back to article OMG! New free speech social network won’t allow members to take the Lord’s name in vain

A new social media network that promises its users untrammeled free speech won’t allow “The N-word, the C-word, the F-word or God’s name in vain.” The new network is called “Frank Speech” and is backed by Mike Lindell, who rose to fame as the CEO of My Pillow and has spent the last few years as a fervent supporter of former US …

  1. Sgt_Oddball

    I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

    What with my planned weekend to Scunthorpe... A weeks trip around Europe on a Fücker bus and visiting one of the local tapas restaurants "El Gato Negro".

    On the flip side, you won't catch me discussing Post Malones song "God damn".

    Morons, the lot of them. On the plus side, having a bunch of people openly discussing their hate in a known location makes it easier to track to worst of them.

    Icon because everyone's going to get burned by this.

    1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

      Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

      I remember the old joke about .....

      If Typhoo put the T in Britain, who put the Cunt in Scunthorpe?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

        From yesterday's chip wrapper... sorry, Metro

        "Bitche slapped with Facebook ban"

        "Facebook has sparked fury in the French town of Bitche after taking down its official page for being offensive."

        "...But the row is likely to lead to headaches for the French towns of Arse Stream, Anus, Condom, and Pussy, who risk being cancelled by the Facebook algorithms"

        And "The American Embassy in Paris was once situated in Place de Bitche – Bitch Square – in honour of the town’s resistance during the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. But it was renamed United States Square after the Ambassador objected in 1881."

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

          Not to mention the Pennsylvania towns of Blue Balls and Intercourse.

        2. Irony Deficient

          Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

          “Arse Stream”? There’s a French town with the word “Stream” in its name?

          The tour d’Arse can be enjoyed in Chaumont, though.

          Since Bitche is etymologically unrelated to “bitch”, Place de Bitche translates as “Bitche Square”, not “Bitch Square”. (Bitche is a francization of German Bitsch, which is also etymologically unrelated to “bitch”.)

          Chip wrapper, indeed.

    2. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

      Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

      All I have to say to that, is "Hasa Diga Eebowai"

      1. John Robson Silver badge

        Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

        Fantastic musical, although that particular song does seem to be there purely to be offensive.

    3. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: I wonder how well I could mention my holiday plans?

      Besides, many Brits1 know the Cockney rhymin' slang term "Berk", which shouldn't run afoul of their filters.

      1And some 'Murkins, too...

  2. KittenHuffer Silver badge

    A free speech social media network that doesn't allow free speech!

    Let's see how leftpondian-centric they're gonna be with this.

    Are they also gonna block vagina, fanny, pussy, minge, slit, gash, front bottom? How about copulate, shag, hump, pound, bang?

    And don't get me started on cony, chjichja, kunda, pizda, píča, hajzl! And those are just three languages/regions for just one of the banned words.

    1. anothercynic Silver badge

      Re: A free speech social media network that doesn't allow free speech!

      They'll all be banned on the basis they're not English.

      1. seven of five

        Re: A free speech social media network that doesn't allow free speech!

        Heh, bet they'll also ban colour, aluminium and grey since it is the wrong kind of english.

      2. Someone Else Silver badge

        @anothercynic -- Re: A free speech social media network that doesn't allow free speech!

        They'll all be banned on the basis they're not English American.

        There FTFY. (Just consider the source....)

    2. jgard

      Re: A free speech social media network that doesn't allow free speech!

      A couple of scientific sounding words will throw 'em off: 'anterior anus' and 'posterior pipe' are worth a go.

      1. onemark03

        scientific-sounding words

        "Fundamental orifice?"

        Just asking.

  3. mittfh

    Good luck gaining support...

    Haven't Trump acolytes already migrated to Gab and Qcumbers to The Great Awakening?

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Re: Good luck gaining support...

      Mike "Pillow" Lindell isn't known for his displays of rational thinking. And he's a bit Trump fan, and what's more Trumpian than starting a business and seeing it fail utterly?

  4. mark l 2 Silver badge

    The CEO added the service is “the most secure” in the field.

    Don't these guys realise NOT to say stuff like that because it always comes back to bite you in the arse later?

    1. Eguro
      Thumb Up

      Well the meaning of "the field" can always be narrowed to ensure you were right.

