back to article Scottish National Party members found among list of names signed up to rival Alba Party after website whoopsie

Alex Salmond's Alba Party has got off to a rocky start after a coding error on its website appeared to expose the names of those signed up. First reported by Scotland's The Herald On Sunday, the names of more than 4,000 people who had signed up to attend events were inadvertently made public. While the newspaper gleefully …

  1. Mike 137 Silver badge

    Yet again - Yaaaaawwwnn!

    "Those ID values were sequential, so simply changing the number on a link to an online event showed the person whose name corresponds with that ID as the referrer on the page"

    As in the movie - "You should get your head examined" "I did. They sent it back with with the note 'contents missing'"

  2. Aladdin Sane

    I'm setting up a new party - The Scottish People's Front.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The Scottish People's Front.

      I would definitely Back the Scottish People's Front... but I'm not sufficiently Scottish.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: The Scottish People's Front.

        > I would definitely Back the Scottish People's Front... but I'm not sufficiently Scottish.

        I think I would find it an affront to be asked to back the Scottish People's Front by the Front's backers, but not taken aback to be asked to front a Scottish People's Back party. Or have I got that back to front?

        1. Stuart Moore

          Re: The Scottish People's Front.

          The On The Side Of The Scottish People's party are delighted to announce we have joined with the Scottish People's Back party. The party will now be known as the Scottish People's BackSide party, or in Gaelic as Arse.

        2. Kane

          Re: The Scottish People's Front.

          "I think I would find it an affront to be asked to back the Scottish People's Front by the Front's backers, but not taken aback to be asked to front a Scottish People's Back party. Or have I got that back to front?"

          Username checks out.

        3. The Indomitable Gall

          Re: The Scottish People's Front.

          The people of Back would like to have a word with you about the appropriation of their name for their home by your party.

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: The Scottish People's Front.

        I would definitely Back the Scottish People's Front... but I'm not sufficiently Scottish."

        I joined them but didn't like their policies so I formed the Peoples Scottish Front. Everyone is welcome since I'm not Scottish either.

        1. MyffyW Silver badge

          Re: The Scottish People's Front.

          As a half-Welsh, half-English flapper it was an obvious move to set up my own Scottish nationalist party - The Popular Front for Scotland - but I seem to be on my own.


        2. John G Imrie

          Re: The Scottish People's Front.


    2. Ochib

      I'm setting up a new party - Campaign for a Free Scotland

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Campaign for a Free Scotland

        Are yo sure that there enough Scotland's to go around? If they are free, nearly everybody will want one!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: enough Scotland's to go around?

          Perhaps they'd be kind enough to divide themselves up a little, so everyone could have their own Scotland? I believe it's traditional to suggest starting with West Lothian, but I'm sure it would be better if it was left to the individuals on the ground, as it were, to decide.

      2. The Indomitable Gall

        Why not? We've already got about five Free Kirks...

    3. 42656e4d203239 Silver badge


      I'm setting up a new party - the People's Front of Scotland!

      1. Aladdin Sane

        Re: Splitters...


      2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


        Portsmouth Football Club!

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

    5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      How about the Sottish People's Back?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        It's a vocation; I do not do this for the thanks*

        It has been universally agreed that the most useful, noble and intelligent people on the entire internet are those that point out other people's spelling mistakes without adding anything else of note to the discussion. They even have a special society, the Tucking Fwats.

        So, without further ado:

        lolz, you wrote Sottish, you wrote Sottish, you meant Scottish, like, literally, your mum.

        Let the upvotes commence.

        (*It isn't, and I do of course).

    6. Danny 14

      anything is better than those scumbags in the peoples front of Scotland.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Donald, where's your troosers?"

    I presume Alba will fix this with a cutesy logo, a website redesign including happy smiling cartoon people of all colours and creeds and a meaningless statement along the lines of "hoots mon! will ye nae be worryin' about our security! Wee Hamish has it all in hoond!", just like Nurserycam ("your beautiful baby, on the internet forever!") are aiming to do.

