back to article Biden administration labels China top tech threat, promises proportionate responses to cyberattacks

The Biden administration has named China as the most threatening nation the United States faces, on grounds that it can combine its technological and other capabilities like no other. That assessment was offered in a new Interim National Security Guidance [PDF] issued on Wednesday, in which the administration also outlines …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Reds under our feds

    Attack of the dot commies!

  2. alain williams Silver badge

    China is becoming a dictatorship

    Installing "yes" men that make a mockery of an electoral system.

    1. MiguelC Silver badge

      Re: China is becoming a dictatorship

      "is becoming"? Really? Where have you been living for the past whole of your life?

    2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: China is becoming a dictatorship

      China has been a dictatorship since at the very least WWII.

      In any case, it has never been a democracy.

    3. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: China is becoming a dictatorship

      Oops I thought he was on about the USA for a moment.

  3. Claptrap314 Silver badge


    So is this now "Biden's personal war?" Because for the last few years, El' Reg has steadily maintained that efforts to constrain China's behavior were nothing more than the hobby horse of the previous president.

    Of course, some of us have been calling for meaningful response to Chinese aggression continuously for three decades.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Huh.

      "nothing more than the hobby horse of the previous president"

      Hobby horse is pretty much correct. He did nothing substantive. Just said he 'hugely' did, like everything else.

      Administrations previous to that kept holding out hope for the CCP relaxing and becoming cuddly. Well actions in South China Sea and Hong Kong say "nopes, dopes!"

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Catching on, but keep the peace please.

    Glad he's catching on, “rapidly become more assertive” even if he is late in the game. There must be 50 articles on here in the last couple years alone reporting on their state sponsored attacks across the world. I hope he can resolve this without war. I'd rather go without a job or PC ever again than have millions die, but make no mistake, I would rather die fighting than live under the CCP.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Catching on, but keep the peace please.

      The CCP and its ambitions are the story of the century. No doubt at all.

      As for keeping the peace, ha. You do know they invaded Vietnam just to purge their own armed forces of dangerous political risers, don't you? Invading a nominal ally was just a insider political strategy! Oh, and good practice for the troops.

      The world is just a stage to these guys. Buckle up, this could get rough.

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