back to article Linux Foundation celebrates 30 years of Torvalds' kernel with a dry T-shirt contest

The Linux Foundation, not satisfied with a model that sees world+dog invited to contribute to the open-source kernel that bears its name, is asking for help on another project: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software – and we have little doubt El Reg readers will have some suggestions. The competition, …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My submission...

    A penguin using a hammer to smash a window; the caption reads "Penguins need windows like an albatross needs an anchor."

    Can I just have the money? I promise to buy a computer with *Nix on it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: My submission...

      I want this regardless of the competition.

    2. jason_derp

      Re: My submission...

      You glorious bastard, you've won. If not officially, then at least in my heart.

    3. Manx Cat

      Re: My submission...

      As an aside, can we have this actually printed?

      I'd order one right now...

      1. Dazed and Confused

        Re: My submission...

        It could be added to the O'Really series to go along with Snooping Email for Fun and Profit which was once on sale from this very organ.

  2. Howard Sway Silver badge

    designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

    In a piece of software that doesn't run natively on that software : Adobe Illustrator

    Think I'll submit an entry : "My friend went to the Linux 30th birthday party and all they got me was this lousy t-shirt designed on proprietory non-Linux image editing software".

    1. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

      My thoughts too. I suggest a penguin and a glass of Wine with a caption of "and another glass to make a 300 DPI vector file"

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

        I had a similar thought with Tux the penguin and a glass of Wine, but it was more like the caption reading "I can't believe I'm actually 30 now" [or similar]. Yeah Tux is officially "old" heh heh heh. I suppose it was a similar shock when members of The Who reached their "age of getting old" after "Talking 'bout my generation".

    2. Falmari Silver badge

      Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

      @Howard Sway ”In a piece of software that doesn't run natively on that software : Adobe Illustrator”

      That’s not what the article stated, no where does it state the design must be done using Adobe Illustrator or any other software. All it states is that it must be supplied in one of 3 formats that support vectors.

      From article:-

      “Adobe Illustrator (.AI), or open Encapsulated PostScript (.EPS) and Scalable Vector Graphic (.SVG) formats”

      So unless there is no image editing software on Linux that can save in at least one of those formats it can de done on Linux.

      1. mihares

        Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

        It might just be that the possibility of having a celebratory t-shirt for the most important piece of software that is Free and Open Source might be done on, say, a mac running some Adobe product, both of which stand for exactly the opposite of FOSS, is not lost on everybody.

        Because of yes, you can do awesome image editing and art on Linux, so you really do _not_ need to go proprietary.

        1. Falmari Silver badge

          Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

          @mihares I think you are right that was what @Howard Sway was pointing out. I never saw that, but it was early hours of the morning when I saw the post. ;)

      2. petef

        Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

        Inscape should be able to import all three of those formats.

      3. Jon 37

        Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

        It's clear that they've already chosen a T-shirt printing company and a blue T-shirt, and may even have pre-ordered the T-shirt stock. The requirements are taken straight from their supplier's requirements for ready-to-print artwork, for the printing service they've selected.

    3. FIA Silver badge

      Re: designing a T-shirt to celebrate 30 years of the software

      In a piece of software that doesn't run natively on that software : Adobe Illustrator

      I thought the file format choice was a subtle metaphore for how much progress has been made, yet how much was left to do?

      Or it could just be that designers use Adobe, Yo!


  3. Khaptain Silver badge

    Tongue in cheek

    "Year of the Linux, coming soon to a desktop near you.". In a nice Times New Roman or Calibri font.

    Not sure that it would do to well at a penguinista venue but might just work in an El Reg event..

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Tongue in cheek

      A little late, don't you think?

      I mean, Linux has been my desktop of choice for about 28 years.

    2. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: Tongue in cheek

      Just don't use Helvetica

    3. EnviableOne

      Re: Tongue in cheek

      Surely that should be the new improved Sego UI and a WSL logo in the corner...

    4. cookieMonster Silver badge

      Re: Tongue in cheek

      Or ms comic sans

      1. Anonymous Kiwi

        Re: Tongue in cheek

        Comic $an$ M$, you mean ?

