back to article To CAPTCHA or not to CAPTCHA? Gartner analyst says OK — but don’t be robotic about it

Analyst firm Gartner has advised in favour of the use of CAPTCHAs — but recommends using the least-annoying CAPTCHAs you can find. The firm’s opinion is contained in a post by senior director analyst Akif Khan, who noted that CAPTCHAs create friction for humans but remain an imperfect defence against bots. Despite all this, …

  1. Locky

    Complex CAPTCHA

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: Complex CAPTCHA

      Saying as I have no idea who Sarah Connor is, the only way I can solve that is to do a Google image search to see what Sarah Connor looks like. The third result is that very photo.

      I'm pretty sure a computer could do that faster than a human. Then it is just a case of picking out the squares that include a picture of a human. Photoshop got the ability to do that about 10 years ago, so I'm pretty sure that would again be no problem for a computer.

      1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

        Re: Complex CAPTCHA

        I haven't looked, but evidently it's a joke that you didn't get. In the "Terminator" film series, robots exterminate humanity, John Connor leads the resistance, and an Arnold Schwarzenegger robot is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, who is his mother, before John is born. Then next time, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a goodie robot fighting the baddie robots.

        So, do not help the robots to find Sarah Connor.

    2. MrReynolds2U

      Re: Complex CAPTCHA

      I would say that deserves a pint, even if it is only Tuesday.

    3. Persona Silver badge

      Re: Complex CAPTCHA

      It's the ambiguity of that top left square that really irritates me.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Complex CAPTCHA

        yeah the ambiguous squares are the ones that get you a "try again" half the time, along with the faded/shadowy/grainy/too-tiny-too-see ones that might contain bicycles...

        so it's "roll the dice" and hope the next one (after the 'try again') isn't one of those "slooowly fade out, slooowly fade in" types that *REALLY* irritate me...

        (guess how I voted - see icon)

  2. Red Sceptic

    Stevie Martin

  3. jdoe.700101

    A reasonably simple solution for smaller sites is to add an invisible field (e.g. a passwordConfirm text field or acceptAlllCookies checkbox) to forms, and then throw away any submissions where the invisible field is not the default value. This generally works because robots don't parse the css.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Robots will quicikly learn to parse css if people start doing that.

      1. ShadowSystems

        Already there.

        While a Human using a screen reader gets stopped by CAPTCHA's, the bots sail past them without even pausing. Humans get filtered out while the bots get in, the exact opposite result of the desired one. *Sigh*

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Already there.

          Yeah, NoScript makes it pretty simple to turn a captcha into a simple "not a robot" tick box as well.

    2. ShadowSystems

      Unfortunately no.

      Because another thing that doesn't parse CSS is a screen reader for the blind. Such a system would auto-determine any such user is no longer Human & lock us out.

      1. TheFifth

        Re: Unfortunately no.

        It is possible to make this method screen reader friendly by defining the tab order for input elements on the form. If you ensure that the submit button is before the spam check field, you can make it so that a person tabbing through the form will reach the submit button before the spam check field. So many won't even realise the spam field is there. Also, setting tabindex="-1" should remove the field from the default navigation flow. All this may be dependant on browser / screen reader, but I've used in the past and it seems to work well.

        Also, I find that you can make the label for the spam input element something like 'Bot check, please leave blank' and it is still not picked up by 90% of email bots.

        Another trick is to keep the time the page was rendered in the session and when the form is submitted, check how long it was between page render and submission. Bots tend to submit far quicker than any person can type, so if the submission was in under 4 seconds (or something like that - depends on the form), you can normally safely ignore it. Personally I include the time to submit in the posted content, so I can tweak it if some spam is getting through. Normally a 4 to 5 second cut off works.

        Between these two methods, I can normally filter 99% of spam submissions without a captcha.

      2. doublelayer Silver badge

        Re: Unfortunately no.

        "Because another thing that doesn't parse CSS is a screen reader for the blind. Such a system would auto-determine any such user is no longer Human & lock us out."

        This is wrong. Screenreaders do parse CSS and obey it, or rather the browsers do and the screenreader obeys them. Mark something as display:none and the screenreader won't see it. It doesn't work for just making the font really small, but otherwise it will.

        However, even if that wasn't the case, that doesn't doom the option. I've used such fields for basic spam protection before and I have a setup for those who don't use CSS. It just includes a warning that the box below should not have anything written in it if you expect me to read your submission. If people can see the box, they can also see the warning. It won't protect you against someone targeting your page, but for the casual bot, it works.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Here is advice about CAPTCHAs from somebody who knows jack about CAPTCHAs"

    This is a blog post of somebody who happens to be employed at notorious "50% chance our prediction will happen" Gartner.