      It might pose a challenge to some, but they truly are the most secure not-entirely-free-speech-platform-funded-by-a-shitty-pillow-maker.

    2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Indeed. From a pillow maker, I will eagerly wait for the news that his "super secure" platform has been thoroughly pwned.

      The clock is ticking, and just remember that you called the challenge.

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        I don't know. The whole exercise is so pointless and pathetic that few people might even bother to attack it.

        Then again, it's probably built from misconfigured open-source components that are vulnerable to automated attacks by botnets, so it may just be killed by computer before any competent human attacker gets to it.

    3. chivo243 Silver badge

      I have servers and stuff!

    4. Blank Reg

      Yup, it's just an open invitation for someone to prove him wrong. And I'm sure there are many who would love to do just that.

    5. mickaroo

      Sorry, you're not allowed to "arse".

      Ass, yes; arse, no...

  5. Flywheel

    Which God would that be?

    There are so many Sky Fairies vying for attention right now, they need to be more specific.

    1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

      Re: Which God would that be?

      Does that mean that we have to demand that they also ban the FSM and the IPU?!?

      Cos they lose either way. If they don't ban them then some people's Sky Faeries are being allowed. But if they do ban them then they are agreeing that they are Sky Faeries!

      ---------------> Kinda obvious!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    CEO added the service is “the most secure” in the field

    this was reckless (though personally I'd prefer 'stupid'), because it dares many people to show it is not 'the most secure' and, possibly, quite the reverse. And, if they prove it, the results will be displayed and ridiculed all over social media. This happened recently in Poland, with a launch of right-wing social platform (abicla?), which boasted of this or that, and was quickly, and publicly, proven to be amateurish. Speak softly and carry a big stick - much more effective methinks.

    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: CEO added the service is “the most secure” in the field

      Speak softly and carry a big stick - much more effective methinks.

      The right wing (especially the tRump-inspired right wing) speaking softly?!? Shirley, you jest!

  7. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

    > But a little ping action reveals that the site does use Cloudflare, which has denied service to far-right news services.

    Anybody who thinks that Twitters abuse of its monopoly is a good thing just because they agree with the politics is a moron.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      I agree. But the problem here is monopoly, not free speech. Twitter should be more than welcome to throw out people it does not like: but it shouldn't be a monopoly. If it is a monopoly it needs to be regulated like one, which unfortunately means allowing loathsome people to use it.

      1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

        Absolutely, that's the problem.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It's OK, ACLU and EFF say it's a free speech problem. So no loathsome people around anytime soon. Go back to bed, America.

        1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

          The free speech problem is *only* a problem because Twitter is an incontestable monopoly and (since Google, Amazon and Apple shut down Parler ) a member of a cartel.

          if Twitter wasn't a monopoly and a member of a cartel, free speech wouldn't be an issue because you could just use a competitor.

          1. HereIAmJH

            Twitter is not a monopoly

            Monopoly is defined by barriers to entry. Such as your local phone company being the only one getting permission to run phone lines. Or extreme cost for another provider to run duplicate infrastructure, like gas and water. But even extreme cost doesn't make a monopoly by itself. Cell phone providers are regulated because they are an oligopoly. It costs billions to build a new nationwide network.

            A competitor to Twitter has neither of those. Parler and Frank are both examples of how it is not a monopoly. You could launch a new platform on a hosted website, and then grow out of it. Register a domain, spend an afternoon coding, and a few $$ a month. The barrier to entry is getting users (customers) to switch platforms. Which means that the new sites have to be competitive. You know, the pure capitalism that they claim to want.

            Everyone used MySpace before Facebook came out. AltaVista used to be THE search tool before Yahoo and Google. I haven't seen an AOL CD for a very long time. I'm sure there is a whole list of Internet companies that used to be the leader that no one could compete against. Until someone did.

            1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

              Re: Twitter is not a monopoly

              That's not what a monopoly is. A monopoly is simply the only (major) supplier of something.

              A really obvious example is that Microsoft were a monopoly with Windows despite it being relatively easy to make and sell an operating system.

              A company that almost completely dominates a market is a monopoly. Twitter is a monopoly.

