'Fake News' is news the Establishment disapproves of; and a gateway to Censorship
When old Trump initiated the term 'Fake News' it merely meant whatever he disagreed with; and then his opponents use it regarding his effusions.
All any of them want to do is control the message and control the common people.
There are many --- MANY things and statements I disagree with [ from the slanders about Edward II, to the Baby in the Warming-Pan, to the modern era from all ( both ) the major parties in each state ] but whilst I would have been, and still should be, delighted if the utterers were strung up, I am not capable of deciding which statements should be 'allowed' and which on an abstract level are 'true'; and which should be suppressed to the common man.
It is extraordinary that the proponents of alleged democracy don't simply trust the judgement of the masses. I don't, but then I don't believe in such a thing as desirable: they are devout believers in the Wisdom of the Peeple. If they want the ordinary person to be in charge of state policy, en masse, then they must accept that he and she are capable of discerning truth from falsehood and right from wrong, infallibly.
Does it matter if some people believe lies ? 'Twas ever thus.
As with the Stasi tracking from the US State, and others; and War on Whistle-blowers, this is just another way to effect Bolshevik total thought-control in a way the Bolsheviks [ and Nazis ] could only envy helplessly.