    Alba's first mistake was to name themselves after a purveyor of ratty old clock radios, and yes, Scottish people speak exactly like this. All of them.

    1. John Riddoch

      Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

      "Scottish people speak exactly like this" - no we don't. We usually swear a lot more than that...

      1. Ian Johnston Silver badge

        Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

        "In Glasgow, the word 'fucking' is just a general indication that a noun is on its way."

        - Frankie Boyle

        1. Little Mouse

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          My aunt lives in Scotland; she says it's quite nice.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          The noun is "English".

          1. The Indomitable Gall

            Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

            That's an adjective.

    2. Khaptain Silver badge

      Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

      Let's keep think properly Scottish here...

      "Donald, whaur's yer troosers ?..."

      1. ForthIsNotDead

        Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

        Call youreself Scots?


        It's: "Donald, fars yer troosers?".

        And I'm not even Scottish! Pah!

        1. Khaptain Silver badge

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          And I'm not even Scottish!

          There is no doubt about that and it seems as though you've not actually been there either.

          1. ForthIsNotDead

            Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

            I'm a Sassenach that has lived in Aberdeen since 2005. And I ken fit Doric is. Ok?

        2. Citizen of Nowhere

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          Either is acceptable Scots. "Far" meaning where you would be more likely to come across where "the Doric" is spoken -- the north-east of the country. You might also hear the greeting "Fit like?" rather than "How ye daen?"

          And I am Scottish.

          1. Khaptain Silver badge

            Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

            That would as common as the 2 people and a donkey that live by the dry stane dyke, use peat to heat their stills, occasionaly sell tattie scones to the tourists and think that Ullapool is the largest city on the earth...

            1. Citizen of Nowhere

              Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

              Really? What would I know, I only grew up there.

              1. Khaptain Silver badge

                Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

                As a Scotsman myself, I find it strange that I have never heard anyone use that variation...

                I can understand on the Isles that the accents change heavily, or that an Aberdonian differs from a Glaswegian.... But the large majority do not use that phrase..

    3. Dr. G. Freeman

      Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

      "Alba's first mistake was to name themselves after a purveyor of ratty old clock radios"

      Along those lines, with Salmond's reputation, could have called themselves Bush.

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

        Reminds me of a slogan during the 1988 US Presidential Election, on a T-shirt worn by a female Republican supporter:

        My heart is for Bush, but my bush is for Hart

        Bush - George H.W. Bush

        Hart - Gary Hart

        1. General Purpose

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          How long have you been holding onto that URL? The file was deleted in 2015!

    4. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

      You are all presuming this is an error. Its deliberate. Many of the SNP names found on the list were added by Alba to annoy Nicky and sow confusion among the SNP.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

        "sow confusion among the SNP"

        Not a hard task, lets be honest. The faithful are mostly just your standard issue dim nationalists (not the same as patriots) yet unlike english nationalists who generally quite rightly get slated, the SNP get a free pass with the BBC and other media organisations for [reasons] despite their quite obvious anti-english attitudes. Any organisation that is unashamably xenophobic against its near neighbour and is still dining out on injustices from 500 years ago really needs to take a good look at itself in the mirror.

        1. The Indomitable Gall

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          Which anti-English attitudes?

          I keep hearing claims of Anglophobia, but with no specific allegations.

          Are there anglophobes in Scotland? Yes.

          Are some of them members of the SNP? No doubt.

          Are they anything other than fringe elements? As far as I know, no.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

            Charging English students tuition fees while Scots and EU citizens got it for free for starters. Then theres the whole english = tories meme Krankie keeps pushing. Also the Westminster doesnt understand scotland BS despite having many scots there but apparently Brussels does despite having none.