    1. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: "Here is advice about CAPTCHAs from somebody who knows jack about CAPTCHAs"

      Oh c'mon that's unfair. They never make it as high as 50%

    2. MOH

      Re: "Here is advice about CAPTCHAs from somebody who knows jack about CAPTCHAs"

      I'd be in favour of a GARTNER test that ensures none of their "predictions" ever get any attention

    3. Nick Ryan

      Re: "Here is advice about CAPTCHAs from somebody who knows jack about CAPTCHAs"

      It's usually more interesting, and often more valuable, to try to work out which organisation paid for the gartner "report" - to see what agenda they are trying to push. Gartner have no value whatsoever in anything otherwise.

  5. ADC

    Causes problems when travelling

    I don't find captcha tests too bad, a little annoying - except when I'm travelling in, say, mainland China, stuck behind the great firewall, and unable to log in to my email provider's webmail page because all google services including the sodding captcha test are blocked.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Causes problems when travelling

      I believe that is now its official name: the Sodding Captcha Test.

    2. Joe W Silver badge

      Re: Causes problems when travelling

      Related (google blocked): I block everything javascript and googlely per default - so the stupid websites that insist on doing the stupid captchas don't bloody work, or only after I grudgingly accept some sites. And even then the stuff sometimes just fails. And yes, in some cases you really just have to use these websites, so sod off if "don't use those websites" was your suggestion.

      I hate captchas. A Lot (as Brian of Nazareth said about the Romans). I'll refrain from complaining more, it is not good for my blood pressure...

      1. jonathan keith

        Re: Causes problems when travelling

        I have Vivaldi installed as a secondary browser for exactly those situations.

    3. Cederic Silver badge

      Re: Causes problems when travelling

      Sadly many people with disabilities do. It gets truly farcical when the contact form to tell a company you can't use their services due to their misuse of captcha is blocked off by captcha, and then you try and register a complaint with them and..

      ..they end up paying far more to handle a phone call or a written letter.

      1. Gene Cash Silver badge

        Re: Causes problems when travelling

        > ..they end up paying far more to handle a phone call or a written letter.

        Or a complaint to the FCC/FTC (on this side of the pond-modify as required) where I specifically mention their contact form doesn't work.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: Causes problems when travelling

          a while ago I needed to submit something to an out of state court for a case I'm indirectly a party to. i tried to use e-mail to contact the appropriate person to send the info to [basically proof that I received the paperwork]. But the e-mail form had a captcha that simply would NOT work (even when run in the special context using chromium, like I usually resort to when such things are needed).

          So I dug around some more on the court's web site, and found a FAX number, and I FAX'd it, by placing the item in question on the glassy copy/scan part of the fax/scan/copy/printer I bought a while back, and dialing the phone number. THAT worked. (it's why I keep that second land line).

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Street signs

    What gets my back up, is that google seem to think every street sign, fire hydrant and traffic light everywhere in the world looks like the ones in their own country.

    GOOGLE - there is a whole world outside the f*cking USA you know? And it doesn't all look like your tiny little bit of the world. You could try, I dunno, maybe googling it sometime? Try "what does the rest of the world look like" for starters.

    1. Joe W Silver badge

      Re: Street signs

      There are countries where the fire hydrants are not above ground, but under a floor plate - so they don't really exist. Traffic lights are less.... diverse I would say.

      Street signs are a mess, especially if they are in a language or writing style (alphabet and other systems, like in China, Korea, Japan, ...) you don't understand: is that a street sign or ad ad for something?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Street signs

        I hate the traffic light ones - does it include the pole or just the lights? In the US you seem to have traffic lights mounted on poles that are 2 hundred feet long! (And every single one of them is included in the captcha test)

        1. Orv Silver badge

          Re: Street signs

          Yeah! And do pedestrian signals count as traffic lights? I'm never sure.

    2. Terry 6 Silver badge

      Re: Street signs

      And taxis. Apparently out in the colonies they have yellow and not proper black cabs.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Street signs

        I think Canada still paints their cop cars yellow, like U.S. cabs.

        And the crosswalks they show are usually the striped kind like on that one Beatles album cover [those weren't painted like that in the USA until very recently, and not consistently either]

        1. Oldgroaner

          Re: Street signs

          What are these 'cross-walks' whereof you speak?

          1. Kubla Cant

            Re: Street signs

            Similar to silly walks, but madder.

