So… why haven’t you got rid of Trump Mini yet?
Conservative Party fined one-third of a luxury food hamper by ICO for nuisance email campaign
Britain’s ruling Conservative Party is facing a £10,000 fine from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for dispatching marketing emails to unwilling recipients, 51 of whom complained to the regulator. The ICO issued the financial penalty today for breaching Regulation 22 of the Privacy and Electronic Communications …
Thursday 3rd June 2021 15:21 GMT ShadowSystems
Can't provide proof?
If you can't provide the proof that every single address properly opted-in to be marketed to, then you should be *seriously* fined to make sure you never do it again. Not a mere 10K slap on the wrist, unless that's *per email*. And no you may not simply use tax payer monies to pay off the fine, you should be personally financially & criminally liable.
Another fantasy about kicking the idiots in the head. I should increase my dried frog pills...
Friday 4th June 2021 12:15 GMT TheFifth
Yup me too. There is no way in heaven or hell I'd sign up for Tory propaganda, so they've obviously purchased a list from somewhere. There's no other way that they could have got hold of my email address.
Interestingly, it's an email address I only use for 'official' things like the NHS, doctors, dentist, DVLA, passport etc. I have a specific email address that I use to sign up for random stuff online and that gets a tonne of stuff I never signed up for. The email address they sent to gets very few messages from mailing lists, so it's interesting it arrived at that one.
I'm glad others complained. I was going to, but was too busy at the time and then completely forgot. Just searched my inbox and I still have the message saved as I did plan to report it.
Thursday 3rd June 2021 15:40 GMT Anonymous Coward
Piss up.... brewery...
They can't even organise a mass mailing spam campaign, yes my fellow countrymen elected them to not only run the country, but also manage the most significant step-change in the countries international relationships in centuries...... I shake my head in sad disbelief.
Thursday 3rd June 2021 18:01 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
Universal Credit
If the glorious leader is having problems making ends meet, having to accept food parcels and help with childcare costs, perhaps he could apply to Universal Credit?
and he's fathered so many children that he's lost count, perhaps a visit to the local vasectomy clinic would also help
Thursday 3rd June 2021 19:29 GMT Howard Sway
weekly cost of three daily meals for Mr Johnson and Miss Symonds, including Uber minicab : £840
A daily food bill of £60 each. For the man who pretends to rail against the "metropolitan elite".
You've gotta be really dumb to keep believing in that schtick as more and more money grubbing comes to light.
Friday 4th June 2021 08:25 GMT big_D
Sorry, what?
For its part, the party said it had recently changed its bulk email provider and the "transfer of records had not been effected properly".
How can the records be transferred properly? You need proof of opt-in for each record you transfer, you can't just move them to a new service. If they don't have the proof of doubt-opt-in, the service will probably suspend their account... :-S
Friday 4th June 2021 12:00 GMT ThatOne
Government vs. Spam
And that my friends is why it is unlikely any government will do anything about spam, nuisance calls and all those things which make our life unpleasant: They actually don't see the problem. At all. It doesn't affect them, so what's the fuss?
In consequence, much like any mindless beast, you have to guide them with carrot and stick, explain to them that spamming and cold calling is a no-no, that you people really don't like it, and that any politician hoping to be (re)elected has to be particularly active to prevent it. And "active" as in doing actual things, not just emitting cheap and non-binding sound bytes.