Grow up.

              1. codejunky Silver badge

                Re: Roaming Charges ?


                "Erm, The UK has dropped as an economic force both within Europe and globally you numpty. Damn! What universe are you in?"

                Eh? The EU that is bending over to Russia? The UK aint doing that. Hell Russia slapped them about a bit for fun before Turkey left one of the presidents on a sofa. The EU still is behind in vaccinations due to incompetence while the UK is vaccinated.

                "Covid. Covid. Covid. That is all you have. What about all those who died because of BoJo?"

                Is this a 'dont mention the virus' moment because the EU failed badly? I do agree people died from BoJo implementing such a strict lockdown policy and should have gone more Sweden model. But as far as UK gov vs EU gov, had we remain we would have the same situation but without vaccine (EU procurement). In fact countries in the EU are trying to open up even without being vaccinated while the UK locked down until vaccinated. If you want to blame our gov for mismanagement then same applies abroad.

                "Yes, the EU has had problems but is rapidly catching up, but the Mail doesn't tell you that, does it."

                Dont read the mail. But catching up is what you do when your behind. Same as the global financial crisis where the EU was catching up after gravely failing.

                "If,as you believe, the UK is doing so well why has it's economic position fallen so dramatically?"

                Go on, show me your source. Lets see what your looking at.

                "If,as you believe, the UK is doing so well why has boJo signed such pathetic trade deals that have disadvantaged the UK"

                Disadvantaged how?

                "If your comment had any merit whatsoever then all other countries would be having exactly the same economic problems as the UK. They aren't."

                I really am wondering where you are getting your information. The UK is doing pretty well, look beyond its borders.

                1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  ""Covid. Covid. Covid. That is all you have. What about all those who died because of BoJo?"

                  Is this a 'dont mention the virus' moment because the EU failed badly? "

                  No the exact opposite you disngeuous twatwaffle. You are the one ignoring the full story about Covid as you do about everything. The government was responsible for all the deaths, The government was not responsible for the vaccines, that was scientists.

                  All you do is bang on about the vaccine. Endlessly, as if it was the BoJo that created it, whilst trying to pretend no-one dies because of their abject failures.

                  So you need to learn about hypocrisy. A novel idea for lying brexiteers as it seems absent their lexicon.

                  1. codejunky Silver badge

                    Re: Roaming Charges ?


                    "The government was responsible for all the deaths, The government was not responsible for the vaccines, that was scientists."

                    The government is responsible for the deaths? Within reason I agree, which also applies to every country with an unprecedented situation. The government also being responsible for facilitating the scientists and ordering vaccine. So within reason of blaming the UK gov we also do the same with the EU who failed miserably at procuring the vaccine necessary and then making the situation worse.

                    "All you do is bang on about the vaccine"

                    Again am I not to mention the most recent and still very relevant screw up of the EU? Which follows their pattern of dealing with crisis?

                    "you disngeuous twatwaffle"

                    I am seeing a lot of insults in your comments and they are amusing (not heard twatwaffle in a while). But if you focus on putting some valid content in your posts too that would be nice.

                    1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                      Re: Roaming Charges ?

                      "Within reason I agree, which also applies to every country with an unprecedented situation." Erm, yu seem to be avoiding the fact that UK had far more deaths than other countries die yo its incompetent. lying government. a bit like Trump and Bolsonaro, and that many countries had very low death rates.

                      "an unprecedented situation." Bollocks. SARS has been around for a while, the problem was that so many politicians treated it as "just flu". Like your hero BoJo who you keep trying to absolve of any blame. Some still are trying to claim it is "just flu".

                      The problem with the UK is that the Mail sees to decide g9vernment policy. You should try reading what it says and then what the government does. Including its catch phrases. Heeps the faithfull happy.

                      A bit like them pouring scorn on the England squad for taking the knee, as instructed by the Telegraph and Mail and their comments backfiring n them on Sunday with all the racial abuse.

                      Maybe the UK is at long last waking up to reality.

                      KInsults? No, that is normal speak from real Brits.

                      " if you focus on putting some valid content in your posts too that would be nice." You should try it. I do and get downvoted, as do others. Maybe you should stop lying and stop downvoting facts.

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?


                        "yu seem to be avoiding the fact that UK had far more deaths than other countries"

                        No it hasnt. As an absolute number we are 7th which is a worthless stat anyway as it ignores population. Per 1M we are 20th in the world. In Europe we are 15th.


                        "SARS has been around for a while"

                        At what point does that change the fact that we are in an unprecedented situation? This is a global pandemic in the modern world.

                        "You should try reading what it says and then what the government does."

                        To be honest I dont read the mail unless someone posts a specific link to an article and even then I look for another reference if I can find one.

                        "You should try it. I do and get downvoted, as do others. Maybe you should stop lying and stop downvoting facts."

                        You do get downvoted I see that. And I downvote some of your hilarious crap too on occasion. But your insistence that I am lying while not being able to demonstrate a single lie isnt facts.

                        1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                          Re: Roaming Charges ?

                          "To be honest I dont read the mail " Realy? funny that all your views just happen to coincide wtih the bs that the Mail/Express spews out.

                          I repeat

                          "You should try it. I do and get downvoted, as do others. Maybe you should stop lying and stop downvoting facts."

