back to article Trello moved 'Facelift' card to Completed on Go Live board

Australian dev tools supplier Atlassian has unveiled a new look and new views for its Kanban-bothering application, Trello. The update is accompanied by a refresh of Trello's branding and logo, which is a little more business-like, and resists the urge to ape the multicolour imagery beloved by other tech giants. New toys on …

  1. teknopaul


    The key feature of trello was simplicity.

    1. RockBurner

      Re: meh.


      There's a hell of a lot that is good about removing cruft and keeping things simple.

  2. D.A.

    Trello is as much of a Kanban tool as Jira is

    I.e. not at all.

    1. Ben Tasker

      Both progressively ruined* by the same company too

      * even if you never liked them, there's no arguing they're both worse than they used to be

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "a refresh of Trello's branding and logo, which is a little more business-like"

    Does that mean users weren't notified of the updates by a cartoon husky peeking offer the cards?

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