              1. genghis_uk

                Re: Twitter is not a monopoly

                I feel a little dirty posting a wikipedia link but please take 2 minutes and read what a monopoly is...


                Happy Friday

              2. HereIAmJH

                Re: Twitter is not a monopoly

                Easy to make and sell an operating system? You're killing me.

      3. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Twitter doesn't have a monopoly; there are a great many channels for expression, public and private.

        And Twitter isn't abusing anything. Freedom of the press belongs to the press.

        Honestly, there's nothing sadder than butthurt right-wingers bitching about "cancel culture" and people being kicked of Twitter. Leaving Twitter, voluntarily or otherwise, has never harmed anyone's ability to communicate with any audience that's actually interested. If part of your audience is too damn lazy to seek you out elsewhere, that's not Twitter's problem.

    2. Mojave Green

      You might want to look up the definition of monopoly. No one has to, needs to, or is forced to use Twitter, nor is anyone prevented from using an alternative communication platform or starting their own. Twitter also has terms and conditions which they can remove users for not complying with. It's ok to criticize the way they do business, but stick to the facts.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        You look it up. Internetz only work good for monopolies and cartels. You cannot really survive there without the backing of this little woke cartel of Apple/Google/AWS/Cloudflare. Just ask, say, one Brian Krebs. And I do mean "backing", not "services", as the cartel denies services to their paying clients at will - the "terms and conditions" you've mentioned is just a bunch of small font saying "we can drop you whenever we want".

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          re: little woke cartel


          They're capitalist businesses that try their best to make money. When that helped fuel an insurrection they were untouchable because "free speech", now they've decided there's more money in democracy you're pretending they're doing it because they're "woke"?

          Grow up.

      2. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

        Twitter is the only "Twitter style service". Therefore it's a monopoly. Of course Twitter would argue that it competes with Facebook, etc, but it doesn't. It's a different service.

        It would be a contestable monopoly, which would be better, except Apple, Google and Amazon conspired to shut down a competitor ( Amazon by pulling hosting, Google and Apply by pulling the app store listings ).

        Whether or not Twitter is a monopoly depends on what Twitter is. If you define it as a generic social network then it isn't a monopoly. But it isn't a generic social network - it's a Twitter-style service. Twitter is the only Twitter-style service around.

        1. Ben Tasker

          > Twitter is the only Twitter-style service around.

          And Jam sandwiches are the only jam-sandwich style sandwich around.

          You can't really define a monopoly based on whether or not it's competitors are the same as it.

          But then, you're repeating conspiracy claims that have already been thoroughly debunked, and that even Parler didn't actually push that hard on making arguments on whilst having their day in court.

          If you want to talk people conspiring, maybe ask yourself who benefits from making you believe that right-wing views are being victimised by "them".

          1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

            Of course you can, that's what a monopoly is.

            > But then, you're repeating conspiracy claims that have already been thoroughly debunked

            Would you care to be more specific?

            I assume you're talking about AWS shutting down Parler's hosting and Google/Apple pulling Parler from the app store.

            > If you want to talk people conspiring, maybe ask yourself who benefits from making you believe that right-wing views are being victimised by "them".

            There are two problems here. The first is that there is an incontestable monopoly abusing its power. The second is that they are abusing that power to push one side of various political arguments.

            Two isn't a problem without one.

            I don't care in the slightest if a private company wants to have political views and ban anything different. I do care when that private company is as big as Twitter.

        2. Dave559

          Twitter-style services

          Just saying in passing: Mastodon is a (fairly) Twitter-like system, and anyone can set up a Mastodon server relatively easily if they want to.

          1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

            Re: Twitter-style services

            But that doesn't make Twitter a non-monopoly.

            In the 90's when Microsoft was found to have abused its monopoly with Windows, there was OSX, Linux, various Unixes, etc.

            Twitter is so large compared to its competitors that they might as well not exist.

            1. Ben Tasker

              Re: Twitter-style services

              Sorry, but despite the fact you keep mentioning it, I don't think you _actually_ understand the Windows ruling.

