back to article If your internet wobbled last weekend, you have Vodafone India to thank for it

Vodafone Idea, the Indian limb of the mega-carrier, has been fingered as the source of what's been described as a "major BGP hijack" by Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS), an organisation that "provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats." Early on Saturday, net-watchers noticed that an …


    RPKI and DNSSEC....

    vodafone idea need to get it sorted ASAP

    they have nothing modern

    no IPv6

    no DNSSEC

    no RPKI

    no DANE

    wonder why everyone is leaving to Reliance...

  2. TJ1
    Thumb Up

    Sporting errors...

    "...should have been using well-known techniques that stop this sport of error ..."

    Irony of Typos :)

    1. AndrewB57

      Re: Sporting errors...

      as also the "major GBP hijack" - poor sterling

      1. Korev Silver badge

        Re: Sporting errors...

        Yeah, it took a pounding...

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "should have been using well-known techniques"

    Yeah, but that costs money. Vodaphone Idea is there to make money, not spend it.

  4. tiggity Silver badge


    Vodafone No Idea

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Perhaps they should offshore it... Oh, wait....

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