back to article UK online spending up 48%, hits £113bn as nation puts curtains in its sheds, empties supermarket shelves

The UK is a nation of online shoppers who – when not spending a whopping £113bn over the past 12 months – spent more time online than any other grown-ups across Europe last year. This is according to Ofcom's latest online snapshot of the nation's e-habits, Online Nation 2021, which was published today. The UK’s communications …

  1. ThatOne Silver badge

    OMG, here comes the sheriff!

    > as we prepare to take on new responsibilities for regulating online safety

    Translation: "We thought we might need to be seen doing something about this newfangled internet stuff"...

    Seriously, not only are most of those websites overseas, but the big actors are way too big to bother listening to a mere nation-state (as they have shown repeatedly). What do they expect to achieve? Just get an excuse to install the Big British Firewall?

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