              Microsoft were found to have committed anti-trust abuses not just because Windows was dominant, but because they were using the dominance to gain an advantage in *other markets*

              It wasn't "oh Windows is huge, we need to do something about this", it was "Microsoft are using the fact they've got Windows on every machine to bundle Internet Explorer and lock Netscape out of the browser market"

              If you want to draw comparisons, you're going to have to show how Twitter is abusing it's position to gain an unfair advantage in other markets.

              To use a flawed analogy, if Microsoft had said "you're not allowed to use Windows to create Nazi propaganda" that would have been absolutely fine in anti-trust terms.

              1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

                Re: Twitter-style services

                Urgh. Microsoft were found to have abused their monopoly.

                However nobody is complaining about Twitter banning Nazi's. People (well I am ) are complaining that Twitter is the sole arbiter of what is defined as beyond the pale. It's market reach is too large for it to have that power unchecked.

                That became a problem on multiple occasions. The Hunter Biden laptop story - nonsense or not, was printed in a proper newspaper by actual journalists. Those journalists were then banned from sharing their article. Banning the (outgoing) US president was outrageous too, whether you think he's a tool or he isn't. Banning Katie Hopkins wasn't on either.

                A smaller Twitter, with competitors, could have done all these things. But at the scale of Twitter it just isn't reasonable.

                1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

                  Re: Twitter-style services

                  Twitter have banned another journalist.


                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: Twitter-style services

                    Aww did a poor little rightwing snowflake misunderstand the T&Cs and get himself banned? Or was he pretending to be a child trafficker again?

                    1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

                      Re: Twitter-style services


                      "Banning journalists that expose my side is a good thing".

                      - You

                      1. Anonymous Coward
                        Anonymous Coward

                        Re: Twitter-style services

                        Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells, your massive strawman is on fire!!! I guess we can all call ourselves "journalists" now, hmm? And Journalists can pretend to be politicians too! (BTW Ali-G does better "journalism" than James OKeefe.)

                        1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge
                          Paris Hilton

                          Re: Twitter-style services

                          That's funny, because I specifically remember people celebrating Ali G being a great journalist because he did an expose on Trump's lawyer ( Giuliani ? ).

                          Now the shoe is on the other foot and all of a sudden those people aren't journalists. Pathetic.

        3. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Oh, good, Disgusted has now degenerated into No True ScotsmanTwitter arguments.

      3. Anonymous Coward

        In 1975 no one had to, needed to, or was forced to buy IBM computers, nor was anyone prevented from using an alternative computing platform or starting their own.

        In 2000 no one had to, needed to, or was forced to use Windows, nor was anyone prevented from using an alternative operating system or writing their own.

        In 2021, if you managed to start a serious alternative to Twitter or Facebook, what's the chance they would buy your company? Why would they do that?

        1. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

          > In 2021, if you managed to start a serious alternative to Twitter or Facebook, what's the chance they would buy your company? Why would they do that?

          In 2021 if you manage to start a vaguely serious alternative to Twitter, other members of the cartel ( Amazon, Apple, Google ) will conspire to put you out of business like they did with Parler.

          1. mattje


            an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.

            How is this group a cartel?

            Please provide evidence that they are conspiring with each other to shut out competition?

            1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

              Now, now, let the lad have his inane conspiracy theory. What else has he got?

            2. Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells Silver badge

              Parler was set up to compete with Twitter.

              Apple and Google kicked Parler out of their app stores and Amazon pulled the plug on their web hosting.

              They acted in unison to protect Twitter from competition.

              Either they coordinated this and therefore are a cartel, or it was a remarkable coincidence. Occams razor suggests that they coordinated their actions.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                "They acted in unison to protect the country from (but mostly to protect themselves from charges of aiding) sedition and insurrection."


        2. HereIAmJH

          The lawsuits against IBM and Microsoft weren't about being a monopoly. If it was, they would have been broken up like AT&T. It was about anti-competitive behavior. Using their dominant positions to block competition. Example, tying software and service contracts to hardware purchases. One of the biggest reasons Microsoft exists is IBM was afraid that if they created and supplied the OS for the PC market they would get sued for tying them together.

          Microsoft was using their dominant OS platform to block competitors by illegally tying non-OS products. Office had, and possibly still does, undocumented APIs to improve it's performance and integrate it with Windows. Internet Explorer, nuff said. MS kept modifying Win32S until it reached a point that OS/2 could not run large parts of the Windows software market.

