Guess all these approved apps must come with backdoors then
Glad to see my preferred option is not on the list.
You use a VPN precisely because you want to avoid Big Tech snoopers!
On Thursday the ioXt Alliance, an Internet of Things (IoT) security trade group backed by some of the biggest names in the business, introduced a set of baseline standards for mobile apps, in the hope that IoT security may someday be a bit less of a dumpster fire. The announcement of the new Mobile Application Profile [PDF], a …
The biggest risk with IoT, is not whether someone steals your addressbook though a security hole in an app but that the IoT devices themselves have massive secirity holes which allow your entire private network to be exposed. Most devices really shouldn't even be visible on the other side of your router but beause the OEM wants to know everything about you, the device won't even operate unless it can see the OEM's server.
Exactly they created the problem they're trying to solve in the first place. There's really no need IoT devices need to call a remote "cloud" service to get commands from an app that needs to connect to the same service.
If I need to connect to my own network to administer it I can setup my own VPN with my own router and from there access and monitor any internal device.
What was the name of that bunch of tossers that the Reg reported on a few weeks back?
They had kiddie winkie cameras in play schools and such like that any perv could look at.
Didn’t they also do some crap front door cameras?
Anyway, what’s the betting that they’ll sign up?
The real point of smartphone apps linked to IoT devices is this:
- Help Large Corporations to get more revenue than the (one time) sale of of a device provides.
- By providing a (continuing) stream of valuable marketing information till the device goes t*ts up
Why would any of these Large Corporations have the slightest interest in privacy or security?
It's a marketing (that word again) smoke screen!!!!