It should be emphasized that for many of us open-source users, it is not about the cost or getting something for free. Likely we have actually spent more money on things like compatible hardware and time retraining on non-proprietary software.
Open-source is currently one of the only ways to ensure we can get away from broken systems such as DRM, telemetry and adverts. With some of their recent strategies, Audacity seems to be treading on thin ice. They seem passionate about data collection. They have also shown that they are even happy to ban under 13 year olds from using their software just so they can comply with this.
So no. I am (and many other open-source users are) very happy to pay money. If someone starts a fork, I will gladly contribute financially. This kind of scummy crap is exactly what we were trying to get away from. The rest of us FOSS developers keep our software clean and usable. We expect the same courtesy from the Audacity team. Without many of us and our open-source software, their business wouldn't even exist.