Don't dring the Kool-Aid
This story in today's Washington Post outlines some of the challenges that the new administration has in piecing together a functioning Federal governemnt:-
Added to this the Justice Department is in a bit of a shambles as well. Given this background its probably better to hang fire for a bit before reporting on whatever the US governent does or intends to do and while you're about it certainly don't take anything seriously from the previous (Trump) administration unless independently verified. We've been subjected to a considerable amount of blather and BS with regard to Huawei, all of it political in nature and none of it particularly well directed. Yes, the US has an Entity List. Yes, being on it can make importing devices difficult or impossible. Yes, companies who are targeted -- fairly or unfairly -- need to find alternates for their supply chain. But don't swallow the Cold War Kool-Aid about why they've been so listed, like everything else in Trumpworld its based entirely on fantasy or individual self-interest.
We need a coherent industrial strategy that keeps us competitive. What we've been doing just shows us to be yesterday's people.
(Added to that why would anyone believe the Justice Department siren song about extradition given the ongoing treatment of Assange and the business over Dunn? Leave us be until we've sorted ourselves out.)