How to twist yourself in knots by trying to square an impossible circle....
"privacy-preserving alternatives to cross-site tracking"
privacy-preserving surveillance? Nice concept, if you love oxymorons, but you seem to have fundamentally convinced yourself that privacy means something other than what it actually means, just to justify what you want to do.
"Later, the browser sends an encrypted report to the advertiser"
No, I do not want my browser sending "reports" about anything I've done to anybody. Especially advertisers. A forlorn hope really when every damn piece of software churned out by companies above a certain size now seems to insist on it, but we should never give up on the idea that we are in control of our machines and not these companies who think they have the divine right of kings over them.
"Declarative Link Capturing to let installed web apps launch when an appropriate link is clicked"
Thanks Google for ruining the concept of hyperlinks, by tuning them into crapp launchers that will pop windows up unexpectedly and make users swear at their machines even more. And you'll never know in advance which link will pop up an annoying app.
"Multi-Screen Window Placement which allows web apps to discover all of the connected displays and control where the window is placed on those screens"
The big advert we are going to display simply MUST appear on the primary monitor! Preferably all of it!
"The File System Access API will let web apps read and write to the user's local file system."
Now you're just taking the piss - you're going to let unauthenticated code write to the file system? Ever heard of viruses and malware? You want complete control of our machines, it's obvious, and you're launching all these new whizzy sounding things to slowly chisel your way in there. But you have become Microsoft circa twenty years ago by doing so, and the general public will start despising you in the same way too.