back to article Oracle's 'self-driving cloud data warehouse' hides SQL behind a GUI... if needed

Last week Oracle launched an upgrade to its data-warehousing technology that puts SQL, the language on which the company has more or less built its vast fortune, in the background. After announcing the industry's "first and only self-driving cloud data warehouse," it turns out that while the user is promised a GUI drag-and- …

  1. Steve K

    Auto Scaling

    If the workload outgrows the specified OCPU setting, ADW automatically provides additional OCPUs.

    Might make it tricky to control spend here if it can burst up to 3x chosen/budgeted OCPU level?

    One might expect a choice here to burst or not burst and accept any performance degradation without a billing hit?

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Auto Scaling

      I can't help but thinking that this is the idea. For simple queries, SQL is easy enough but it does get tricky to do apparently simple things on the server (pivoting, windows, etc.) but which can save a lot of cycles if they do. If you switch to a scheme that prefers to run multiple simple queries on the DB server and letting the client do the transformations then CPU and memory use will invariably spike.

    2. PermissionToSpeakPlease

      Re: Auto Scaling

      There is a choice - autoscaling can be switched off

  2. Magani


    "...ADW automatically provides additions OCPUs."

    So that's: "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE hasCreditCard = TRUE"

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "which are designed for business users"

    Um, you're Oracle, right ?

    What other kinds of users do you have ?

    1. Stuart Castle Silver badge

      Re: "which are designed for business users"

      In my experience, Oracle will happily sell to anyone they can fleece..

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