You know the difference between Asian customer service and European customer services?
I think it's this: I deal with *individuals* in Asia, named specific customer support people, complete with their specific switchboard extension, and specific contact details, usually the same person each time. In Europe I deal with generic call centers, central telephone numbers, and generic customer_support email addresses shared by a room full of customer support agents.
In Europe each conversation is like talking to a goldfish that has forgotten the 50 previous discussions. Each request is hit by the problem that you're constantly talking to a new person each time. A new person who hasn't read the file, doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about, and is trying to read and familiarize themselves with it as we speak, jumping to random conclusions as we speak from half heard phrases and scan read documents.
This became crystal clear when Thailand went into lockdown and I'd call my specific contacts, to ask a question, but they're working from home, and it would ring through to the central switch board instead, and I'd get a generic clueless office person, different ones each time. Instead of the usual amazing competent professional customer support I'm use to, I get Euro style goldfish now.
Now Vietnam is going to be like that too, everyone will work from home during lockdown, and I'll have to deal with mindless crap.
I f***ing hate dealing with Europe customer support. It it constantly making the same mistakes over and over again. I'll get ask for documents, provide the documents, get asked again for the documents, and again, and again, and each mistake the customer support doubles down on the error to save face. "You haven't provided X & Y". me: "yes I have, I'll forward it to you again, this has already been dealt with by [person]", "Ah yes, but I meant Z &K not X & Y", me: "But Z is from 12 years ago and I won't have that document, have you misread the date on document X?" , them: "No, my rules say you need to provide Z & K & C & D....", me: "erm your rules are on your website and say X & Y, which I've provided to you now 3 times, been approved twice, and wonder what the fook is so wrong with you.... By any chance are you at home out in the garden shed without your CRM access?? You incompetent moron?"
That last sentence I have in my head, usually its more like, "erm I'll investigate at my end", or "erm I've found a better local option", its a polite "good bye you lost a customer but don't know it yet" response.