back to article LINE stops data flowing to China after Japanese officials ditch app over privacy concerns

Messaging app LINE has removed Chinese affiliate’s access to personal data, after infosec concerns led Japanese government officials to stop using the app. Information stored in South Korea will also be rehomed to Japan by September. LINE CEO Takeshi Idezawa announced the change in a news conference yesterday and in a …

  1. GraXXoR Bronze badge

    Funny how companies always seem to wait until the shit hits the fan before they take action, subscribing to the “It ain’t a crime if nobody knows” school of thought.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      We've seen decades of start-up activity which has increasingly built a tradition of needing nothing more than a basic idea and maybe the ability to put a proof of concept together because everything else can be out-sourced. The out-sourcing has become the norm so that its inherent risks are ignored. If you're only thinking beyond the basic idea the only way to learn about the rest is going to be the hard way.

      Eventually there'll be enough business failures to get the lessons taught in business schools and the MBAs in the VCs might start looking more carefully at these aspects of the start-ups they're asked to support. Until then it's the blind leading the blind and even afterwards there'll be some new category of risks the business schools haven't caught up with yet.

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "Thankfully, there has been no major change in the number of users,"

    Is that because the word's only just getting out?

    1. gzgweilo

      I think so.

      I only learned about it last week when the Reg reported it and living in a country (Thailand) where a large chunk of the non Japanese based users live I was a tad surprised - as I had naively thought a Korean/Japanese company would have avoided that........

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Where has all the data gone?

    Where has all the data gone, long time passing?

    Where has all the data gone, long time ago?

    Where has all the data gone?

    China hacks picked it all...

    Oh, when will they ever learn?

    Oh, when will they ever learn?

    Next tune:

    Eve of Destruction....

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