back to article Microsoft emits more fixes for Exchange Server plus patches for remote-code exec holes in HTTP stack, Visual Studio

Microsoft's May Patch Tuesday brought a lighter-than-usual load of 55 fixes for 32 of the Windows giant's applications and services, which is about half what was served up in April. The Redmond-based firm's Office and Windows flagships house many of the identified vulnerabilities, alongside Internet Explorer, Visual Studio, …

  1. Don Casey

    Another fine mess...

    All my existing msgs in Outlook inbox have no visible text. Appears to be a bug in something released today.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Another fine mess...

      "In order to fix Outlook, we had to destroy it."

    2. Danny 14

      Re: Another fine mess...

      We fixed exchange by migrating all our mailboxes to office 365. I would have preferred to go elsewhere but we are an outlook company. Teams is used a lot so it was a good idea.

      We still have an exchange box onsite for a relay. The ingress and egress are to 365 only at the firewall. I still need to keep it patched but there are no mailboxes on it so we dont really "immediately" care if it breaks.

    3. JetSetJim

      Re: Another fine mess...

      Happened for SWMBO's laptop yesterday evening. Fixed overnight and ok this morning. Had contacted the MS Helldesk and they said hundreds had been contacting them regarding this. Was also picked up by my corporate IT dept, but I didn't see any impact on that machine.

      At lesat the email text was still viewable - select email reading pane, CTRL+A, then copy/paste into editor of choice to view. Not easy, but at least made it more manageable.

      The Helldesk suggestion was to use Outlook OWA, which was no use as it doesn't read local PST files

    4. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: Another fine mess...

      I'm seeing no problems ... oh wait, that's because I'm still using Outlook 2010.

      -- "If McDonald’s were run like a software company, one out of every hundred Big Macs would give you food poisoning, and the response would be, We're sorry, here’s a coupon for two more" - scary devil monastery sig.

      1. JcRabbit

        Re: Another fine mess...

        Outlook 2003 here.

  2. Danny 14

    55 bugs in Exchange this month, 55 bugs in Exchange. Take it down, patch it around, there's 68 bugs in Exchange next month.

  3. Andy A

    Not exactly Tuesday

    "Patch Tuesday" became "Patch Wednesday" for MS this month. WSUS only collected the batch well after 00:00 UTC. I forced a manual sync to check at 01:10 BST, found nothing, and went to bed.

    Some patches were downloadable at breakfast time, but another manual sync at 10:00 found another batch, including the Cumulative ones for Win10 & Server 2019.

    I suppose it WAS still Tuesday in Redmond when they started replicating the stuff. I'm not an Exchange user; maybe those 55 patches were so big they blocked the pipe.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: Not exactly Tuesday

      It is usually patch Wednesday for me. Though this month a fair number of them arrived about 7pm or so. No sign of the Exchange Server patches yet though as of early this morning.

      Edit: still no sign of them now.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not exactly Tuesday

      It's getting to the point where 24h just ain't enough to keep up with Microsoft patches.

      I'm wondering when the volume of Microsoft patches will exceed the volume of spam online. It can't be that far off.

  4. Lucy in the Sky (with Diamonds)

    Run Back to the Hills...

    My current gig is migrating 365 back from the cloud to on premises Exchange. Why pay for something forever, when you already own it?

    There is good money to be made from constantly migrating businesses from one philosophy to another.

    Been doing it for thirty years, started with moving from mainframes & dumb terminals to server and client, back to mainframes & dumb terminals and again to server and client.

    Like Bilbo's book, "There and Back Again".

    Rinse, and repeat if necessary...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And this is why you don't run SCADA on Windows..

    Once upon a time, someone decided they could use Windows NT 3.51 for SCADA (because *nix vendors started charging idiotic fees for licenses in a manner since only repeated by Oracle), and it's been steeply downhill ever since.

    If you want to know what that looks like: look at present fuel shortages in the US because some nitwits thought it would be a good idea to have a mission critical system suffiently exposed to the Net that a ransomware attack could shut it down. Well done. WTF happened to layers of isolation?

    Next up: someone decides that hooking up ESD systems to the Net is fun too. Oh, someone will do this, guaranteed. As certain elections have shown, there's really no shortage of stupid in the world.

    1. beast666 Silver badge

      Re: And this is why you don't run SCADA on Windows..

      Another psyop to fool the dumb masses.

  6. This post has been deleted by its author

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