                          1. codejunky Silver badge

                            Re: Roaming Charges ?


                            "funny that all your views just happen to coincide wtih the bs that the Mail/Express spews out."

                            Again I dont read them so if you see similarities between what you read there and what I type I can only take your word for it.

                            "I repeat"

                            That might be your problem

                        2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                          Re: Roaming Charges ?

                          "UK had far more deaths than other countries"

                          No it hasnt. As an absolute number we are 7th".

                          Regardless that means that out of 222 countries the UK had more cases than most, in fact 7th out of 222 means nearly all. i.e "far more deaths than other countries""

                          The same for total deaths.

                          As for total deaths per 1 mn , the UK is 20th, i.e "far more deaths than other countries""

                          Tests per million - 10th. That is good.

                          i have been watching the "" for quite a wie, which is why I know the facts and why you don't.

                          So you lied. Again.

                          an interesting fact is that Indonesia and its people were sensible, they wore masks, social distanced and kept travel to the barest minimum. The Eid arrived Mid May and the Indonesians did a Brit. "I R have rights". Off with the masks and social distancing, millions travelling all over the country. Newed on say more?

                          1. codejunky Silver badge

                            Re: Roaming Charges ?


                            "in fact 7th out of 222 means nearly all. i.e "far more deaths than other countries""

                            You may need to reread my comment, or try to understand it. As an absolute number the UK is 7th, but it doesnt take into account the fact that we have more people. To try and make this simpler- if you have an island of 5 people and another of 5000 you will see a difference in the numbers. That is why the number you need to look at isnt absolute number of deaths but the deaths per million.

                            Also what is your definition of far more? Hopefully your not in one of those struggling EU countries, in Europe we are 15th per 1M.

                            "i have been watching the "" for quite a wie, which is why I know the facts and why you don't."

                            And yet you seem to be counting absolute numbers. For example today UK: 128,593, US: 624,214 in absolute numbers, yet per million we have almost the same. None of these figures taking anything else into account such as geography, response and even more importantly reporting methods!

                            "So you lied. Again."

                            How is it no matter how dumb your post you assume I am lying.

                      2. Anonymous Coward
                        Anonymous Coward

                        Re: Roaming Charges ?

                        yu seem to be avoiding the fact that UK had far more deaths than other countries die yo its incompetent. lying government.

                        The UK is in tenth place in Europe, well behind places like Italy, Belgium and Hungary. It seems to be worse than France, but since the French counted deaths differently (not counting deaths at home, for example) we'll probably have to wait 5 years or so and look at the overall excess deaths figures to get a true picture. In general it's the sparsely-populated countries that did best, unsurprisingly. Government policies had little effect except for the obvious outliers like Brazil.

                  2. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: Roaming Charges ?

                    Disingenuous Twatwaffle: They played the Marquee once didn't they? In support of the ANL.

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Roaming Charges ?

                The UK has dropped as an economic force both within Europe and globally

                No, it hasn't. Not at all.

                If,as you believe, the UK is doing so well why has it's economic position fallen so dramatically?

                It hasn't fallen.

                Grow up

                Ah, the cutting argument of someone who has no actual figures to back up their allegations.

                1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                  Re: Roaming Charges ?

                  I suggest you read y posts again.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          " and nothing to do with shutting the whole country down for 18 months + !"

          Isn't it all Jeremey Corbyn's fault?

      3. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        Bless!. Dave, I hope English isn't your first or native language. Or is it just that you are the typical lying Brexiteer?

        The fact that you had to bring Corbyn into it proves how dishonest and desperate you are.

        I didn't need anyone to tell me leaving the EU was insane and the fact that so many Brits didn't have a clue, and still don't have a clue about the EU speaks volumes as to the influence the right wing media has had on them.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          the fact that so many remainers didn't have a clue, and still don't have a clue about the EU speaks volumes as to the influence the left wing media has had on them.


          1. Miss Config

            Re: Roaming Charges ?

            slaps own face

            Of course. That other Brexiteer seering insight that both the Financial Times AND The Economist are 'left wing media' .

            Precisely the level of intelligence that actually DEFINEs Brexiteers.

            1. Dave314159ggggdffsdds Silver badge

              Re: Roaming Charges ?

              The FT has been notably left wing for decades, ffs. The Economist has always been left of centre, to varying degrees.

              This is the kind of completely pointless dishonesty that let pseudo-remainers lose a slam-dunk win. You lot prefer bigotry to actual integration, clearly.

              1. Miss Config

                Re: Roaming Charges ?

                What amazes me is your sheer cowardice in not accusing anybody ( or anything ) in this context of being a red under the bed .

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Roaming Charges ?

                "The FT has been notably left wing for decades, ffs. "

                Hilarious. But I guess that is kind of true if you compare them to the ultra-right-wing, Gammon-baiting hate-rags like the Express and Mail or their broadsheet cousin the Telegraph.

        2. Dave314159ggggdffsdds Silver badge

          Re: Roaming Charges ?

          "The fact that you had to bring Corbyn into it proves how dishonest and desperate you are."

          Eh? It's called a simile.

          "I didn't need anyone to tell me leaving the EU was insane"

          Nor did I. Nor did anyone. But then for some reason the Remain campaign started lying about the EU and Brexit, instead of sticking to reality, and that made people not want to vote for them.

