Where America is FAR too opened up, Britain is FAR too locked down.
Right now, I can, at my option, go pretty much anywhere in the country. Nobody will stop me, nobody will fine me. Most of those places I could go without a mask, without any serious show of social distancing, without any real hint that anything is different than normal other than noticing some people wearing masks.
In my local area, everything is open. Restaurants, schools, offices, essentially everything. There's a mask "requirement" in that there's theoretically a $50 fine and up to 30 days in jail, but the local cops have announced that they will not enforce it, and they don't tend to wear masks themselves.
It's insane. It's killing lots of people.
Meanwhile the Brits can't even go for a perfectly safe drive. I mean, if you don't leave your car, you cannot conceivable transmit COVID, yet that's banned. Picking up food and eating in the car, banned. Looking at birds, banned.
It's insane. It's not helping anybody.
The people here throwing a fit about wearing a mask and having massive protests about it? Insane. The people there who aren't staging an absolute f-ing revolt about the excessive lockdown? Also insane.