            Oh, and the bit I love is the empire was all down to the English stance which was apparently nothing to do with any clean living scotsmen despite 1 in 3 slavers in Jamaica being Scottish plus the scots heading off to Canada en mass to help slaughter the indigenous peoples. And theres plenty more under the radar implicit xenophobia designed to brainwash the gullible into voting SNP to "free" scotland from the nasty english. If anything we need freeing from the duplicitous money grabbing whingers north of the border who refuse to accept history,

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

              @Boltar, you seem to be working from an as yet-to-be-vindicated assumption that you are the adult in the room, yet the argument you put forth contains the following language



              "brainwash the gullible"

              "duplicitous money grabbing whingers"

              "refuse to accept history"

              and approximately zero, as far as I can see in terms of actual content that can be sensibly engaged with by any rational opponent. Do you want to have another go?

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

                No actual content or you don't want to admit there was any because it doesn't follow your narrative? Why not start off with this cupcake and see how you get on:


        2. Citizen of Nowhere

          Re: "Donald, where's your troosers?"

          Fairly sure it is British nationalism which gets the free pass.

          In the 2014 referendum, the population of Scotland was enfranchised to decide on their future. Not Scots. Anyone, regardless of whether they were Scottish, English, Polish or anything else, as long as they were stably resident in the country and should therefore have a say in its future. If the Scottish independence movement is xenophobic, they sure have a strange way of showing it.

          In the Brexit referendum on the other hand millions of people resident denied a vote on the future of the country where they were stably resident and a lot of people who had not even lived in the country for up to 15 years and little stake in its future enfranchised.

          Still, the kind of trite misrepresentation and hectoring condescension you exhibit continues to fuel support for independence, so feel free to continue.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Thank you Salmond days!

  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Immaculate Source for Coding to XSSXXXX ... A Heavenly BeDevilling Delight :-)

    It is nice to know who you are getting into beds with. Anything less has one encountering an Almighty Invisible Resource ....a Superlative Sleeping Partner with Light Years of Quantum Communication Experience in Brokering Virtually Augmented Imagination ProgramMING.

    To paraphrase Tom Hanks, and a legitimate question to ask for a sensible answer, given the implied subject matter ..... "Langley, is that there a problem?"

    You appear to be holding four aces, El Reg, an exclusive hand dealt to you for you that you never before believed even remotely possible, but here we all are seeding future fare. :-) That puts y'all here on El Reg in a most enviable leading position whenever tuned in to Almighty Invisible Resources with Future Guaranteed Virtually Immaculate Source Supply to Muster and Deploy in the Foreign Fields of Alien Terrain.

    Now that is One Almighty Core Ore Source Vein to Freely Tap into and partake of the Flow of Info and Intel enabling one to unlock all manner of Heavenly Padlocked Gates.. As may imagine, that very much opens up a whole host of Adam and Eve Gardens of Eden with Delights made IMPossible not to share in order to fully enjoy and luxuriate in the much appreciated reward of more rewards and awards to favour and savour and flavour and beta test sample live in the Palaces of Places Chosen.

    And methinks for now, that be more than enough to enjoy . Too much of anything good or bad is never a great thing so just taking lots of great bits of everything leads one onto and into SMARTR SWIFT Courses. I Kid U Not.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If the Website was specifically hacked by the Newspaper for their story

    Then isn't the Newspaper guilty under the GDPR for releasing the names?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If the Website was specifically hacked by the Newspaper for their story

      I think the point is it wasn't hacked. It was easy to get the information.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: If the Website was specifically hacked by the Newspaper for their story

        Do the anti hacking laws have a defence of "they were practically giving it away".

        I'm not sure you can claim that you were allowed access coz their security was so shit.

    2. Justin Case
      Black Helicopters

      Re: If the Website was specifically hacked by the Newspaper for their story

      IANAL but expectations of privacy etc seem to work for certain members of the upper echelons. In any case I suppose it's hard to extrapolate purpose to subscriptions to anything. It might be a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer.

  7. Potemkine! Silver badge

    I googled on Alba and found this "ALBA Group - The recycling company". Any connection ? ^^

    And congrats to Scotland for their gallant victory on Friday evening - This 6 Nations championship was high on emotion this year

    1. Citizen of Nowhere

      >Any connection ?