    5. cosmodrome

      Re: Tongue in cheek

      Due to the age of the joke any font from the antiqua family will do.

  4. cornetman Silver badge

    Is there some reason why these tee-shirts must be dry or is there a stipulation that only very British comedy is acceptable?

    1. jake Silver badge

      I suspect it's a reference to the hand-wringing, namby-pamby curtain-twitchers who seem to think they are in charge of the world these days.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        And what's wrong with a wet t-shirt? Mine normally has wet coffee on it at some point

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Well, would you like to see a bunch of geeks in a wet t-shirt contest?

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        That's a very sexist comment! Just because I have a physics PhD doesn't mean I'm not a attractive young women or 6ft of ripped beef cake.

        (Rather than a balding 40 something trying to hold my gut in at the gym)

        1. EnviableOne

          As has recently been proven by the #InfoSecBikini on Twitter.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            "As has recently been proven by the #InfoSecBikini on Twitter."

            Uh-uh, I'm not going to fall for that one. That sounds just like bait for you to go for a look-see, and then inadvertently get infected with some kind of nasty virus (of the malware variety) while doing so!

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          We don' need no steeinkin' penguins!

          Not when we have Beastiette

  5. jake Silver badge

    My daughter and I have worked out a design ...

    ... over the last year or so. (It's not like this anniversary has been a deeply guarded secret or anything ...

    If we win, we'll donate the value of the prize to the charity of Linus' choice.

  6. jetjet

    At the beginning Linux imitated other OS-es. Today everybody imitates Linux (badly).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Today everybody imitates Linux (badly)."

      …but enough about systemd already!

  7. IGotOut Silver badge


    it OK to have a tag / word cloud og expletives? Just thinking I'd appeal to Linus directly.

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    User friendly

    I'm glad to see the t-shirt competition conditions are as onerously technical and user unfriendly as the product itself...

  10. Totally not a Cylon

    Linus as Miss Whiplash?

    Surely any t-shirt should be of Linus dressed as a Dom, complete with whip

    and a bunch of kernel devs on their knees with ball-gags?

    1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      Re: Linus as Miss Whiplash?

      Tagline: "produced with GIMP."

  11. DJV Silver badge

    How about...

    ..a picture of Linus clipped from around the 12 second mark of this video saying exactly what he says here:

  12. packrat

    rant mode rat ra a

    ah, the starfleet ac first year assignment - poster?

    linix admin motto: there is ALWAYS another way and you'll need them all

    don;t trust anyone over 30

    this is a team and I am god

  13. jason_derp

    I just want to say

    I bloody love the picture of a penguin the article used as a thumbnail. He seems so proud of...whatever he's doing. I feel proud vicariously and I don't even know what's going on.

  14. Marc 13

    How about:

    "Did you know Linux is 30?

    You don't know what Linux is?

    Well its hardly surprising as its been


    running everything for 30 years."

    Thus, the shirt deals with the two sides of Linux that seem to be important: Linux people evangelizing Linux to people who haven't heard of it and pointing out that (for the most part) it "just works" and runs pretty much anything you can think of that isn't MSFT.

  15. HeIsNoOne

    I feel old

    This article reminded me I started tinkering with Linux when I was at uni about 20-odd years ago - bought a book that had a distro (forget which one) on CD, the only practical way for me at the time. Great to see how far it's come.

  16. Matthew "The Worst Writer on the Internet" Saroff

    I want to see a penguin wearing a Linux McLinuxface T-shirt as the T-shirt.

  17. CommanderGalaxian

    What sort of weirdo is still using Adobe Illustrator!?

    1. cosmodrome

      A bunch of weirdos in the pre-print biz, I guess. Print shops and their supply chain can be very conservative when it comes to solutions that actually work. Which doesn't happen every day.

    2. CRConrad Bronze badge

      "What sort of weirdo is still using Adobe Illustrator!?"

      T-shirt printing businesses, apparently.

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