back to article Plot twist! South Korean telco uses 5G to fight coronavirus via hospital-patrolling robot

South Korea Telecom (SKT) has linked up with Yongin Severance Hospital to commercialise and deploy facility-roaming robots that minimise the need for face-to-face contact, thus supporting reduced COVID transmission. "The plan is to ensure that citizens can safely use the hospital through a 24-hour constant quarantine system, …

  1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Using the cause of the disease to treat it, ingenious!

    1. Blackjack Silver badge

      So the robot has actually a small human inside controlling it?

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        >So the robot has actually a small human inside controlling it?

        No, bats

        1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

          A bat with a 5G tracker attached to its leg.

  2. Kubla Cant

    Yongin Severance Hospital sounds like a place where you need to keep a close watch on all your limbs.

    1. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

      Yongin Severance Hospital

      Seems like a very narrow specialism to me. Where exactly on the body would one find the yongin?

      1. AndrewB57

        Re: Yongin Severance Hospital

        Well you wouldn't find it if it had been severed would you

        That's logic is that

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Yongin Severance Hospital

          That's why you need a 5G equipped robot to find it.

  3. ThatOne Silver badge

    Buzzword fueled

    > uses 5G

    "Mark my drone, if you don't have the artificial intelligence to obey, you'll be put in blockchains."

  4. Chris G

    Sterilises with UV

    That is discrimination against vampires, on the other hand, a midnight suntan may be possible.

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "the robot can also find missing patients"

    And soon it will get the upgrade allowing it to drag missing patients back to their holding area.

    ROTM is what awaits us at the end of road paved with good itentions.

  6. EmilPer.
    Black Helicopters

    misleading title

    I thought the robot would be shooting lasers at viruses, or at least watch for virus load in the air and use UV light where appropriate ...

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