Re: Why do some people not like python's indentation=code block container
In vim, this is trivial to resolve:
1. Go to the first line of the snippet.
2. Hit w to go to the first non-space character on the line.
3. Hit ^v, $ to start a block-select to the end of the line.
4. Use j or cursor-down to select the remaining lines. The left side of the selection remains at the column where it started; the right side is at the end of each line.
5. Use "*y to yank the block to the clipboard.
(That may seem complicated, but it's the sort of thing that vim users generally do without even thinking about it. And it's really just 5-plus-number-of-lines keypresses, and there are shortcuts for selecting those lines in many cases.)
Of course, I wouldn't recommend changing what editor you're accustomed to, and I wouldn't recommend any non-vi user switch to vim anyway. It's my editor of choice because I've been using it since the '80s. Unless you're reading this from the '80s, you're unlikely to share my justifications.
And if the interpreter were running in a vim-compatible editor, it would be trivial to shift text back and forth. (You could do that in vim, with block-shift, pipe to external, and a bunch of undo, but that's rather a kluge. Though, of course, you could write a macro for it.)
None of this is likely to be helpful in your case. I'm just noting that it's possible for an editor to make this easier.
Which, really, is just the rather trivial observation that sometimes unrelated tools work well together, and sometimes they don't.