          "speaks volumes as to the influence the right wing media has had on them"

          Oh, I see, you're completely insane. The Guardian isn't 'right wing media', you're just an antisemitic conspiracy theorist using very thinly veiled codewords.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Roaming Charges ?

      are exactly what everybody who enthusiastically voted for Brexit was specifically looking for.

      The real arguments for and against Brexit were political and economic. Anyone who made the decision based on something as trivial as "getting cheap phone calls on yer hols" is a fool.

      1. ICL1900-G3 Silver badge

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        No they bloody weren't. They were emotional tosh, intended to appeal to base instincts.

      2. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        Anyone who made the decision to leave the EU is a fool, whatever their reason.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        Political and economic reasons? Like, "BREAKING POINT!!!!" and "Turkey, Population 76 Million (Read: MUSLIMS !!!!!) is joining the EU. Vote Leave. Take Back Control."

    5. codejunky Silver badge

      Re: Roaming Charges ?

      @Miss Config

      Isnt Switzerland that other place in Europe that recently decided against EU membership?

      1. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: Roaming Charges ?

        Bless. there you go again. You claim "decided against EU membership" but the fact, not your lies, is it was a "cooperation agreement with the EU,"

        One day you may learn the difference between truth and lies. You are so dumb you cite things that prove you are a bigoted, lying twit.

        "To ensure Switzerland does not suffer discrimination as a non-member, Swiss legislation in many fields, including trade, has been brought into line with that of the EU."

        "SWI is the international unit of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC),"

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: Roaming Charges ?


          "You claim "decided against EU membership" but the fact, not your lies, is it was a "cooperation agreement with the EU,""

          It was an agreement to pull the Swiss closer to the EU, the Swiss rejected it and that impacts any possible future EU agreements and those already established as they expire. Technically not membership, just the same buggery they like to pull on members.

  3. Dan 55 Silver badge

    We're slashing red tape!

    What, all that red tape brought about by leaving the EU?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: We're slashing red tape!

      We're slashing red tape by introducing new rules that say you can't charge for roaming.

      The new rules are blue tape, or perhaps turquoise at worst, definitely not red

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: We're slashing red tape!

        Duct tape?

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: We're slashing red tape!

          You'd trust this government with duct tape ?

          1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

            Re: You'd trust this government with duct tape ?

            Only if liberally* applied when standing up to speak.

            *In the non-political sense.

          2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

            Re: We're slashing red tape!

            "Duct Tape", in the metaphorical sense is the government's #1 answer to any problem

            1. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

              Re: duct tape

              Only if said duct tape is also "oven-ready" and "world-beating".

      2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: We're slashing red tape!

        Blue tape, just like the new British Blue Passport, made in the EU

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: We're slashing red tape!

          I must say, I looked at that new passport (my son's replacement) and it's a wtf design. First, you have no less (well, fewer), than FOUR mugshots, including a pin-hole cam middle-of your face one (I kid you not) and a HOLO-one (save me, Boris, you're my last hope!). And then, the last page/cover is the Scottish thistle, but no f... red dragon to be seen, eh?

          Likewise, a new and improved EU-wide health insurance card, another brexit-means-brexit. Now it's "GLOBAL!" (well, you read closely and it's...EU, and some bits) and plastered all over with Union Jacks and, to make it 'high-tech', it comes with a holo-sticker on one side too. And people will buy this shit, instead of looking around...

        2. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: We're slashing red tape!

          @Fruit and Nutcase

          "Blue tape, just like the new British Blue Passport, made in the EU"

          I am amazed at how much of a sticking point this is for remainers. Almost like they are against foreigners or something. A kind of nationalistic look. A similar nationalistic outlook as the EU has come to think of it...

          1. gandalfcn Silver badge

            Re: We're slashing red tape!

            "I am amazed at how much of a sticking point this is for remainers." Try learning English. Rhat has been a problem all along with Brexiteers. Low reading age.

            "A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement:" The agreement to print said passports has been made, so there can be no "sticking point."

            Also, it is a piss take, it is mocking Brexiteers fro their stupidity.

            Why is it that Brexiteers are not only dishonest and ignorant but also semi-literate?

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: We're slashing red tape!


              "Try learning English."

              I am starting to wonder if you are a parody account or something. That you could type that with the excessive character substitution you have going on is amusing to me and I am dyslexic.

              "The agreement to print said passports has been made, so there can be no "sticking point.""

              It seems to be a sticking point for remainers who keep bringing it up as though its a bad thing. As I said it seems nationalistic and anti foreigner, and from remainers.

              "Why is it that Brexiteers are not only dishonest and ignorant but also semi-literate?"

              If you are a parody account you deserve a beer my friend for making me laugh so hard. If not then you probably shouldnt kill any remaining braincells with alcohol.

              1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                Re: We're slashing red tape!

                Thanks for yet again proving me correct. You really are a loser.

                The agreement to print said passports has been made, so there can be no "sticking point"

                Look up what "sticking point" means. Wait, I'll do it for you as you tend to lie about everything

                "A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement:" The discussion ended when the decision to print was made.

                Taking the piss is not a sticking point, it is taking the piss.

                Presumably you are trying to blame your wilful ignorance, lies and ingrained bigotry on dyslexia. Sorry, no takers. It may be a psychological problem though. Possibly a histrionic personality disorder but more likely narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism aka a troll.