      Yes, the party is an attempt to recycle a Scottish politician who has managed the remarkable feat of being less popular in Scotland than Boris Johnson.

      1. Ken 16 Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        Michael Gove?

        1. Citizen of Nowhere

          Unfortunately Michael Gove doesn't currently require recycling. Composting maybe ;-)

  8. the hatter


    Some members of the only party for scottish independence interested in an alternative party for scottish independence shocker

    Maybe not the way those members wanted to let the cat out of the bag, bur hardly surprising. Much as I find both sides merely popcorn fodder, this particular nugget is not where I'd anchor the story.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Shocker

      I agree that the news that some SNP members are moving to Alba isn't huge news. I assume that it's a condition of membership of the SNP that you aren't a member of another political party. If by some chance it isn't then the story is even smaller.

      It's a bit embarrassing that the membership details have leaked though.

      1. Ken 16 Silver badge

        Re: Shocker

        I'm sure some joined the mailing list just to do opposition research but I'm afraid Alba will just split off existing SNP members rather than attracting new members from unionist parties. The SNP tends to take voters from left and centre (Labour and LibDem), Alba could be really useful if it attracted the right wing Tory voter to the cause.

        1. The Indomitable Gall

          Re: Shocker

          No-one's suggesting otherwise.

    2. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge


      But it does put a lot of pressure on the named SNP members. Either they go back to the colleagues and claim "curiosity" while swearing blind they are loyal (and serve their time under a cloud of suspicion), or they jump ship.

      Everything points to a routine cock up. But it's one that might push waverers to jump.

    3. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      Re: Shocker

      I wish they were just popcorn fodder but I live in the Highlands and the thought of the SNP miss-running Scotland with no restrictions is a bit terrifying.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Shocker

        "the thought of the SNP miss-running Scotland with no restrictions is a bit terrifying"

        Clearly, it's escaped your attention that the SNP has been running Scotland since 2007.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Shocker

          Yes, badly (NHS, education, unemployment, drugs - all worse since the SNP came to power) and with westminster still holding the reins in the form of the majority of tax income so Wee Jimmy and her cult have to tow the line. With independence they'd be off the leash and free to turn Scotland into a cold facsimile of Cuba.

          1. albaleo

            Re: Shocker

            "free to turn Scotland into a cold facsimile of Cuba"

            So somewhat more interesting than South Shields or Runcorn. Who wouldn't vote for that?

          2. The Indomitable Gall

            Re: Shocker

            Not sure about that myself.

            I give the SNP one term post-independence before they collapse and end up reforming into something entirely different.

            The SNP currently has several strands of appeal

            1. Single-issue voters -- independence or bust

            2. Perception of Scottish chapters of UK big 3 parties as "branch offices" representing the party over constituents

            3. People who like SNP policies.

            Group 3 has expanded significantly based on how the SNP have governed in 3 consecutive parliaments, but without groups 1 and 2, they'll be unable to command a majority.

            That means that in the event of independence, there will be a rapid restructuring of the Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties north of the border, and a resurgence of Scottish Labour voting.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Shocker

        I don't think Scotland needs another independence party as Boris seems to be doing a good job already. I'm not an SNP supporter but, as a sassenach living in the Highlands, I mistrust NS less than I do BJ...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Shocker

          >I don't think Scotland needs another independence party

          It does - because of the weird mix of FPTP and PR - although arguably the Scottish Greens would have served as well as Alba....main thing is that what's left of labour and conservatives are removed. Many will hold their nose and give Alba their second vote.

          1. The Indomitable Gall

            Re: Shocker

            The Greens looked OK when Harper was their public face, but there are too many elements of eco-militancy rising to the surface as they get bigger for them to get broad public acceptance.

            Plus, it's the power of Salmond (like him or loathe him) that's likely to get significant numbers following a 2nd-vote-tactical strategy.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Shocker

          Is there anyone you trust less than the Bojer?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Shocker

        The thought of any of the other parties running things is even scarier. They're so useless they can barely win a constituency seat between them.

