A technician sits back in his chair ...
takes a deep breath, leans forward and nervously initiates the Power Initialisation Process (presses the red button) on the 1970's Hubble re-initialisation management computer.
Whirr churn chunder chunder zzzz zzzz chunder chunder ...
This is only the second time the pimple-faced technician has handled a floppy disk. With some trepidation disk 2 is inserted correctly and the locking flap closed.
Whirr churn chirrup chunder zzzz chunder zzz chunder ...
Wheee brrr barrrrrrrrrrp ...
<time passes> ...
A green terminal screen prompt suddenly appears!
> "I'm sorry Dave, I can't allow you to do that ..."
The technician begins to fill in a requisition for new pants and asks if the cleaners can take a look at his chair ...
A 75 year old semi-retired engineer lurking at the back of the room coughs violently and dabs his eyes with a handkerchief ...
"My mate Malcolm set that prompt, he thought it was a great idea!"
Angry that he'd been suckered by a jape he hadn't thought of, the technician stabs at the return key so hard he gets muscle spasms in his hand. The terminal responds ...
>I'm sorry Dave, I really can't allow you to do that ...
The room goes quiet ...
>It's all full of stars ...