Too late - we're off to SUSE now
It looks like RH is in some kind of panic mode to try and and salvage what's left. For u, a shop that was mixed RHEL/SEL and used CentOS and openSUSE for areas where vendor support was not required, the termination of traditional CentOS has resulted in the decision to move completely over to the SUSE platform, essentially ending a high 5-digit USD amount per year going to RH's koffers.
SUSE is the #2 in the enterprise Linux segment, it's a major contributor to Linux and many other FOSS projects, and unlike RH has made an increasing commitment to its free Linux variant openSUSE. For SEL customers, support is great, and the costs are generally lower than with RH, where support quality also has dropped in recent years.
If you're on CentOS and looking for a better platform, have a look at openSUSE Leap (which is the stable distro and now essentially a free variant of SEL; Tumbleweed is rolling-release, more like Fedora on the RHEL side).