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: We're slashing red tape!


                  "Taking the piss is not a sticking point, it is taking the piss."

                  Ahhh so your saying remainers are taking the piss when they are writing anti-foreigner posts. And that its not a sticking point that remainers cant get past passports being made in a foreign country but when they are complaining about it they are just taking the piss out of the group who is not anti-foreigner and doesnt care the passports are made in foreign lands?

                  And then you call me a lier, ignorant and a loser. How far does your parody account go? Do you also have a twitter where you post all your inane ramblings like Titania McGrath? You really do seem to have that persona down well.

            2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

              Re: We're slashing red tape!

              Also, it is a piss take, it is mocking Brexiteers fro their stupidity.

              It's only the remainers who get so het up about it, those of us with sense don't care, so who's really having the piss taken? Can't see the joke, can you?

              1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                Re: We're slashing red tape!

                "It's only the remainers who get so het up about it" Taking the piss is in no way getting het up. Pretending it is etc. is getting het up.

                You can't see the joke, can you? Taking the piss is a joke. Brexiteers are a joke, a dangerous one

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: We're slashing red tape!

                  Brexiteers are a joke

                  Well, since we did successfully leave that makes the joke on you.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: We're slashing red tape!

      With all the red tape ruining trade for UK businesses trying to still trade in Europe, whoever said this was surely taking the piss?

  4. TheProf

    I see no ships

    "The deal's cutting-edge digital provisions mean we're slashing red tape [and] making it easier than ever for our businesses to export across borders."

    Said well out of earshot of those small exporters who have crashed into the customs paperwork wall.

    1. Chris G

      Re: I see no ships

      Speaking of ships, Britain's ability to acquire financial gain from foreigners has dropped off considerably since we stopped sending out gunboats.

      Perhaps building a new post brexit navy and taking back control is the answer?

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: I see no ships

        There are the two new aircraft carriers. And the foreigners have been forewarned to be cooperative as otherwise they will get a visit from Boris in his BoatyMcBorisFace "Royal Yacht" which he has landed on the MOD budget

        1. Chris G

          Re: I see no ships

          Perish the thought of Boris going out on a boat to shout the odds at foreigners.

          He would probably award himself the title of Nauarch and quote old Greek battles at people.

          Only one of the carriers is allowed out at a time and has to norrow US Marines and some of their F35s in order to have a full compliment.

          Not exactly taking control is it?

          Add to that the fact that even relatively poor nations have stand off ship killer missiles and the bigger potential foes have hyper sonic long range nuke capable missiles.

          Carriers are virtually obsolete.

          Heavily armed, fast gunboats with stealth would be more fun for the navy.

          1. KBeee

            Re: I see no ships

            "Only one of the carriers is allowed out at a time..."

            Not so sure about that. Last I heard HMS QE had just gone through the Suez canal, and HMS PoW was visiting Gibralter.

            1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

              Re: I see no ships

              HMS PoW was visiting Gib...

              I think the Spanish still have their (Harriers) EAV-8B Matadors in service - may be they can land on PoW...


              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: I see no ships

                Nah. Both the UK carriers are marked "Parking Reserved for the USMC. (BOOYAH!)"

        2. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: I see no ships

          @Fruit and Nutcase

          "And the foreigners have been forewarned to be cooperative as otherwise they will get a visit from Boris in his BoatyMcBorisFace "Royal Yacht" which he has landed on the MOD budget"

          Wasnt it a destroyer that the gov threatened to send over to Gibraltar which made the Spanish piss their pants and change their aspirations of taking Gibraltar due to brexit? Seemed to work too. Probably because the UK was one of the few Military mights of the EU.

          1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

            Re: I see no ships

            No, it wasn't and they didn't.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: I see no ships

            Queue the usual wetdreams from people who've never done a day's service. Conflict nonces? Definitely flag-shaggers-style comments.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: I see no ships

            Is that the same Gibraltar that voted to stay in the EU by 96% on an 83% turn out? (But England told them all to shut their mouths and just do as they're told.)

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: I see no ships


              "(But England told them all to shut their mouths and just do as they're told.)"

              No, its the same Gibraltar that voted to remain in the UK territories.

              1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                Re: I see no ships

                Why are you conflating two separate things?

                On 12 July 2002 the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, in a formal statement in the House of Commons, said that after twelve months of negotiation the British Government and Spain are in broad agreement on many of the principles that should underpin a lasting settlement of Spain's sovereignty claim, which included the principle that Britain and Spain should share sovereignty over Gibraltar. Do you approve of the principle that Britain and Spain should share sovereignty over Gibraltar?

                Prior to the referendum the British Government repeatedly stated that it would not recognise the outcome. Hmmmmm. but they recognised a purely advisory one as an instruction. Amazing isn't it.

                Gibraltar is not part of the UK, but contrary to all other British Overseas Territories was a part of the European Union like the UK. It participated in the Brexit referendum and it ceased, by default, to be a part of the EU upon the UK's withdrawal.

                Remain a member of the European Union, 95.91%.

                On 31 December 2020, Spain and the United Kingdom reached an agreement in principle under which Gibraltar would join the European Union's Schengen Area.

                I suggest in the very near future the UK will negotiate fr Gib to be part of the EU. Or else.

