Re: Pumice
> it would more likely be an agglomeration of particles loosely held together to account for the porousity?
Yes, of course, the pumice example is a misleading one, as both the creation process and the result are totally different, in all but the fun fact pumice very low density (it floats in water). Pumice is simply "solidified stone foam", and has nothing to do with what asteroids are made of.
I personally don't consider their findings surprising: The asteroid being clumped-together dust and having an extremely low gravity, I don't really see how it could be anything else than low-density. There is no gravity or rain to progressively compact the material, it's just dust and pebbles held together by the extremely low gravity of the asteroid.
The only way it could be high density, stone-like material is if the asteroid was a broken piece of a much bigger body, on which the high gravity and violent collisions had compacted and melted the dust to what we call "rock".