    3. iron

      Re: Street signs

      I've still never seen a taxi in any of their 'find the taxis' tests. Lots of yellow cars but not a single black cab.

      Similarly I see lots of yellow vehicles in their 'find the school bus' tests but not a single old, dodgy looking private coach driven by a mad man who can't possibly have ever passed a driving test.

    4. Orv Silver badge

      Re: Street signs

      For that matter, fire hydrants actually vary radically in different parts of the US. They're pretty standardized in the northern part of the country -- there they have to be dry until the valve is opened, or they'd freeze, and that constrains the design. But in the southern part of the US they come in all kinds of mutant shapes. They come in different colors, too. Sometimes the colors designate the flow rate.

      1. Terry 6 Silver badge

        Re: Street signs

        Do these fire hydrant things even exist outside the USA?

        I only know about them because of Top Cat- Officer Dibble was rather protective of them I think.

        Are they a but like those overhead live powerlines you see there. An invention of states that don't want to pay for proper infrastructure, like burying stuff and having access points.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Street signs

      Oh, yeah. And when they say 'identify the squares with pedestrian crossings/crosswalks', and a tiny triangle of a crossing is in one square, so you check it, and then have to go through the same routine with 'identify the squares with trees in them'.

      My record is five goes before I get the green tick.

  7. IGotOut Silver badge


    Ah the great invention.

    Click on the crosswalk. A what?

    Click on the apartments. Well those shops, do they have apartments on them?

    Click on traffic lights. Do I include the posts?

    Click on the sidewalk. A what?

    Click on mountains. Well is that a hill or a mountain?

    Click on buses. Well I can see one in the background, does that count?

    1. ShadowSystems

      Re: Captcha.

      Click on the hideous lying bastard: (Picture 1 is of Trump) (P2 is of a cat) (P3 is of a dog) (p4 is of a pig).

      Click on the image of a baby throwing a temper tantrum: (p1 is of Trump) (p2 is of a monkey) (p3 is of a slice of buttered toast) (p4 is of a rock with a smiley face painted on it).

      Click on the failed waste of oxygen: (p1 is of Trump) (p2 is of a blackhole) (p3 is of a vacuume cleaner) (p4 is of a field of grass & flowers).

      Click on...


      *Runs away*

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Dr Paul Taylor

      Re: Captcha.

      You forgot to ask what "apartments" are.

      Then there's taxis. Nowadays they could be any coloUr, but if there's one coloUr in particular that I'd associate with taxis, it would be black, not yellow.

      It's all very well boycotting shopping sites that use these things, but this morning I needed to order repeat prescriptions, but the site forces me to enable Google's Javascript. For all I know, this could be shipping my medical records off to some American pharmaceutical company.

      The ubiquity, lack of diversity and potential profitability of these things surely means that major hacker effort is being applied to breaking them.

      On the other hand there are plenty of tasks that are simple to program and simple for humans to execute but beyond what it is reasonable to expect AI to do. Just pick a random question from a large collection of general knowledge things. It would take spectacular effort to parse such things.

      1. doublelayer Silver badge

        Re: Captcha.

        "Just pick a random question from a large collection of general knowledge things. It would take spectacular effort to parse such things."

        I hate captchas too, but it would be hard to parse the answer to that kind of question if it weren't easy to look up in a database. Questions with single answers could be easily answered automatically: "What is the capital city of Argentina", for example. More general knowledge questions might have multiple possible answers and/or regional variations "What is the food item produced by slicing potatoes and frying them". Also, if you don't have too many of them, someone can take the whole test and program bots with known answers.

  8. Angry Dad

    Isn't the added complexity of CAPTCHA just making the internet less and less accessible for people with disabilities? This actually could be considered discriminatory under the UK Equalities Act.

    1. Nick Ryan

      Yes. Made worse by them being used when not even necessary.

  9. ARGO

    Obligatory XKCD

    I suspect this whole thing is just another way of training AIs

    1. Allan George Dyer
      1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

        Re: Obligatory XKCD

        Third obligatory xkcd

        My preferred option.

  10. Magani

    Just a suggestion

    ... the least-annoying CAPTCHAs you can find.

    I suspect that's the one with NO CAPTCHA.

    As has been pointed out above, most of these can be bypassed by AI in any case.

  11. MiguelC Silver badge

    Re: Would you inflict CAPTCHAS on your users?