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: I see no ships


                  "Why are you conflating two separate things?"

                  I dont. Hence my reply to the AC. Was that you?

                  "Do you approve of the principle that Britain and Spain should share sovereignty over Gibraltar?"

                  That is surely up to the residents of Gibraltar who voted to remain part of the UK.

                  "Hmmmmm. but they recognised a purely advisory one as an instruction. Amazing isn't it."

                  Not really.

                  "Gibraltar is not part of the UK"

                  First few words- 'Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory' source-

                  "I suggest in the very near future the UK will negotiate fr Gib to be part of the EU. Or else."

                  Or else what? If Gibraltar wants to remain part of the UK the UK will continue to tell Spanish ships to shove off when they break the international laws governing the territory.

                  1. gandalfcn Silver badge

                    Re: I see no ships

                    You really do have problems. don't you.

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: I see no ships

                AC "Is that the same Gibraltar that voted to stay in the EU by 96% on an 83% turn out?"

                CODEJUNKY "No."

                So there are two Gibraltars?! Wow. Thorny issue solved! Spain can have one, we'll keep the other. Get this person a Nobel Prize. Bloody genius!!!

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: I see no ships


                  "So there are two Gibraltars?"

                  Nope. There is the Gibraltar that voted to remain part of the UK and participated in the UK vote on membership of the EU.

                  Gibraltar could request to no longer be part of our territory and could join the EU/Spain if they wish.

                  "Thorny issue solved! Spain can have one"

                  Maybe the idea of Gibraltar making their own choice is nicer instead of just handing them off to a country they dont want to be part of. That is why when Spain pushes its luck we respond.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: I see no ships

                    CODEJUNKY> There is the Gibraltar that voted to remain part of the UK

                    Is this part of the 2 Gibraltars scenario where there is an alternate reality where Gibraltar is part of the UK and not as in our reality, a BOT? Gripping stuff.

                    CODEJUNKY>Maybe the idea of Gibraltar making their own choice

                    i think the England has already proved they couldn't give a flying fUK about what Gibraltarians actually want. Which is nice. According to some.

          4. gandalfcn Silver badge

            Re: I see no ships

            Why do you promulgate lies?

      2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: I see no ships

        I believe there are still some pedal boats in the Regent's Park paddling pool.*

        * Credit to Alan Coren and John Bird.

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: I see no ships

      Not just the Customs paperwork wall, there's also UKCA which duplicates standards testing costs for products sold in GB and that's before we even start talking about getting products into NI which is crazier still.

  5. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    NI protocol too?

    "The deal's cutting-edge digital provisions mean we're slashing red tape [and] making it easier than ever for our businesses to export across borders. Electronic documents, contracts and signatures will result in less paperwork, saving British firms time and money,"

    Brexit was a great success, it's kept the Tories getting re-elected which was the entire reason behind it. Now we're told that "Brexit is Done" but they seem to be still talking about it - in our world it's like saying, "The program is done, we've finished writing it" ...

    But we'll try compiling it next week.

    1. gandalfcn Silver badge

      Re: NI protocol too?

      Brexit will never be done as to do it would destroy the UK. BoJo knows it, the ERG knows it. everyone knows it other than the Gammon and Bovver Boy types.

  6. Chris G

    Mount Fagradalsfjall

    Has not erupted after 6,000 years of dormancy, the eruption is a new volcano that is one of several cones that opened up initially and all but one closed down.

    The one remaining since March has become a 200 metre cone that gives most of the signs of becoming a new shield volcano, although for the last couple of days has quietened down, it is named after the valley it is in, Geldingadalir.

    I am surprised the Smithsonian would make a report based on an article from another magazine (Gizmodo) without verifying the information.

    I have followed the eruption from the start as I have an interest in vulcanism.

    I have to say, I am exceedingly impressed with the bargaining capabilities of the Department for International Trade.

    I wonder if the deal includes favourable terms for the importation of Icelandic svið, a must try dish for any that go there.

    1. Lars

      Re: Mount Fagradalsfjall

      "must try dish ".

      Could one call that a no-brainer for any that go there

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Mount Fagradalsfjall

      To be completely pedantic...

      The volcano is called Fagradalsfjall (the Mount is redundant since fjall means 'mountain') which is one of several eruptive centres in the Krýsuvík-Trölladyngja axis.This eruption is called Geldingadalsgos because it is centred in Geldingadalir.

      The biggest cone as yet does not have an official name, but the nearby community of Grindavík will most likely be given the opportunity to name it.

      And just to keep Icelandic mapmakers busy, the lava field has yet another name - Fagradalshraun.

      All of which score about a million points in Scrabble.

  7. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    So you have to go to EU to actually get any signal?

    I am in London and often get no signal at all.

    On the other hand I receive much less spam calls.

  8. tip pc Silver badge

    What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

    Our friends in the EU have come up with a figure of £40bn that we owe them for that last minute deal British campaigners forced us into.

    what exactly have we got for that £40bn? that's a lot of phone calls etc.

    1. MatthewSt Silver badge

      Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

      Well Farage et al are still entitled to their pensions from their outstanding contributions as MEPs...

      1. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?


        "Well Farage et al are still entitled to their pensions from their outstanding contributions as MEPs..."

