Re: Either or both secure or insecure?
Microsoft Support is all woefully inept outsourcing at all but the highest and internal levels, so good luck getting any kind of answer out of them in this regard.
I'll also tell you in case you didn't know: The essence of "Microsoft 365" is AD, Exchange, and other things you could run yourself, with a bloated, buggy web interface and overcomplicated sync tool for hybrid environments. These services, in my research, run on Server 2016 and *nix machines, with the software itself often being a few versions bebind. The only thing 365 does that you can't download and run for yourself is their proprietary Azure development environment, and some of their new offerings like Power Automate. Everything else Microsoft either sells as a standalone product or there are better non-MS options available. The big draw to 365 is it having everything in one web-centralized package... A package you get incredibly confused even trying to buy, since it seems not even Microsoft certified licensing experts can help get the right solution. MR. REP, LET ME ASK AGAIN: IS OVS-ES INTUNE LICENSED PER USER OR BY FTE COUNT? I AM YELLING THROUGH THE SCREEN, MAYBE THAT WILL HELP.
Heed my warning. There will be at least 3 minor to major problems that crop up in your 365 environment every day without fail. What should be a managed solution ends up becoming another full-time job in addition to other priorities. Oh look, speaking of—"365 Service Alert" plops in my already fattened inbox right as I'm writing this comment... And the outages! Oh, the outages for stupid reasons! They are much more prevalent than they have a right to be.
I can't imagine supporting this trite at an international scale without being overstaffed to handle all the BS edge-cases. It can barely handle what we use it for.
Time to contact support again because this UPN is unchangable, just to be told that being able to change it is not a feature yet... I shit you not, and it's been like this for years, but I have to do my due dilligence, huh?