back to article Forget about an AI stealing your job, even pigs can be trained to use computers

Cute, intelligent and delicious with a tendency for totalitarianism, pigs have a lot going for them. But they're also capable of grasping video games – of a sort. Writing in the Frontiers in Psychology journal, US researchers explained how they were able to train two Panepinto micro pigs and two Yorkshire pigs to "manipulate a …

  1. adam 40

    The National Cyber Crime Unit

    Yes, that's where they were first observed...

  2. chivo243 Silver badge

    Heck, that's pretty much sysadmin territory already.

    Shaddup already... I thought we weren't supposed to let this get out!

  3. CzechNeck

    Done before?

    Am I the only one who remembers almost identical research being reported on back in the mid-90s?

    1. John Miles

      Re: Done before?

      Yes I remember seeing something similar from back then - used to come to mind when watching people struggle with using computer mice for first time. (edit - as highlighted just how intelligent pigs are)

      1. Synkronicity

        Re: Done before?

        Same name, too.

    2. Jay 2

      Re: Done before?

      You are not. I thought exactly the same thing when reading the story on the BBC.

    3. MarkSitkowski

      Re: Done before?

      It's been done more than once. After they got bored with the games, they worked on a project with me...

  4. JacobZ

    Three-legged pigs...

    ...because you don't eat a pig like that all at once.

    You have to know the joke...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pigs have elevated privileges...

    ...because they belong to the suid family.

    1. vonBureck

      Re: Pigs have elevated privileges...

      You owe me a new keyboard, have an upvote for that splendid punnage.

  6. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    Hamlet and Omelet were terminated from the experiment because they had grown too large

    I scent the delightful odour of bacon. Mmmm.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Hamlet and Omelet were terminated from the experiment because they had grown too large

      Yes, just plain terminated I suspect. Hamlet and Omelet as names? Is that a Freudian slip on the part of the psychologists?

      1. Bill Gray

        Re: Hamlet and Omelet were terminated from the experiment because they had grown too large

        When I were a lad, my father named our first two pigs Porkchop and Hambone, to make sure the kids remembered they (the pigs) were dinner, not pets. Later pigs got similar names.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Hamlet and Omelet were terminated from the experiment because they had grown too large

      If pigs are that intelligent, I may never be able to eat one again. At least not until "Something off the shoulder perhaps?" suggested the animal, "braised in a white wine sauce?"

      (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

      1. Kane

        Re: Hamlet and Omelet were terminated from the experiment because they had grown too large

        I think I'll just have a green salad

  7. AMBxx Silver badge

    Long sighted

    Now we need to give the pig glasses.

  8. Mike 137 Silver badge

    "they had grown too large to stand long enough"

    Questionable breed? I wonder how wild boar would have "stood up" to the test - they might even be smarter as well.

    1. Blackjack Silver badge

      Re: "they had grown too large to stand long enough"

      Even worse, not only they are bigger, they are stronger.

    2. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: "they had grown too large to stand long enough"

      I doubt there is a ruggedized joy stick that could stand up to a feral boar... nasty business, nasty...

  9. Cynic_999

    Results not unexpected

    After playing video games over a long period, the pigs became fat and useless. Something that parents of teenagers have also noticed.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Results not unexpected

      "Fat" and "useless" are not words to put in the same sentence when describing pigs. Teenagers, yes. Pigs, no.

      1. Blackjack Silver badge

        Re: Results not unexpected

        Fat and tasty.

  10. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I know what I'd like for lunch."

    That's one way to ensure they don't take your work on the monthly gaming column

  11. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    There'll be Pigs flying drones next

    They do that already?

    1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

      Re: There'll be Pigs flying drones next

      Pigeons got there first. During WW2 they were trained to steer glide bombs by pecking at a picture of the target. If the target was off centre on the screen the pigeon pecks off centre. Simple logic, even in 1940, to correct the aim.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: There'll be Pigs flying drones next

        But nobody told the pigeons why.

  12. Blackjack Silver badge

    Are pigs hard to train or not?

    I have read conflicting articles about it.

    For example the main reason pigs were replaced by dogs when it comes to hunting truffles is that dogs won't eat them.

    1. fidodogbreath

      Re: Are pigs hard to train or not?

      the main reason pigs were replaced by dogs when it comes to hunting truffles is that dogs won't eat them.

      Wait...there's something dogs won't eat?

      1. Blackjack Silver badge

        Re: Are pigs hard to train or not?

        Domestic dogs tend to get picky about food if you spoil them.

  13. Zimmer

    ..and pigs might fly..

    Be careful with the joystick training. Too much of it, with a piggery next to an airfield, before you know it - bacon WILL go up....

    ========> the flying jacket with the goggles in the top pocket, please..

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: ..and pigs might fly..

      Would that be the Pink Floyd express?

  14. steelpillow Silver badge

    micro management

    So micro pigs are better at working micro computers. Who'd 'a thunk it.

  15. spold Silver badge

    Not surprising

    Pigs and Pong have always gone together

  16. cornetman Silver badge

    > Cute, intelligent and delicious with a tendency for totalitarianism, pigs have a lot going for them.

    God, that's great and made me titter.

  17. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

    Upcoming job openings

    Can they be trained to run a domain registry?

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Upcoming job openings

      I suspect they might do a good job of setting a once and for all final policy for .eu

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Hamlet and Omelet

    Weren't sent back to the pig farm, they were put downstairs in the troll farm.

    Fat and happy, they haunt us with Anonymous Coward posts.

  19. Chris G


    I think you might find the above is a form of humane restraint for research animals, which in this case were micro pigs who were involved with research into pig mentation.

  20. William Higinbotham

    Rethinking Sus Scrofa Domesticus

    Author illustrates a shifting moral status view of human–pig relationships. Next, discusses personhood attributions through biological, philosophical, and legal frameworks; review benefits and risks of xenotransplantation; reflect on the moral status of non-human animals; and offer concluding thoughts.

    1. Danny 2

      Re: Rethinking Sus Scrofa Domesticus

      I'd happily donate a kidney to a pig, if I knew you lot wouldn't eat it.

  21. In the gutter, but looking at the stars

    Dog Food Pellets

    Which sort?

    Just a guy who has to wrangle a lot of users on a limited budget.

  22. Aseries

    Monkeys can do more than type Shakespeare

    Many years ago some Univac engineers trained a chimp to operate a Univac 1004. The operation consisted of pressing four buttons in the correct sequence.

  23. Mike 16

    Primates and swine, not just operation

    (Non-human) Primates programming:

    But the managerial tasks may fall to boars (you noticed, right?) if

    is any guide to some boarish tendencies.

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