        Well earned and if I ever saw the man I would buy him a pint

        1. gandalfcn Silver badge

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          Given he was ainky absent from his Paid MEP work and told blatant lies it seems you are either as morally bankrupt as him or a total nibhead. Possibly both.

          1. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?


            "it seems you are either as morally bankrupt as him or a total nibhead."

            Damn with arguments like that I cannot fathom how remain lost the vote.

            1. gandalfcn Silver badge

              Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

              Yes, you did fail. Again. Given he was mainly absent from his paid MEP work (Fact) and told blatant lies (Fact) it seems you are either as morally bankrupt as him or a total nobhead (Logic). Possibly both.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          I bet Farage adores his simps.

      2. tip pc Silver badge

        Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

        He was an MEP for ~20 years. His EP constituency kept returning him when asked.

        That’s a lot of votes he got, likely against strong opposition.

        1. gandalfcn Silver badge

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          Not at all. /he had an anti-EU consistency.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

            Not at all. /he had an anti-EU consistency.

            He was consistent, all right.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          Farage got 39% of the vote as an MEP for the region. It's good, but hardly a sweeping endorsement of the man and his MEP grift. Admittedly a better performance than Tim Worstall though.

          1. tip pc Silver badge

            Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

            “ Farage got 39% of the vote as an MEP for the region. It's good, but hardly a sweeping endorsement of the man”

            While I agree abd haven’t looked at the stats, that left 61% on the table for other parties.

            The fact that someone with as much negative publicity as him got returned as an MEP for 20 years says something that can’t be ignored.

            The other parties clearly didn’t try hard enough, or the narrative espoused by the popular parties snd echoed in the media wasn’t resonating with voters, which is what we saw in Brexit.

            Thankfully some narratives never make much impact at the ballot box, things like Brexit did especially when it was a focused question.

            The Lib Dem’s promised a referendum and got what they asked for.


            Jo Swinson asking for a referendum there is a commons video too somewhere.


    2. elaar

      Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

      "What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement? "

      Which is the equivalent of saying "what do I get from repaying my mortgage?"

    3. codejunky Silver badge

      Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

      @tip pc

      "Our friends in the EU have come up with a figure of £40bn that we owe them for that last minute deal British campaigners forced us into."

      Erm that doesnt make sense. That £40bn is the figure racked up by being in the EU. By leaving the EU we stopped the bill at £40bn owed to the EU which would be considerably higher had we remained (and been forced into the covid recovery fund too, again GBP bailing out the Euro).

      "what exactly have we got for that £40bn?"

      The difficulty of answering that is a very good leave argument. Of course had we continued with brexiters negotiating that £40bn would likely be much less as we would be charging them for our share of the assets. But remainers kept claiming it was more like a gym, aka a waste of money you get nothing for but the membership put us in billions of debt.

      1. tip pc Silver badge

        Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

        “ Erm that doesnt make sense. That £40bn is the figure racked up by being in the EU. By leaving the EU we stopped the bill at £40bn owed to the EU which would be considerably higher had we remained (and been forced into the covid recovery fund too, again GBP bailing out the Euro).”

        As I understand it, the UK could not have to pay if it forwent the “deal”. The deal went hand in hand with the settlement.

        I understand the settlement is to do with paying the UK’s share of EU investments while we where a member but we lose all rights to those investments we continue to contribute to, the deal should have provided some access or equivalence for that continued payment, there is a zero tariff arrangement that excluded the city of London but it doesn’t permit lorry drivers to take their lunch abroad or goods to travel within the UK without the EU getting upset.

        Doesn’t look like we get great value from our £40bn.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          @tip pc

          "As I understand it, the UK could not have to pay if it forwent the “deal”. The deal went hand in hand with the settlement."

          The UK would have to pay it. Thats the racked up bill we owe for our part of the EU (as calculated by the EU). The reason its so high is the desperate attempts to remain by former PM's interfered with actual negotiation. When brexiters were negotiating we were presenting them a bill for the assets we owned as part of the EU.

          "I understand the settlement is to do with paying the UK’s share of EU investments while we where a member"

          Investments is one word but costs of being in is more accurate. Investments would suggest a return but this is government investing which often doesnt.

          "Doesn’t look like we get great value from our £40bn."

          Agreed, but that £40bn is what we agreed to spend as part of the EU, not the price for leaving. Hell this is the figure after accounting for EU fines the UK gets a share of-

          The £40bn isnt the cost of leaving, its part of what it would have cost to remain and that would be continually growing.

          1. tip pc Silver badge

            Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

            I’m glad we can split hairs on this without resorting to childish name calling :)


            “ It’s not clearly set out that the UK would be obliged to pay anything if we left with no deal, but the EU could take the case to the International Court of Justice on the grounds of the UK’s repeated commitments to pay”

            The full fact article is of an age, but is along the lines of my thinking.

            My view is that the UK is paying out of a duty of doing the right thing rather than any particular law.

            It’s fair to pay something, not sure £40bn for something we won’t have access to is fair.

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

              @tip pc

              "It’s fair to pay something, not sure £40bn for something we won’t have access to is fair."

              True. I think the 'strictly speaking' part of your link is the UK just not being willing to give the EU a penny as we tell em to sod off. I do think that a bit harsh myself although the thought of us not paying seemed to make the EU twitch when it was suggested.

