back to article Transport Scotland has £47m to drag its traffic management systems into the 21st century

Transport Scotland is on the hunt for an IT vendor to support and update traffic management systems in a £47m move that could see the end of a relationship dating back to the 1990s. The public body is responsible for a £2.5bn transport investment programme and has issued a tender notice for the maintenance and modernisation of …

  1. MrMerrymaker

    Let's hope

    They don't spend all of it on some crap consultant.

    You know the drill

    Some wee firm ay bampots tekin em fir a wee ride

    1. MrMerrymaker

      Re: Let's hope

      One thumb down from a stoat the baw

  2. HammerOn1024


    Given how shitty most software is designed, laid out and written these days, I'd keep that old system around for a while since bring the new system "live" will involve 5x the original cost, at lease one vendor lawsuit, and a hacking event of biblical proportions.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ha!

      It's much worse than that.

      Back then (1980's) there were entire companies devoted to transport automation systems with decades of relevant experience behind them. Now most of those companies have disappeared, leaving the field open to your big name SI's - who have zero experience in traffic automation and who employ developers who in the main have zero experience of this type of software - a contributing factor in Windows turning up in unexpected places...

      So if Transport Scotland have any sense and are happy with the service they have been receiving they will contract with Cubic Transportation Systems and encourage a little padding to encourage and support CTS to innovate ie. bring their product up-to-date. If they don't, expect CTS to not be around when the new system fails to deliver...

  3. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

    The first task of the winning bidder may be to redress this imbalance with arch-rivals south of the border

    If Sturgeon gets her way the first task may well be to manage the customs traffic flows at that border...

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Oh, don't worry about a hard border. She said it will be alright. There'll be a bi-lateral agreement to allow free movement of people and goods, just like it is now. Of course, she's also planning on joining the EU too so it'll all work just peachy. Like wot it has in NI. It should be interesting for farmers who's land straddles both sides of the border too.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Like wot it has in NI.

        Should be even simpler than that, no pesky GFA to respect, and little interest from the English side in making it work. Scotland wants a border? Fine, we'll sell you the barbed wire.

        More fun will be the arguments about exactly where the border should be redrawn (just as in 1920s Ireland). The communities just north of the border consistently vote to remain in the UK, what will happen when the councils in places like Dumfries or Jedburgh petition the Queen to be moved to England?

        Popcorn time...

        1. Roland6 Silver badge

          >More fun will be the arguments about exactly where the border should be redrawn (just as in 1920s Ireland)....

          Well just like Ireland, the English will come up with a solution that is guaranteed to work (not): "Borders Scotland" directly administered from Westminster by a Government appointee...

  4. Potemkine! Silver badge

    For Transport Scotland

    Invest into a own IT team. In the long run it will cost you less, and at least you will be really in control.

    Cost reduction in IT is a short-term gain, and a long-term PITA.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: For Transport Scotland

      But then you will be the manager responsible for a rise in administration costs and waste of taxpayers money.

      If you job it out you will have valuable CV worthy experience in negotiating and managing a £47m contract, to take to your new job in big business

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