      4. Ken 16 Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: Shocker

        Yes, misrule of Scotland is a Westminster prerogative.

    4. BebopWeBop

      Re: Shocker

      The Greens are also an independence party in Scotland.

      1. Citizen of Nowhere

        Re: Shocker

        And a far worthier recipient of independence-supporting second votes than the Alex Loves Being Adored Party.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It gets worse

    The new party's web site is a .org address but it's usual for there to be a .scot address too. As of the weekend, and right now as I type, trying to access redirects to....

    A quick whois and the entire issue goes deeper down a rabbit hole. The .scot domain is registered with Ionos, while the official .org domain is registered with Namecheap.

    They'll have to get their act together by quite a lot more if there is any chance of my placing* them on the voting papers come May, as this does not inspire confidence.

    * - The voting system allows this here rather than just an X.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It gets worse

      Curious. I had originally thought that Alba was being set up in direct competition with the SNP, but it seems that Alba is only aiming for regional seats, so won't affect the constituency vote. If I understand the system correctly, the SNP would not get many regional seats because the calculations reduce the impact of the regional vote for that party depending on how many constituency seats it wins.

      If the SNP is for 'Independence' and Alba is explicitly set up for 'Independence', then the result is a significant increase in the 'Independence' vote with no (or little) impact on overall SNP seats.

      I'm left feeling that Alba and the SNP are actually colluding, not conflicting, which might explain the issue with respect to "". It seems like a con, to be honest.

      Of course, I may be totally misunderstanding the voting method, so the above conclusions could be bollocks.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It gets worse

        > If I understand the system correctly,

        Yes, your supposition is possible, as the Unionist parties tend to depend on the "list" vote, with very few being elected on the constituency vote. Alba may split the list vote, or dilute it, although the SNP slogan for this election is "both votes SNP" to try to achieve that majority.

        While the voting system was designed to prevent any party achieving an outright majority, it's got to be said that when you cast your vote, you can be sure it's not necessarily a wasted one, should your choice not cross the line first. I find PR, even this flawed version, satisfying as a result.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It gets worse

          Alba may split the list vote, or dilute it, although the SNP slogan for this election is "both votes SNP" to try to achieve that majority.

          The SNP slogan is utter bollocks and the SNP know this. Or should know this. Votes for Alba - which will not be standing in the consitituency elections - cannot possibly split or dilute the pro-independence vote. In fact those votes could actually increase the number of pro-independence MSPs. Which is why the unionist parties are howling with rage.

          The PR system for the Scottish Parliament is *designed* to produce coalition governments. The rationale for that is to end up with a mix of parties in parliament that's roughly in proportion to how people voted across the country. The arithmetic of this system means "both votes SNP" is pointless. And a lie because it probably can't deliver an outright SNP majority in Holyrood - unless nobody votes for any other party.

          Check out the d'Hondt system if you want to know the gory details.

          The SNP is saying "both votes SNP" because they don't want Salmond to become an MSP. That would make life deeply awkward for the SNP's leadership.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It gets worse

        "I'm left feeling that Alba and the SNP are actually colluding".

        Why? One party is led by Salmond and the other by Sturgeon. There's no chance of these mortal enemies colluding about anything. If the SNP and Alba somehow form a supermajority at the May elections, the next parliament in Holyrood will be very, very entertaining.

        1. jmch Silver badge

          Re: It gets worse

          "One party is led by Salmon(d) and the other by Sturgeon"

          It's not sole-ly the party leaders in plaice that cod be colluding

          1. tip pc Silver badge

            Re: It gets worse

            It all stinks of rotting fish.

            1. MyffyW Silver badge

              Re: It gets worse

              There will be a reliance on the bass vote.

      3. Twanky

        Re: It gets worse

        I'm left feeling that Alba and the SNP are actually colluding,

        Well, that's single issue politics for you...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It gets worse

          If Alba is meant to refer to the gaelic word for Scotland if would be nice if they could pronounce it properly.

