mmm, how about..
It would be interesting to force advertisers to give their salary ranges. It would highlight the piss poor wages on offer in the UK for experienced engineers. I spoke to an agent this week who put my suggestion to the company who turned round and said it was way toohigh for them. Basically they want to pay sub what a Tesco check out operator earns. The wages in the UK today would not attract a street hawker in Bangalore never mind an engineer with experience and knowledge. Compared to many offers out there I would literally be better offf washing cars on the streets for a living. It is pathetic. I currently work mainly in Germany and Sweden, in both of those you can get per hour what the UK are prepared to pay per week. THEN the UK employers (who are all gufawing at the golf course over a few pints of champers) have the bare faced cheek to say people in the UK arent productive...of course they arent, they are stuck in substandard offices on sub standard kit worrying about the moonlighting they are needing to do in order to pay the electric bill, they dont give a monkeys about your stupid deadline because they cant afford their packed lunch!
To prove a point I opened the first UK oine..
£38,890 starting, in Kent, well known for beign the cheapest place to live (cough cough)
The first USA one
Salary Range: Competitive salary – Range $60k -$70k West Virginia...4 bed house available on the local 'realtor' site for 174,000.... and there are plenty of cheaper ones.
The UK job is not even funny when you look is it? All that experience they want for peanuts in one of the most depressingly expensive places in the world.
From a net search...
The average salary of an experienced software engineer in Germany is 56,000 EUR per year or 27 EUR per hour. Beginners earn from 40,000 EUR per year while very experienced workers get paid up to 100,000 EUR per year
There is always bleating about being competitive. Well they arent competitive except against outer mongoilian pug herders. The next complaint is that no one wants to study science and engineering - is it any bloody wonder??????? Or they cant get the staff.... hell when you are better off sitting at home on the dole than traipsing into an office you arent going to go for the job are you?
Really it is time that UK employers woke up and smelt the coffee, you arent getting the people oyu need, you arent gettign the commitment oor interst because you are being too damned tight. Bet the CEO and the tea lady are makking more with a damned site less stress.