          As far as Twitter buying competitors, they would have to pass a Federal review to do so. And would likely fail. Consider the processes that derailed the AT&T purchase of T-Mobile and then approved T-Mobile and Sprint merger. Canadian Pacific merging with KC Southern railways is a current example. Although to be clear, none of them are monopolies in the legal definition.

  8. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    My friend Jesús

    So Jesús Malverde will not be allowed to even be mentioned, you can't say Muhammad but it's OK to talk about Mohamed... and if you are a Rastafarian you can say "I" but not "I and I" ...

    1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

      Re: My friend Jesús

      But if you're a Pastafarian you can say "Arrrrrrgh"!

      ------------> Where's my FSM icon?!?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We found from

    “our founding fathers" -> historic, patriotic

    "and the Supreme Court" -> formal, democratic

    " and stuff" -> voices in his head?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: We found from

      I take offence at that. "Our founding fathers" is certainly not "My founding fathers" since it's almost impossible to argue exactly who was a founding father or fathers* (possibly William the Conquer would come closest) considering I live in a country where about a tenth of all buildings are older than the US of A.

      We also lack a "Supreme Court". A High Court**, yes but certainly not a Supreme one.

      " and stuff" - no qualms here on that one, it's in it's own special place of crazy all of it's own and I'm not going to contest international relations over crazy.

      * Worth noting a total lack of founding mothers. Just saying...

      ** As in, there is no higher authority in the land, rather than court judging whilst under the influence of narcotics

      1. 42656e4d203239 Silver badge

        Re: We found from

        >>We also lack a "Supreme Court".

        My I refer the (presumably) honourable AC to

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: We found from

          It's just possible that the original AC was thinking of the High Court of the Justiciary, the highest court for criminal cases in Scotland apparently. But then having William the Conqueror as a Founding Father looks rather iffy. Robert the Bruce instead?

          The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man have the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as their highest court.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: We found from

          Well I never...consider me corrected.

          It is though I note, a civil court rather than Crown Court so means a much more thoroughly casual affair (if only because of the lack of wigs...)

          I will admit to my ignorance of higher courts within the civil court system.

  10. iron

    > free speech won’t allow “The N-word, the C-word, the F-word or God’s name in vain.”

    As a Glaswegian I object to the decription of censoring my every second word as "free speech".

    Ye just cannae have a proper conversation withoot oor most used adjectives.

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      I never knew Glaswegians discussed Nitrogen, Carbon and Fluorine so much. What a huge bunch of chemists they are.

  11. Cuddles

    But what if

    I had a really good piece of halibut?

    1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: But what if

      Good enough for YHWH?

  12. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

    Christ on a bike!

    So... what they're saying is, "free speech is what we say it is, and if you disagree, then you're wrong and we'll kick you off". Sounds familiar somehow. Maybe they should look up irony (hint: Alanis got it wrong re bad catering).

  13. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    They won't allow the N word?

    We're talking about a service aimed mostly at Trump's support base aren't we?

    How the hell (ooops) are those people going to communicate without the N word?

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why is it not called Pillow talk?

    ... or, at least, 'Bite the Pillow'

  15. Sgt_Oddball

    If only...

    We could filter intent and not outcome.

    But then we'd end up with the very ++good world dreamt up by a certain George Orwell all those years ago.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    FuQing Qunts.

    Here's some real Frank speech, "Hmmmm.., Betty!"

  17. chivo243 Silver badge

    “We are going to be attacked but I have my own servers and everything.

    And if your IT staff are as wacky as you, if you have any, cuz they are your own servers, you know... (who needs IT staff for their own servers?) I see this going down fast! It will be great?

  18. Sanguma

    Taking the Lord's Name intravenously?

    I'm reminded of Abbie Hoffman's Dictum: "Avoid all needle drugs, the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon."

  19. Aussie Doc

    Optional interesting title here

    “We are going to be attacked but I have my own servers and everything."

    Ooh - he probably has 'cyberstuff' and everything.

    Obviously a techie boffin of the highest order with a coat and all.

  20. chivo243 Silver badge

    Off to a Flying fail!

    See what happens with your own servers and stuff?!!

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