          This makes 3 pro-independence parties to match up against the 3 pro-union parties. So no doubt the media will give both views equal time/space during the campaign (snarf).

          1. Intractable Potsherd

            Re: It gets worse

            "This makes 3 pro-independence parties..."

            Sadly not. The ISP membership voted to withdraw candidates from the May election. Even they didn't understand that more than one pro-indy party is the best way to go. I'm appalled that people cannot understand basic mathematics.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: It gets worse

              The ISP membership voted to withdraw candidates from the May election.

              Whatever. You seem to have ignored the Green Party. Which is pro-independence and actually has MSPs. In fact the SNP needs Green Party support in Holyrood to pass legislation and vote down motions of no confidence.

    2. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: It gets worse

      "The new party's web site is a .org address but it's usual for there to be a .scot address too."

      I understand that the .scot address has been acquired by a well-known SNP trouble-maker. The wee shithead did the same with domains relating the Independence for Scotland Party.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It gets worse

        "I understand that the .scot address has been acquired by a well-known SNP trouble-maker. The wee shithead did the same with domains relating the Independence for Scotland Party."

        And absolutely fair play to them for being quick off the mark and doing that!

        The first rule of domain management is to register domains in all of the (proper) TLDs that you think you'll need. For a party whose main policy is Scottish independence, for the Alba Party to have failed to have registered the corresponding .scot domain is yet another sure sign of being total numpties!

        (Although, having said that, if you think Nominet have been turning the pricing screws of late, the prices for .scot domains really are a complete rip-off in comparison.)

  10. Plest Silver badge

    Scot's prediliction for cutting those costs down?

    Look we know the Scot's have a perchant for saving cash but this sounds like they paid a tenner to some GCSE student off school during COVID to code up the website!

  11. General Purpose

    "Is it possible the website was created in something of a rush?"

    Whois says was registered 23 November 2020 so they've had time to think about it. Maybe project planning isn't one of Salmond's strengths (cf failure to register

  12. AW-S

    Purdah should not apply here

    "A spokesperson for Information Commissioner's Office told us: "As a public body the ICO has to consider its responsibilities during the pre-election period. Our regulatory work continues as usual but we will not be commenting publicly on every issue raised during the Parliament Election""

    During the pre-election period?

    Of course, political parties culd literally break the law for the Purdah period and the ICO will sit back and say nothing.

    1. The Indomitable Gall

      Re: Purdah should not apply here

      I would imagine that during purdah it'll be a matter for the Electoral Commission, hence the ICO's reluctance to get involved. Imagine if both investigated and came to different conclusions -- messy.

  13. Stuart Halliday

    That didn't take long...

  14. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "the nature of the error will cause disbelief in infosec circles."

    They've all seen it before. They'll all expect to see it again. No surprise.

  15. JassMan

    If they look hard enough

    they'll probably find Dido queen of carnage was employed as a security consultant.

    1. John G Imrie

      Re: If they look hard enough

      If Dido had been in charge the home page would have had a link to a membership list containing Name, address, credit card number and date of birth.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Given that First Past the Post is still a thing, this would appear to be a cleverly organised plot by the opposition to split the vote and seize further control. They've done it before in England & Wales (UKIP basically being a Tory plant to steal Red voters, anyone?)

    Britain's democracy is dead because of the stupid FPTP laws. Voting tactically in opposition to who you don't want to win is a pretty well known thing, and broken. A similar set of rules that got Trump elected despite losing the popular vote; and has kept Trudeau in power too.

    The irony is one of the better governments we've had in recent years the media took a dump on (the Coalition); despite lunatics in each party being kept in check and forced to find common centre ground to do stuff. Positive changes like the raising of the tax allowance came out of that.

    I am an utter stuck record on this subject and I make no apologies for complaining about it. The system has to change, we have to make votes matter. Please look up the campaign of the same name.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Your comment about a plot to split the vote is wildly wrong. Scotland uses PR to elect its parliament.

