Exclusion on race is racism
@AC “Can anyone else hear that high-pitch tone? It sounds like someone is blowing a dog whistle.”
No sounds like someone pointing out that funding someone based solely on the colour of their skin is racist. It is also divisive.
Earlier before I read this article, I read this one on the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-57558746.
One of the points in it was this.
“For university entry, 16% of white British pupils on free meals get places, compared with 59% of black African pupils on free meals, 59% of Bangladeshi pupils on free meals and 32% of black Caribbean pupils on free meals.”
So, there would be nothing wrong, if a company setup a 2-million-pound fund to help “pupils on free meals” get into university but said it was only open to white British pupils. I don’t think so, that would be racist and divisive.
If you exclude someone based on their race it is racism.