    BOFH answer: Yes — They irritate users (and I can sidestep them)

  12. Peter2

    The analyst suggested that good CAPTCHAs should do more than ensure users provide a correct answer to a challenge

    They do already! They ensure that humans put unpaid labour into classifying things in the Google driverless car database that their algorithms can't figure out.

    You know what they are having trouble with by what they are presenting, which appears pretty ominous given that they keep presenting traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, bridges etc etc etc.

  13. Dave_uk

    COME ON... do it programmically

    COME ON... there really is NO need for captchas.

    If the website programmer can not block bots programmically then they should not be creating the website. Check input client-side and also server-side then you have clean input ready to use/accept.

    Trouble is we now have every Tom Dick and Harry with little know-how from "Specialist Design houses" creating fab online content, looks great but fails to deliver!

  14. Rafael #872397

    determine if answers are given too quickly — as would be the case for a professional

    Heck no. I click on the answers too quickly because I want to get to whatever the captcha is blocking me to as soon as possible instead of wasting time looking at crosswalks.

  15. deadlockvictim


    I don't mind mind captchas per se, what is annoying is that they feed Google ever more information and they are ubiquitous.

    Developers! Use captchas none of whose purposes is to hoard data. There surely must be some out there that are actually there just for Turing test purposes that can be used.

    I don't even mid training algorithms either. It is a clever idea but because Google's purpose to hoard as much data on everyone, I avoid them when I can.

  16. heyrick Silver badge

    The problem with Captcha

    Is the total and utter lack of localisation. The thing is written by Americans who think American culture is global. It isn't.

    Taxis aren't yellow.

    Neither are school buses.

    Dude, your traffic lights are an abomination. WTactualF?

    Around here it's called a pedestrian crossing.

    Would be nice to see a Bolisha Beacon once in a while.

    When I have to enter random words, kindly don't provide Hebrew, Cyrillic, or Georgian to somebody who has an English keyboard. How the hell am I supposed to enter <random squiggles>?

    Don't get me started on the blurry low resolution images of random shanty towns and the instruction to "click on the shop fronts"...

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: The problem with Captcha

      But... but... everyone in the world is North American. Everybody. Absolutely everybody... surely this is so? It cannot possibly be not so? (breathe) But North Americanish culture is everywhere. Everywhere has the same ideal don't they? Except for the red commie scum of course. They don't. Everybody else in the world does though.

      The US: One of the three remaining backward regimes in the world which still uses Imperial measurements, believes that their culture applies everywhere and persistently tries to brainwash the world into thinking that the US has a democracy.

  17. elregidente

    Poor implementations are fatal for users

    The problem for me is poorly implemented captcha, which means Google.

    As far as I can tell, Google flat-out blacklists all Tor exit nodes.

    It doesn't matter if you're human, or how many captchas you complete : Google will not let you continue. You just get another captcha.

    IME, captcha works, and they are *necessary* : if you have an open forum or mediawiki or the like, in a few days you will be drowning into automated spam posts and articles. I remember when I realised my mediawiki had thousands of automated spam articles...

    However, they can - Google - be implemented in a way which makes them a critical problem. For me, any site using Google captcha is a dead site. It may as well not exist, because I can't get past the captcha. In this case, the captcha solves one problem but introduces another.

    Also, of course, with Google you have the problem of spying. They're collecting information via the captcha.

    1. Irony Deficient

      Re: Poor implementations are fatal for users

      As far as I can tell, Google flat-out blacklists all Tor exit nodes.

      It doesn't matter if you’re human, or how many captchas you complete : Google will not let you continue. You just get another captcha.

      In my experience, it can take between one and several CAPTCHA rounds, but a Tor exit node will be approved by Google eventually. It does require both and to be allowed to run JavaScript, though.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Poor implementations are fatal for users

        I must have done something right. Google wont even let me do a search before insisting on a CAPTCHA. It insists I am a bot or my computer is sending traffic. Which is odd as my network switch is inactive, except on page clicks. More business for

  18. Grunchy Silver badge

    Make them solve an "OPDE"

    If you can't solve an ordinary partial differential equation you can't comment on ElReg anymore.

    Sorry - I don't invent the rules.

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: Make them solve an "OPDE"

      You are an evil genius and I demand my £10.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Make them solve an "OPDE"

        Certainly evil, and probably also a genius, if they can do a PDE.

        I'm afraid I can only vaguely remember "junior level" differential equations from what I learned at school and early university studies. I'm afraid I've forgotten most of the "more advanced" (still below degree-level) maths that I ever learned, as I just don't ever need to use it in real life (I realise some people do), so that definitely would be rather exclusionary!

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