I don't know who to support there
It's tough, I don't know who to support there.
Myanmar/Burma had a military dictatorship, during this time Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest for years and years for speaking out against the military dictatorship that ran the country. Successfully, the country finally got elections and elected her. From what I've read, she was apparently just fine for 6 months to a year then... I don't know what happened (sounds like it was pretty sudden, almost like she had a mental breakdown or stroke or something) but she suddenly became quite brutal toward her political opponents, there've been no elections since (after speaking against dictatorship, she became a dictator), and there's been widescale genocide under her regime (... whether she ordered it, or just let her officials do what they wanted and didn't stop it, I don't know... but as a dictator she obviously could have stopped it if she wanted to, and in fact did stop it for the first year or so of her rule.)
I'm not for a military overthrow, especially when it's brutal. But, the person they overthrew was a rights advocate in the past, but in the present she was a brutal and genocidal dictator, so I'm not for her getting put back in place either. Welp, de 'nada, it's not my problem 8-)
I think what Alan Brown says is accurate; these religious/cultural groups there do not get along at all, to the point that there's widespread popular support for genocide (whatever group you're a member of, lets just wipe out one or two of the others.) I have no insight into this, if they are even fighting over anything (some resources they want control over) or if it's just tit-for-tat killings (this has been the cause of a lot of gang deaths in the US.. sometimes, they don't even remember what started it, but it'll just be "they killed one of ours, we've got to get one of theres", going on for decades.)
Could a Nelson Mandela show up, have a truth and reconciliation commission and put an end to it? I don't know; with apartheid, you definitely had those who thought they were better than the rest, and the reconcilliation commision did a great job of putting and end to this in a clean way; but, it seems like the Burmese have even stronger divides so I just don't know...