              You are right we could have cut all ties with the EU and maybe got away without paying anything. I imagine their vaccine tantrum would have been worse though.

              "I’m glad we can split hairs on this without resorting to childish name calling :)"

              I am appreciating the mature conversation too ;)

        2. gandalfcn Silver badge

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          You pair are seriously ignorant. which is why you are Brexiteers.

      2. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

        You continue to prove you aren't too bright. Or honest. Perfect Brexiteer.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?


          "You continue to prove you aren't too bright. Or honest. Perfect Brexiteer."

          So no answer? Nothing you can possibly think of a reasonable argument against or in your case even unreasonable argument? Just an acceptance that you have nothing and so an empty comment? Really hoping for your sakes you are a parody account.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

          You continue to prove you aren't too bright. Or honest. Perfect Brexiteer.

          Whereas you continue to make ludicrous allegations without a single shred of evidence to back them up. That probably proves something.

    4. gandalfcn Silver badge

      Re: What exactly did we get from the EU for £40bn divorce settlement?

      That you are totally unaware speaks volumes as to the contents of your cerebrum. Bit like your typical Brexiteer.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Norway, Iceland, and, er, Liechtenstein

    no matter, first thing I go to the EU, I usually buy a local sim and fuck UK providers and their brexit roaming. Some EU countries, like Poland, are a bit cunty, as they want you to hand over all personals, including butt hole size, but there are ways round that.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Norway, Iceland, and, er, Liechtenstein

      If you live in Malta you'll find that Epic, formerly Vodafone, will happily sell you a package that includes full EU roaming, including UK and Switzerland. The only thing that has changed is that they now explicitly mention the UK separately in the charge sheets.

      That said, from what I can see they're trying to end the unlimited roaming option and replace it with 51GB/month and somehow explicitly separated "mobile video" - I need to talk to them on Monday to work out WTF that is. I spend a lot of time on data voice calls and although that is generally only on WiFi it's something to keep a close eye on.

      1. Dinanziame Silver badge

        Re: Norway, Iceland, and, er, Liechtenstein

        Loopholes that are a little bit too convenient sometimes get a massive usage. It might have been that somebody figured out that unlimited EU-wide packages sold in Malta were the cheapest way to backup the internet to a new data center or something similar...

  10. nematoad Silver badge

    A rose by any other name...

    Norway, Iceland, and, er, Liechtenstein.

    Aren't they part of EFTA? You know that association that Britain joined in 1960 before moving to the EEC in 1973.

    I seem to remember a suggestion put forward after the Brexit vote that we should rejoin EFTA which was summarily dismissed by the Tories. Are we now trying to sneak back in now that the reality of the post-Brexit world has become apparent?

    Still ,they are nice places to visit. If only they had a bit more economic clout we might be able to make up some of the ground we have thrown away.

    Oh, a fun fact. Liechtenstein is the false teeth capital of the world.

    1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

      Re: Liechtenstein is the false teeth capital of the world.

      Is also the biggest saliva manufacturer too...

    2. Lars

      Re: A rose by any other name...

      On EFTA

      "The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is a regional trade organization and free trade area consisting of four European states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.[3] The organization operates in parallel with the European Union (EU), and all four member states participate in the European Single Market and are part of the Schengen Area.[4] They are not, however, party to the European Union Customs Union.

      EFTA was historically one of the two dominant western European trade blocs, but is now much smaller and closely associated with its historical competitor, the European Union. It was established on 3 May 1960 to serve as an alternative trade bloc for those European states that were unable or unwilling to join the then European Economic Community (EEC), the main predecessor of the EU".

      So welcome sneaking or not but I don't think it will happen any time soon and I very much doubt those countries are all that keen on it either.

    3. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: A rose by any other name...

      summarily dismissed by the Tories

      Summarily dismissed by the Norwegians, you mean. They are happy being the big fish in that small pond, and made it quite clear that they would not welcome a UK-sized shark trying to muscle in, and the UK knew it.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: A rose by any other name...

        The EFTA is part of the Single Market and the Tories didn't want to be part of the Single Market as that means they couldn't have their vote-winning policy of being nasty to the EU forrins. See Theresa May's red lines speech in January 2017.

        And why would any country in the EFTA want to be lumbered with dealing with the UK's dysfunctional politics and sense of unbridled entitled exceptionalism?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: A rose by any other name...

          UK's dysfunctional politics and sense of unbridled entitled exceptionalism?

          Are you sure you're not thinking of Macron's EU?

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: A rose by any other name...

            Since when did the EU belong to Macron?

            The UK is definitely England's plaything though.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: A rose by any other name...

              Since when did the EU belong to Macron?

              He certainly thinks it does (I live in France, and read the French press).

              1. ICL1900-G3 Silver badge

                Re: A rose by any other name...

                So you say... anonymously.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: A rose by any other name...

                  So you say... anonymously.

                  Doesn't change the sentiment, or the truth of it. Anyway, are we to believe you're a 1900 running George III? Bit underpowered for AI, I'd have thought.

              2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                Re: A rose by any other name...

                Bless. Well done Miss LePen. Or is it Farage the Frother?

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: A rose by any other name...

                "and read the French press"

                Out of interest which French press do you read, other AC?

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: A rose by any other name...

                  Out of interest which French press do you read, other AC?

