back to article Staying in the UK this summer? Good news: Temples of IT nerdery are reopening

As the UK enters the latest stage of lockdown easing, The Reg can confirm that The National Museum of Computing and the Centre for Computing History will be reopening imminently. It is heady stuff, although both temples to computing nerdery are taking things slowly after a lengthy enforced closures. The Centre for Computing …

  1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Great news

    I'm not sure what's the better aspect of the news, that they're reopening or that they've survived thus far to be able to reopen...

    Most pleased either way anyway, and may the punters roll in for both.

    Both are certainly going on the tour list for the summer/autumn, looking forward to it already.

  2. DarkwavePunk

    Another to possibly add to the list

    I believe "Look Mum No Computer" is trying to get his "Museum of Everything Else" going this summer.

    Worth checking out his channel(s) on YouTube. Lots of really interesting stuff.

  3. Will Godfrey Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    On my list

    but for later in the year. I'll let the rush die down a bit first, and for the err... bugs to get sorted.

  4. ARGO

    Retro computer museum

    If you're in the midlands, the guardians of 80's gaming are reopening for May bank weekend:

  5. tonybarry

    I'd like to see that hand made Mega Processor ...

    The Mega Processor by James Newman deserves a special spot in the Centre for Computing History. One day I hope to see this amazing device and watch opcodes as they trudge through the ALU.

    Best wishes for opening day.

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