I have spent last 11 years working on one of the top Apache projects. Initially as a contributor in my spare time, later it became my full time job. Ironically, I have not managed to get "committer" status despite my significant contribution to the project. Why? Because, your contribution and devotion to the project itself is not sufficient for THEM. You would not believe but to get this status (like a Honor badge) you MUST be approved by ALL senior members (committers) of a project. You-are-a-not-a-very-nice-guy-to-work-with. I was told. So do not try anymore. Keep doing a great job, but do not ask for promotion anymore.
Literally, this pissed me off. Hey, Linus, do you know that you would not have a chance for any promotion at ASF? You do not care and I envy you.
Cancel culture, Internet policing, communist - style voting/election procedures, what else? Ahhh , those top Apache managers on a BigTech companies payroll.
Btw, in their majority, Apache products are half-baked, full of bugs, lack important features (and NOBODY cares, because its FREE, its Open Source). They are pain in the ass for many companies which try to deploy them. I know what I am talking about - I spent last 5 years working on Hadoop customer support. As a good example, look what is happing now with Hadoop. Dying. Complex, buggy, hard to maintain and slow. RIP.
If ASF would be a private company playing by the market rules - they would be out of business in a couple years. They exists only b/c BigTech allows them and sponsor them.
I am out of this s**t today. Thankfully.