                  Of the mainstream, usually Les Echos, with a skim of Libération & Le Figaro. Also the local rag here, the Dauphiné Libéré & its cousins.

          2. gandalfcn Silver badge

            Re: A rose by any other name...

            You most surely aren't capable of thinking.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: A rose by any other name...

          EFTA is part of the Single Market

          It participates in the single market, it is not part of the EU customs union.

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: A rose by any other name...

            So that'll be just what I said then. The two are seperate things, you can have countries outside the Single Market but inside the Customs Union and vice-versa.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: A rose by any other name...

              If a country is in the customs union it has to be in the single market, the reverse is not necessarily true.

              The European Community was a good thing, when there was only the single market. It's a great pity that empire-building politicians bent on control ruined it by turning it into a political & monetary union.

              1. Dan 55 Silver badge

                Re: A rose by any other name...

                If a country is in the customs union it has to be in the single market, the reverse is not necessarily true.

                The four EFTA countries are in the Single Market but not in the Customs Union.

                Turkey, Monaco, San Marino, and Andorra are in the Customs Union but not in the Single Market.

                The UK didn't not even want to be part of the Single Market due to free movement, hence the compete and total divorce from its neighbours. The UK could have enacted free movement controls like other EU countries at any time since 2004, but did not.

                The European Community was a good thing, when there was only the single market. It's a great pity that empire-building politicians bent on control ruined it by turning it into a political & monetary union.

                The EEC/EC/EU never has been a non-politcal project. If you ever believed otherwise you bought a lie. See here (linked to the middle of the thread as this is where the lie began).

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: A rose by any other name...

                  If you ever believed otherwise you bought a lie.

                  Oh, I never believed otherwise. I had a forlorn hope that people might see sense and remain a succesful economic union, but sadly not.

              2. gandalfcn Silver badge

                Re: A rose by any other name...

                You do realise that the UK was one one of the main driving forces behind the EU, don't you?

                It;s main problem was that its policies didn't align with tax avoiding Brits and their politicians, typified by the ERG and fronted by the tax avoiding tax dodging nondom media owners. Who told you the lies you believe. Good and faithful serf.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: A rose by any other name...

                  You do realise that the UK was one one of the main driving forces behind the EU, don't you?

                  The UK was one of the driving forces behind the EEC and the EC, but not the EU. When the EU was created in 1992, by the treaty of Maastricht, the UK was 60-65% opposed according to all the polls at the time.

                  Who told you the lies you believe.

                  Unlike you I don't need to be "told" what to think, I've lived in the UK, and in the EU outside the UK, and have seen enough to allow me to make my own mind up based on the facts.

                  Good and faithful serf.

                  That's amusing coming from a remainer. A serf is someone who has limited freedom, but is "attached to the soil" and required to do what the owner of the land tells them. It's a much closer description of EU citizens, faithfully obeying their paternalistic government, than it is of someone who wants independence.

                  1. Dan 55 Silver badge

                    Re: A rose by any other name...

                    A serf is someone who has limited freedom, but is "attached to the soil" and required to do what the owner of the land tells them. It's a much closer description of EU citizens, faithfully obeying their paternalistic government, than it is of someone who wants independence.

                    Funny independence you've got there...

                    Half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population

                    Who Owns England? by Guy Shrubsole review – why this land isn’t your land

                    Richest 1% have almost a quarter of UK wealth, study claims

                    How the Queen came to own the seabed around Britain

                    Royals vetted more than 1,000 laws via Queen’s consent

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: A rose by any other name...

                      Rich people own more stuff. There's a surprise. It's like that in most places, oddly enough.

    4. gandalfcn Silver badge

      Re: A rose by any other name...

      Most Tory MPs know Brexit was an unmitigated disaster, but they can't tell their serfs that. Bit by bit the UK will now slowly drift back into the EU. It really has no choice if it wants to stay relevant.

  11. xyz Silver badge

    HMG cutting red tape...

    Make it digital and so no more red tape. Bunch of twats

    1. captain veg Silver badge

      Re: HMG cutting red tape...

      You seem to have missed the point that this is red tape which had already been comprehensively slashed, ground up and the resulting dust jumped up and down upon thanks to membership of the EEA by virtue of the EU. Its resurrection was wholly and exclusively the consequence of Brexit. And now a tiny little bit of it has been peeled back again and this is presented as some kind of win for Global Britain instead of what it really is, the trifling mitigation of a huge loss.


  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Slightly different situation

    I moved to Portugal pre-Brexit, and get unlimited local mobile data for 30 euros a month (25 euros some months, when it's on special). That's a contract free Portuguese 4G data SIM. Not really worth signing up for a contract for any sort of broadband. No caps on speed that I have seen, and got through a terrifying 1.4 TB of mobile data in the first month.

    1. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Slightly different situation

      25EUR is still rather more expensive than the under 18EUR/month it costs you to get unlimited data in the UK.

      Well, I say 18. I rounded up, as depending on exchange rate it's nearer 17.50.

      What I prefer about broadband is it gives you low latency too. But if you're not online gaming or engaging in a lot of video conferences then 4G is rather better than the options available 20 years ago, even on fixed line.

  13. gandalfcn Silver badge

    Brexit, the joke that never ends. Brought to you by BoJo and the Clowns acked by ERGotwits

  14. codejunky Silver badge


    More red tape going to the wall-

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