Re: Expertise in self promotion
You've fallen for a bit more of Apple's myth-making there, in my opinion.
The Apple II started being head and shoulders ahead of its competition — the only one of the 1977 launches with bitmapped graphics, colour or sound — but quickly ran to ground. Woz's cool $0.015-saving hacks that so impressed all his engineering mates, added up through compound platform development to a system with paging logic like "this area will be ROM if RDCXROM or RDC8ROM is set; RDC8ROM is set if SLOTC3ROM was reset before an access to page C3 which was not followed by an access to CFFF". Multiply that sort or nonsense by the ten individually-pageable sections of memory, ranging in size from 512 bytes to 8kb, depending on which way the wind was blowing that morning.
As of the IIgs — a Woz-managed product — the official Apple documentation had formally labelled the-house-that-Woz-built as the quagmire state. Which is fairly polite.
Woz as a hardware engineer is like a software engineer who can write something small very quickly, then turns it in as a rats' nest of global variables and gotos, to save four cycles.
Compared to people like Jay Miner or Jim Westwood, the amount of praise Woz already gets is hugely disproportionate.