      Salmond's new party is not standing in the constituency election. Which uses FPTP. Alba can't possibly split the vote there because it's not offering any candidates to vote for. Alba is standing in the top-up vote. Which doesn't use FPTP. It allocates seats based on tne number of votes, modulo some weighting to take account of the seats each party won in the constituency vote. Which means there's not really a pro-independence vote to be split there either.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        The last I checked, Scotland elects MPs to Westminster as well as the Scottish Parliament? The former is FPTP and will split future vote in the General.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          But the aim of the Alba Party is obviously that Scotland wouldn't be electing MPs to the rUK parliament in the future, so that point could be moot!

          (Should there not be a majority of pro-independence MSPs in the next Scottish Parliament, and then no forthcoming referendum, UDI, whatever, I would image that Alba, if they have any sense, wouldn't stand in the next UK Parliament election, apart from perhaps in a few seats where they think they have candidates with particular personal following and a very good chance of winning those seats, precisely to avoid splitting the vote. It's a sad indictment of UK-level politics that tactical voting is always required, because of the lack of any form of PR.)

          (Different AC)

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Given the nature of the enmity between Touchy Eck and Bravetart, this looked more like a "accidentally on purpose" release of information.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Scottish National Party

    Sounds fun. When is it?

  19. ForthIsNotDead


    People of a certain age will recall Alba, the manufacturer of 'hifi' (really, quite lo-fi) equipment, walkmans, radio cassettes, radio clocks etc. They were pretty big in the 80s. You couldn't walk into a Dixons without seeing a wall full myriad of Alba twin-cassette (with soft eject), hi-speed dubbing, 3 waveband tuner, with graphic equaliser and turntable with rumble filter (copied from Amstrad) systems. All for £99.99.

    Like these (SFW)

    Is the new Alba party any relation?

    1. The Indomitable Gall

      Re: Alba

      Isn't that just Argos's own brand for rebadged Chinese commodity electronics? Were they ever available in Dixons?

      1. Dave559

        Re: Alba

        Once upon a time (rather a long time ago), Alba, Bush, etc, were "proper" radio brands, but seemed to have a rather convoluted history and did gradually drop to the low-end. Eventually the brands did indeed get bought up by Argos.

      2. ForthIsNotDead

        Re: Alba

        Ah! My bad - thought it was Dixons. How the memories fade. I just remember them being cheap and not very good! A bit like the early Amstrad units - which looked beautiful but were actually quite rubbish!

  20. Wolfclaw

    Wee Jimmy will be sending her associates around to re-educate them and turn them back to the path of righeousness in the the utopia SNP family.

    1. The Indomitable Gall

      What's with the constant Krankies references? Isn't that all getting a bit old now?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Closely followed by a "Night of the long knives" then a modern day "Reichstag Fire" to justify a big law enforcement power grab....

      Then again the fanaticism of many SNP supporters (see r/scotland to see what I mean) reminds me more of the DPRK aka North Korea.....slavish devotion to "The Party" and extreme vitriol towards anyone who questions the benevolence of the party....

      I wonder how soon after Indy that portraits of "the Leader" are mandated alongside statues...parhaps Nicola will manage 19 holes in 1 at her first attempt at golf and Ben Nevis to weep in her honour...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Slavish devotion

        "Closely followed by a "Night of the long knives" then a modern day "Reichstag Fire" to justify a big law enforcement power grab....

        Then again the fanaticism of many SNP supporters (see r/scotland to see what I mean) reminds me more of the DPRK aka North Korea.....slavish devotion to "The Party" and extreme vitriol towards anyone who questions the benevolence of the party....

        I wonder how soon after Indy that portraits of "the Leader" are mandated alongside statues...parhaps Nicola will manage 19 holes in 1 at her first attempt at golf and Ben Nevis to weep in her honour..."

        To be honest, it's the current UK Government that really much more terrifies me about all of the above, with sudden fetishistic creepy flagshagging, over-the-top police reactions to peaceful vigils, vile hateful othering of foreigners, etc. (Yes, there sadly is some worrying and nasty anti-English, anti-foreigner sentiment among some Scottish nationalists, but, as far as I am aware it is thankfully a very small minority, and hopefully kept that way.)

        I'm no particular fan of the SNP (and not really of independence), but when your neighbours go rogue you can kind of see that Primal Scream (yes, I know it's not their quote originally) maybe had a point:

        "Just what is it that you want to do?

        We wanna be free

        We wanna be free to do what we wanna do

        And we wanna get loaded

        And we wanna have a good time"

        (I don't doubt that some SNP members show slavish devotion, but, to be honest, I see that reflected in far too many centre-left political discussions online. The amount of vitriol thrown between some members of parties which have more in common than separates them is often incredible, it's possibly even worse than football fans!)

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Game theory

    953,587 list votes = 4 SNP list MSPs.

    960,141 list votes = 45 Labour and Tory list MSPs.

    It makes sense for pro-independence voters to vote for another pro-independence party as their second vote, rather than both votes for the SNP. Albeit they could have already done this with the Greens.

    The SNP was always going to split post independence because it's such a broad church; left wing, centrists and right wing supporters. Personally I'd prefer an ethical independent pro-independence candidate, but strategically it's best that the split as such as it is came now. Former Scottish secretary David Mundell said unionists should oppose Alba as a threat to the union by 'gaming the system', and that is correct. But the system was rigged by design as the stats I listed prove, so it's rational to game it.

    It's not an original idea by Salmond -

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Game theory

      This is why I dislike PR. There’s nothing wrong with it - apart from all its supporters banging on about how much better it is. Whichever of a million different flavours that they prefer... all electoral systems are unfair, just in different ways.

      I agree with the Patrician. It should be one man, one vote. I’ll volunteer to be the man, and I cast my vote for myself.

      My first policy is that supermarkets must sell sorbet as well as ice cream. And at fair prices. And bacon sandwiches must be available in all workplaces. Along with decent tea.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Game theory

        "all electoral systems are unfair, just in different ways"

        Indeed; but crucially, by different amounts cf. Churchill's quip about democracy being the worst form of government apart from all the rest.

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: Game theory

          I’m entirely in agreement with Churchill that democracy is way better than anything else. My problem is with the PR is fairer crowd. PR creates as many problems as it solves. One of the good points of our first past the post system is the negative one, that it can be used to kick the bastards out, if enough voters decide to gang up on one party.

          One big advantage of PR is that it encourages small parties and allows the expression of different points of view. The problem is that this often forces post election deals to build governments, which gives excessive powers to those small parties. And so long as the numbers add up, they might continue to get invited into government and there’s no way for other voters to get rid of them.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Game theory

        PR might not be perfect but it's still better than FPTP. Why should we put up with a status quo that we know is broken?

        Of course, the garbage AV proposal that was voted on publically was deliberately contrived to make it the worst possible implementation of PR imaginable. And now everyone and his dog defends FPTP over PR because of that one borked implementation.

        On flavours of PR, MMPR is probably most amenable to UK voters; one vote; no stupid ranking system. Still have a named candidate for your region. But the split of parliament goes by qty of votes. Retains the (few) advantages of FPTP while bringing in meaningful results of voting for, in England at least, non Red-or-Blue members.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Game theory

        It's not really proper PR though. It's the Additional Member System, or Mixed Member PR. We don't get a say in who the candidate is though, and I feel we should.

        But the first past the post part of the election is flawed too. My local SNP MSP is utterly useless, a scandal in waiting, but the alternative is a terrible Tory so I'm forced to vote for him. As Robert Heinlein said, I think, there is always someone to vote against.

        By far the best candidate at the last election was a local poet standing for Labour, full of integrity and intelligence, but I couldn't vote for her or Tory boy may have got in.

  22. rskurat

    just what we need

    "making sure that all parties and campaigns are aware of their responsibilities"

    Oh good, another "awareness" campaign. Which color will the ribbon be?

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